How to Get a Medical Certificate Without Having to Leave the Comfort of Your Bed

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It’s cold season. It’s flu season. It’s straight-up sickie season. There’s a good chance this winter that you’ll come down with the sniffles, that turns into a sore throat, and before you know it, you’re coughing your guts up in bed with no sign of moving anywhere anytime soon.

Or maybe your period pain has just become far too unbearable for you to persist through the day any longer, and your body is absolutely begging for you to rest. But your job still needs jobbing, and you’ll need to provide your boss with a medical certificate.

That’s a little hard when you’re bedridden, right? Even harder if your GP doesn’t have a free appointment for literal weeks.

But, getting a medical certificate just so you can rest with peace of mind doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. In fact, Youly offer hassle-free medical certificates delivered online so you don’t have to leave your bed or wait for an appointment.

We all know that if you need a medical certificate, you probably need it ASAP. Youly provides fast and easy access to medical certificates to cut the waiting time. For $24.95, you can get a medical certificate, issued by a doctor or nurse practitioner, and give your brain and your body a rest.

How Does Getting an Online Medical Certificate with Youly Work?

Grabbing a medical certificate through Youly is a 2-step process. First, you fill out an online questionnaire with your symptoms and some information to help the professionals get to know you and your health a little better. In some cases, Youly’s doctors and nurse practitioners might suspect your condition is more long-term and will recommend next steps instead of giving a medical certificate straight away.

However, once a Youly support practitioner has gone through your info, they might give you a quick call for clarification purposes (for no extra charge). But, once your questionnaire has been given the tick of approval, your certificate will be signed off and sent straight through to your email. You can then forward it onto your boss, and spend the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing — literally what the doctor ordered.

These medical certificates generally cover up to 2 days, but you can request how many days you’re after in the questionnaire.

You can head to Youly now to learn more, and to get started on the easiest sick-day process you’ve ever taken. Now, head on back to bed and get that daytime sleep you so desperately deserve.

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