Mae Muller Talks Self-Love and Skincare as the New Face of Love, MeMeMe


Meet Love, MeMeMe, the adorable brand on a mission to support your skin and your self-love journey equally. With a line of face masks, sunscreen, hand cream, and lip balms, and a mantra of “Me, the love of my own life”, it’s hard not to fall for the brand. All of the products are vegan and cruelty-free and are designed to encourage a little “me time” every day without breaking the bank.

To help convey the “Me Movement” message, the brand has called in the help of British singer-songwriter Mae Muller as the new face of the brand. She’s often been open about her journey in self-love and overcoming self-doubt (especially in the music industry) and previously told POPSUGAR, “writing definitely helped [overcome self-doubt].” Muller’s also always been a beauty gal, speaking fondly of her makeup artist. “Zara is my makeup artist, so she’s obviously with me all the time, and I’ve known her since I was 5. Having them on set was so nice. It was such a positive energy, and everyone was just rubbing off on each other,” she told PS.

We caught up with Muller to find out about how she approaches positivity in her music and her role as face of Love, MeMeMe, her self-care practices, and, of course, her favourite products from the line.

POPSUGAR: Why are you excited to partner with Love, MeMeMe?

Mae Muller: I’m excited to partner with Love, MeMeMe because I’ve always loved skin care, but also spreading a positive message on self-worth and love is just as important, and I feel like Love, MeMeMe does exactly that.

PS: What is your favourite product in the range?

MM: I love them all, but I would have to say the moisturising lip balm (£8) is my favourite. It keeps my lips so smooth, and I love the gleam of it. It also smells delicious.

PS: Would you describe yourself as someone who loves beauty products? If so, is it something you’ve always loved or discovered over the years?

MM: I’ve always been fascinated with beauty products, but I don’t think it came as naturally to me. I still struggle to do my hair and things like that, but I love the process! When I was younger I always used to carry about eight different lip balms, so maybe that’s when it started.

PS: How does the brand’s message of inclusivity, self-love, and self-empowerment align with your values and your music?

MM: I’ve always tried to instil a positive message in my music because I want people to feel good! Everyone needs positivity, especially young women. I want my music to be relatable to people from all different backgrounds, with all different stories. It’s so important for everyone to feel included and not alone – and I feel like Love, MeMeMe feel the same way.

PS: How do you show yourself self-care?

MM: I practise self-care by knowing when to stop, knowing when to give myself a breather, because by doing that I’m telling myself that I’m worthy of rest and I’m worthy of taking a break when things get too much. It took a while to get there because I’ve always equated my worth with how busy I am or how busy I seemed, so I want people to know it’s OK to give yourself a time out when you need it.

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