Which Couples Have Called It Quits on “MAFS” 2024?

MAFS” is all about the quest for love (debatable), but sometimes it just doesn’t click. Despite entering the experiment with hopes of finding ‘the one’, some couples end up realising they’re better off going their separate ways. However, for those craving more screen time, even if their relationship is toxic, they can hang around as long as they please.

Every Sunday, it’s therapy time with the experts – John Aiken, Mel Schilling, and Alessandra Rampolla. They’re the relationship gurus, and they’re not afraid to call people out on their BS. When the experts start dropping truth bombs, all bets are off. We’re talking tears, tantrums, and walk-outs. We’ve literally seen it all before.

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It’s like a therapy session in front of everyone, where they have to decide if they’re in it for the long haul or if it’s time to call it quits.

Sure, they all start out with stars in their eyes, but reality kicks in fast. And when it’s clear that the spark just isn’t there, they have to make the tough call – stay and fight for love, or leave and start fresh.

Let’s find out which “MAFS” 2024 couples have left the experiment.

Who Has Left the “MAFS” 2024 Experiment?

Lauren and Jonathan


Their wedding day had that instant spark, but boy, did they face some rollercoaster moments trying to keep it alive! And just when they thought they’d weathered every storm, bam. Jonathan’s texting Ellie scandal came out of left field in the final stretch. The tension at the final dinner party was palpable, especially when Jonathan didn’t seem to regret a thing.

And let’s not even get started on the lead-up to the Final Vows — Jonathan practically admitted he’d rather be anywhere else but with Lauren. They may have disagreed on the seriousness of those texts, but they were definitely on the same page about calling it quits.

Lucinda and Timothy


Back when we first started this experiment, if you’d asked us whether Lucinda and Timothy would still be going strong by now, we probably would’ve shrugged and said, “Who knows?” But you know what? Their breakup was actually pretty sweet. They exchanged “I love you” and promised to stay best buds forever.

Cassandra and Tristan


We saw this one coming, but it’s still sad to see Cassandra and Tristan leave the experiment. Tristan admitted that after pouring his heart out to Cassandra and then seeing her write “leave” last week, he’s pulled back. Cassandra explained how they’ve spent the week soul-searching, but have realised they’re better off as pals. They both chose to leave, but ended their time in the experiment on a positive note, affirming how much they mean to each other.

Andrea and Richard


Andrea and Richard have been teetering on the edge for weeks. Richard shared that he’s been suspecting Andrea hasn’t been feeling it for a while. They agreed to part ways amicably, deciding to leave the experiment behind.

Ellie and Ben


At the commitment ceremony, it was no surprise when the couple decided to split for good. Last time Ellie and Ben faced the music, Ellie said ‘leave’ and gave Ben a week to fix things. But in that week, Ben disappeared, made a list of complaints about Ellie, sang a terrible apology song, and ended things publicly at the dinner party.

Madeleine and Ash


After joining the experiment midway through as intruders, Madeleine and Ash wasted no time in deciding to end their journey shortly after returning from their honeymoon. The relationship quickly soured post-wedding, as Madeleine’s psychic insights and intense emotions clashed with the dynamic, leading to their swift decision to part ways.

Although the former “Home and Away” actress chose to ‘leave’ at the commitment ceremony and Ash opted to ‘stay’, the following morning, they jointly agreed to end their journey in the experiment permanently.

Natalie and Collins


Natalie tried to break things off with Collins right at the start by voting to ‘leave’. They even announced their exit at the first Dinner Party but ended up giving it another shot later. Natalie had trust issues with Collins, feeling he wasn’t genuine. Despite his persistence to ‘stay’, things didn’t work out. The next day after the commitment ceremony, Natalie decided it was time to call it quits, and they left the experiment.

For more drama, check out all our “MAFS” 2024 recaps here.

“MAFS” airs Sunday at 7.00pm and Monday  Wednesday at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.

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