Who’s Who on The Bachelorette? Meet Gym Bunny Millie

bachelorette australia intruder millie brooke blurton

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Millie may be one of the youngest contestants vying for Bachelorette Brooke Blurton’s heart, but she’s not about to let that stop her.

“I know what I want, and I’m pretty settled in my professional life,” said the 22-year-old gym manager in her 10 Play profile. “It’s been hard to find people my age or of my generation, who want something serious.”

Millie’s a sports-lover who prides herself on helping people transform their fitness and reach their goals.

When in a relationship, Millie says that she’ll be her partner’s “biggest cheerleader”.

“I make a very empathetic and very supportive partner, but I’ll also be able to sit down with you and have open and honest conversations when I think something might be astray,” she said.

In her profile, Millie shared that she’s been in love “just once” before.

“I was in love with a girl I met playing college soccer in the States,” she said. “She was in love with her ex though, so that ship sailed very fast. I’ve been in lust plenty of times.”

Her dream date is doing “something that represents the person I’m dating or is close to their heart”.

“It could literally be down at a local watering hole, or a schooner down at the pub,” she said.

Eagle-eyed viewers of The Bachelorette will recognise Millie from the promo as the lucky girl who gets to go on a snow date with Brooke, and the pair are even seen sharing a smooch!

Whether these two will spark up a lasting love connection remains to be seen, but we’re sure Brooke will be attracted to Millie’s strong sense of self.

In an interview with POPSUGAR Australia, Brooke said that she’s most attracted to “someone who is truly genuine and authentic to themselves”.

“I think that’s a really attractive trait to have… someone who doesn’t try to be someone they’re not,” she explained.

Regardless of outcome, Brooke said that “every participant is so unique and has such a different quality about them that I liked”, and that she “thoroughly enjoyed” her experience as this year’s reigning Bachelorette.

“I try not to go in with a lot of expectations with things, I think I did that with The Bachelor and even Bachelor In Paradise,” she said. “I think this time around I was a little bit more determined and didn’t put too much pressure on myself.

“I just really wanted to throw myself and lean into the experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it, I loved every moment,” she continued. “Even though I couldn’t have my family there, production became my family. Overall it was amazing.”

The Bachelorette airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7.30pm, on 10 and 10 Play on Demand.

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