All The Clues That Told Us Holly Kingston Would Be the Winner on The Bachelor

After following Jimmy Nicholson on his quest to find love, we reached the very end on Thursday night when he told Holly Kingston that she was The One.

23 women entered The Bachelor mansion this year in the hopes to win Jimmy’s heart, but Holly was considered a front runner from the very beginning.

But now that she’s been confirmed as the winner for 2021, we take a look back at the subtle clues that told us she would be the last woman standing.

Her Entry Music in the Pilot Episode

When Holly first stepped out of the limousine to meet Jimmy, she received the winner’s music, which is basically a magical tune that producers play when we’re first introduced to the winner of the season.

Even last year’s runner-up, Bella Varelis was quick to point it out, saying: “My girl got the magic music.”

The Colour of Her Dress

Before the final aired, viewers pointed out the colour of the women’s dresses gave the winner away, saying the one in the darker gown is usually the runner up.

It seems to check out because if we look back at the previous seasons, the one wearing the lighter coloured dress has always been crowned the winner.

Last night was no exception. Brooke, who opted for a magenta coloured dress was the one to get rejected by Jimmy.

She Hung Out With Jimmy’s Dog

In what I believe was the best moment to come out of the entire show, Jimmy brought his dog along on his first date with Holly. Look, IDK about you, but meeting someone’s beloved pet is as important as meeting the parents.

Jimmy also made sure to point out just how important his pup is to him, so introducing her to Holly was definitely a milestone moment.

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