Harry Styles’s Outfits are Stored in a Vault with 24-Hour Security

Harry Styles is known for his bold outfits. Metallics, sequins, and feathers are just some of the details that can be found in his fashion archive, but “where do all the clothes go when they’ve been worn?”, we hear you ask. In a resurfaced interview with designer Harris Reed, who has made a number of custom looks for the star, they are apparently kept in a London vault with round-the-clock security.

“I can’t say where it is located, but everything goes to an archive, somewhere in London, where I am not going to disclose,” Reed revealed in the GQ interview back in October 2019. “But the clothes all have 24 hours surveillance, which you can look at via an iPad, specifically done for his outfits. That’s also what is more surreal for me.” Reed, who worked alongside Styles’s stylist Harry Lambert, created the suit worn in the “Lights Up” music video as well as a number of other stage looks.

“After his first solo tour that I produced 14-15 looks for – he wore about six or seven – I was wondering where the others were and he was like, ‘Don’t worry, they are all under surveillance.’ I was like, ”Oh, that’s chic,;” Reed added. Last year, the V&A Museum partnered with Gucci for an exhibit titled, “Fashioning Masculinities: The Art of Menswear”, which included some of Reed’s designs for Styles, so it makes sense they were stored safely. But this next-level security surely suggests Styles’s fashion archive is being preserved for a future solo fashion exhibit? Just imagine Styles’s Gucci collection amongst the one-off stage costumes!

The interview, which is circulating online over three years after it was first published, has led some to believe they are also being kept for a charity auction in a few years time. Styles, who has recently split from Olivia Wilde, is sure to be adding some more show-stoppers to the fashion vault as he continues with his “Love on Tour” this year. Bring on the jumpsuits!

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