Your August 14 Weekly Horoscope Is Encouraging You to Be Your Most Authentic Self

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Are your visions of the future aligned with your current reality? The sun’s journey through Leo has everything to do with tapping into your unique authenticity, and your Aug. 14 weekly horoscope is no exception. This week, in particular, be ready to reflect on what you’ve recently discovered about yourself and how you can continue reconnecting with your true identity.

Considering the buzz surrounding August’s cataclysmic Mars, Uranus, and North Node conjunction, it’s likely that this month has triggered a series of breakthroughs. And though the deconstructing process is never a walk in the park, there’s hope in remembering the magnitude of your inner strength and the person you are when you come home to yourself. With this in mind – as well as last week’s full moon in Aquarius – don’t dismiss your sudden epiphanies and eureka moments.

The week will begin with the sun (ego, self-expression) making an opposition to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius (community, future visions), challenging us to discern between our core truth vs. the way we’ve been socially conditioned to show up for others. This could bring significant revelations around the parts of yourself you aren’t owning. That same day, Mars will harmonise with powerhouse Pluto, which can be equally as penetrating as it is tremendously driven. This moment offers a great deal of passion and stamina – how will you cultivate that?

On Aug. 16, amid its journey through methodical Virgo – bringing focus to the intricate details of your daily life – the clever messenger planet will join forces with freedom-loving Uranus, heightening your intuition and urging you to think outside the box when it comes to your day-to-day routine. This goes hand in hand with the current energies and the way we’re being confronted with change. On Aug. 18, Venus will harmonise with Jupiter retrograde, which will, in turn, bring vitality and passion to relationships as well as inspiration for creative projects. Mars will enter Gemini on Aug. 20, where it will begin to retrograde on Oct. 30.

If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Aug. 14 through 20, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at your whole year, check out your 2022 horoscope as well.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

Ground your energy, Aries. With so much astrological traction happening in your expressive fifth house of authenticity and 11th house of social affairs, you could be feeling torn between the desire to stand firm in a particular decision vs. showing up in your community with an open mind. Where have you been neglecting your personal desires for the sake of the status quo? Others of you could be brainstorming on passion projects and exploring ways to tap into your creative mind. That same day (Aug. 14), your celestial ruler, Mars, will join forces with transformative Pluto, highlighting your money-making abilities and values. What’s changed lately?

The moon will enter your sign shortly after, followed by its conjunction to lucky Jupiter on Aug. 15, giving you a boost of enthusiasm and general self-confidence. Similarly, Mercury’s trine to freedom-loving Uranus the next day is urging you to explore other avenues despite what may have brought you comfort once upon a time. On Aug. 18, while glimmering through your flamboyant fifth house, Venus will harmonise with Jupiter in your sign, and this is a lovely transit for reconnecting with your heart space. Last but certainly not least, your red-hot planetary ruler, Mars, will make its sizzling debut in mentally stimulating Gemini on Aug. 20, bringing momentum and passion to your third house of communication. Think twice before you speak, because your words are your sword.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

Honor your emotional needs, and the rest will unfold as it should, Taurus. The week of Aug. 14 will kick off on a powerful note, as the sun will be making its annual opposition to Saturn retrograde in your 10th house of authority and career moves while glimmering through your fourth house of home, family, and feelings. There’s tension between the desire to remain true to your foundation vs. your long-term goals. That same day, Mars will join Pluto retrograde in a harmonious trine, activating your sign and expansive ninth house of adventure and self-discovery. Have you been committing to a particular belief system? Is it uplifting you, or depleting your energy?

You can do anything you set your mind to, and this is especially true when considering the synergy of Mars and Pluto. On Aug. 16, while transiting through methodical Virgo and your fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, Mercury will link up with rebellious Uranus in your sign. This presents you with an opportunity step outside of your comfort zone, namely when it pertains to matters of love and creativity. On Aug. 18, your celestial ruler, Venus, will form a harmonious alignment to lucky Jupiter, suggesting the possibility of you taking a risk behind the scenes – and one that you’re incredibly passionate about, for the record. If it makes you happy, then it’s probably worth it.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

All you have to do is be yourself, Gemini. This is especially true when considering the sun’s opposition to Saturn retrograde on Aug. 14 as it will create friction between your desire for community and camaraderie vs. the person you’re in the process of becoming. No one stays the same, not even you, so don’t attach yourself to a particular identity. That same day, Mars will harmonise with powerhouse Pluto, which, in turn, creates a transformative synergy between you unconscious desires and your current commitments. The truth about a particular connection (personal or professional) is becoming clear. What will you do with it?

Your celestial ruler, Mercury, will also harmonise with rebellious Uranus on Aug. 16, highlighting themes surrounding your desire for freedom, specifically when it pertains to matters of the household. Maybe it’s a self-sabotaging pattern you’ve been doing unconsciously, or others of you may be in the process of relocating. Needless to say, don’t be afraid to break free and think outside the box. It could be surprising or unconventional, and that’s OK. The good news? Go-getter Mars will be making its sizzling debut in your sign on Aug. 20, supercharging you with passion and energy, just in time for this big move you’re about to make. The cosmos is on your side.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

You’re all you need, and your word is more than enough, Cancer. The week of Aug. 14 kicks off with the sun making its annual opposition to Saturn retrograde in your intimate eighth house of mergers and soulmate connections, creating friction between your desire to take the lead on a particular value (money or morale) vs. the foundation of a particular union (personal or professional). Then on Aug. 16, clever Mercury will join forces with freedom-loving Uranus in your 11th house of community affairs. This presents you with an opportunity to make some much-needed changes that could very well revolve around a professional connection. If something has to change, then this an opportunity for you to make it happen.

On Aug. 18, while glimmering through your second house of comfort and finances, Venus will harmonise with Jupiter in your career sector, which is quite positive and reassuring for those of you feeling unsure about next steps. Keep in mind, once Mars enters Gemini, there will be more for you to reflect on behind the scenes, so take as much time as you need.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

If you’ve been feeling some type of way, don’t be discouraged, Leo. Easier said than done, but you’re being called to trust the process as the sun (your celestial ruler) makes its annual opposition to Saturn retrograde in your relationship sector on Aug. 14. Having said that, you could be feeling torn between the desire to take the lead and express yourself unapologetically vs. showing up for a significant other or your community. That same day, go-getter Mars will harmonise with Pluto retrograde, which, in turn, presents you with an opportunity to persevere towards a professional goal, while others of you reconnect with your sense of authority. This could have to do with your day-to-day rituals or perhaps a new self-care practice you’re integrating into your routine.

Speaking of taking charge, savvy Mercury will join forces with rebellious Uranus in your 10th house of career and reputation, bringing inspiration and momentum to your money-making abilities, spending habits, and value systems. The more you’re willing to step outside of your comfort zone, the more you will thrive. Contemplating your next career move? Some of you may venture out and experiment with an entrepreneurial project, which would be ideal when Venus harmonises with Jupiter on Aug. 18. Last but certainly not least, Mars will make its sizzling debut in Gemini on Aug. 20, bringing action and energy to your 11th house of community affairs. If there’s a particular goal you have in mind, this is an excellent transit to take initiative.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

Keep your balance, Virgo. The week of Aug. 14 begins with the sun’s opposition to Saturn retrograde, which is shaking up your 12th house of unconscious patterns and responsible sixth house of daily rituals. Where are you feeling restricted or limited in your day-to-day life? Whether it’s regarding your current duties or the need to be of service to an elder, this challenging configuration is urging you to tend to both your to-dos and your well-being. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Meanwhile, on Aug. 16, while transiting through your sign, Mercury will harmonise with Uranus retrograde via your expansive ninth house of adventure and spiritual pursuits. Ready to take a leap of faith?

Some of you may get a surge of inspiration to venture into the unknown, so don’t be afraid to explore other avenues if you’re being called to do so. On Aug. 18, harmony-seeking Venus will align with lucky Jupiter via your intimate eighth house of joint ventures and soulmate connections. Crushing on someone behind the scenes? If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to connect with a significant other or perhaps even tie the knot with someone in private, this aspect will serve as inspiration. Granted, Mars’s shift into Gemini (your career sector) on Aug. 20 will likely bring traction to your professional life, making your schedule a lot busier than usual. Be sure to invest your time and energy wisely.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

You are loved no matter where you go, and that’s all that matters, Libra. This is especially important to consider on Aug. 14, when the sun makes its annual opposition to Saturn retrograde, shaking up your 11th house of community affairs and fifth house of identity as you’re more likely to experience friction or feelings of restriction around the idea of who you are. Keep in mind, Mercury will be harmonising with freedom-loving Uranus in your eighth house of joint collaborations and shared resources on Aug. 16, which means many of you will likely gain some unexpected insight about a significant other.

Your coquettish ruler, Venus, will harmonise with lucky Jupiter on Aug. 18 in your committed seventh house of compromise and significant others, creating a passionate synergy between your social status and your committed partnership. Are you ready to bring someone onto your team? Some of you may receive an exciting job offer via social media. Open your heart and mind to the surprises in store. Fortunately, with Mars entering Gemini in your expansive ninth house of wisdom and self-discovery, you’ll be equally as inspired as you are driven to learn and follow your truth.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

It’s hard to focus on yourself when you have so much going on, Scorpio. After all, it’s not every day the sun makes an opposition to Saturn retrograde, not to mention via your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. Your life is being restructured from the inside out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t shine your light along the way. On Aug. 16, while glimmering through your 11th house of community affairs, Mercury will harmonise with freedom-loving Uranus in your relationship sector, highlighting a new avenue for you to explore, whether professionally or romantically speaking. This could be anything from a dating-app conversation to a new professional partnership that changes your life trajectory.

Shortly after, on Aug. 18, while transiting through your bossy 10th house of authority, career, and reputation in the world, luscious Venus will harmonise with lucky Jupiter via your sixth house of daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service. New job opportunity? Maybe you’re deciding to revamp your brand or expand on your reputation. You know what you need to do, so what’s stopping you from doing it? Start slow, but get to it. On Aug. 20, your traditional planetary ruler, Mars, will enter Gemini and your intimate eighth house of sex and shared resources. New collaborations are likely, but it’s important to be discerning with your contractual agreements.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

Nothing’s going to change your world, so keep your vibe high, Sagittarius. Granted, the sun’s opposition to Saturn retrograde on Aug. 14 will bring friction to themes surrounding your ninth house of expansion and third house of immediate surroundings, but your goals are still waiting for you over the horizon. Maybe you’re experiencing challenges in your current environment or perhaps there’s an internal thought pattern that’s making you lose hope. Don’t let it bring you down. Fortunately, while transiting through your career sector, Mercury will harmonise with freedom-loving Uranus on Aug. 16. This will not only bring forth significant insight and inspiration but also an enlightening perspective on your current situation. Does something need to change in order for you to succeed at a particular goal?

Being willing to compromise is key, so try to keep an open mind. Meanwhile, on Aug. 18, Venus will link up with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, which will, in turn, present you with an opportunity to take a risk on the way you express yourself or how you pursue romance. Catching feelings for someone at a distance from you? There’s something thrilling and passionate about this, so make it count. Besides, just in time for Mars’s shift into Gemini and your relationship sector on Aug. 20 you’ll be feeling much more passion and enthusiasm in your relationships, perhaps even to a fault. Just be mindful of your energy as you could be prone to being confrontational at this time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

You need to practice discipline right now, Capricorn. You know a thing or two about investing wisely, but things are a little bit different this time around. The week of Aug. 14 will begin with the sun in opposition your taskmaster ruler, Saturn retrograde, during its journey through your second house of comfort, finances, and values. Despite your desire to take the lead and show up for another, you’re being called to prioritise your sense of security and self-worth during this time. Ironically, Mars will harmonise with powerhouse Pluto in your sign that same day, suggesting the possibility of this new venture surrounding love and romance. Others of you, however, may be cultivating a creative project or perhaps putting yourself out there in order to gain recognition. To each their own.

On Aug. 18, while glimmering through your intimate eighth house of joint ventures and soulmate connections, Venus will harmonise with Jupiter retrograde, magnifying your romantic feelings and powers of seduction. How you cultivate this energy is up to you, but you’ve got it at your disposal, no doubt. Ready to get your fitness routine on? With Mars shifting into Gemini on Aug. 20, the cosmos will bring energy and momentum to your sixth house of daily rituals. You can do anything you put your mind to, and you know this better than anyone.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

If it makes you happy, then that’s all that matters, Aquarius. Now, this doesn’t take away from the challenges you’re currently experiencing, namely when it pertains to your personal and professional foundations, but it’s important to know that you’re in the process of levelling up. On Aug. 14, the sun will make a direct opposition to Saturn retrograde in your sign, which is where you’re likely to experience friction or feelings of restriction and limitation. Cultivating balance is key, especially at this time. Keep in mind, Mars will link up with Pluto retrograde that same day, inspiring and motivating you from both an emotional and spiritual standpoint. Standing firm in your truth and honouring your values is important right now, and it’s all stemming from your individual integrity.

On Aug. 16, while transiting through your intimate eighth house of mergers, Mercury will form a sweet trine to freedom-loving Uranus (your modern ruler), suggesting you may consider a new strategy for a joint venture or perhaps even a shared living space. Changes are inevitable, but this intellectual synergy is providing you with the insight and clarity you need. To top it off, Venus will harmonise with Jupiter retrograde on Aug. 18, expanding your perspective on a significant other or partnership. Mars will also make its sizzling debut in Gemini on Aug. 20, bringing passionate momentum to your fifth house of love, pleasure, and self-expression. Your heart is your compass.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 14, 2022

You’re being called to surrender control, Pisces. The week of Aug. 14 will kick off with the sun sitting in direct opposition to Saturn retrograde in your 12th house of closure, inhibitions, and unconscious patterns, which is where feelings of restriction and limitation are bound to surface. This could be regarding a significant other’s privacy or perhaps even their well-being. It’s not about being apathetic but about leaving it up to the universe instead. Your coping mechanisms are important right now, so take a moment to cultivate more self-care. That day, go-getter Mars will join forces with Pluto retrograde in your 11th house of social networks, which is beneficial for themes surrounding your goals, aspirations, and visions of the future.

Mercury will trine revolutionary Uranus on Aug. 16, which is equivalent to breakthrough moments and general epiphanies. Surprise, surprise! Never say never, but this also depends on your ability to compromise and keep and open mind. Expanding and exploring other avenues is also recommended at this time. Shortly after on Aug. 18, coquettish Venus will meet with your traditional ruler, Jupiter, in your second house of comfort, finances, and values. How can you do more of what you love on a regular basis? Are you investing enough time in yourself? It doesn’t hurt to start making your daily rituals a priority, especially with Mars entering Gemini on Aug. 20. Finding your own stability is very much needed as there will be movement and momentum happening in your personal life moving forward.

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