“MAFS” 2024 Recap: Sara Just Had a Massive Tantrum… Thoughts?

Intimacy Week on “MAFS” has thrown our couples into the deep end, and boy, are things heating up! Just take Sara and Tim, for example. After Sara cancels on Tim for the third date in a row, the couple had a massive blowout fight. So, they’re preparing for tonight’s Dinner Party separately, and you can bet there’s some serious tension in the air.

But the drama doesn’t stop there. Who could forget about Ellie and Ben? Okay, maybe they haven’t had as much screen time, but trust us, their relationship is anything but smooth sailing. We’ve seen Ellie open up to the girls about Ben mocking her, so she’s going into dinner on edge, worried about what the girls will say to her “MAFS” hubby. But let’s be real, Ben probably deserves to be grilled after that.

So, strap in, folks! It’s going to be a wild ride at tonight’s Dinner Party. Let’s dive into all the juicy details and unpack this “MAFS” recap together.

Ellie and Ben… Who?

So, yeah, Ellie and Ben have been flying under the radar, but boy, are they making waves at this Dinner Party. Ellie spills the tea about Ben’s less-than-stellar behaviour, and everyone is shook.

As they show up at the dinner party, it’s like a signal for the drama to kick into high gear. The brides waste no time pulling Ellie aside to get the tea on her romance with Ben.


Ellie says they’ve been spending the night in separate rooms after Ben questioned their compatibility. Ouch! The girls’ jaws practically hit the floor, but Ellie is quick to switch into damage control mode. She tries to convince everyone that Ben has made things right, and that they are all good now. But let’s just say… the girls aren’t exactly buying it. They want answers from Ben himself.

When dinner is served, Lauren wastes no time throwing Ben into the hot seat. The girls circle like sharks, grilling him about his feelings for Ellie, and ask about his wishy-washy stance on having kids. Ellie tries to smooth things over by explaining Ben’s behaviour away, but it only seems to rile the group up more.

Sara and Tim’s Relationship Blows Up

But let’s be real, we’re really here for the Sara and Tim showdown. It’s like watching a drama series unfold right in front of us. Tim tells the group that he feels neglected, because Sara has bailed on their dates three times — three times in a row, mind you. He finally speaks up, and Sara? Well, let’s just say she doesn’t take it too well. Cue the shouting, storming off, and tears.

Tim tries to get a word in, but Sara’s not having any of it. She’s like a bulldozer, steamrolling over anything he tries to say. And just when you think it can’t get any more intense, Tim reaches his breaking point and raises his voice.

Sara is upset and storms off, shouting, “don’t you ever f**king yell at me, you f**king prick”. Meanwhile, the girls are quick to gather around and console her. But let’s call a spade a spade here — Sara’s reaction is a bit over the top, right? Look, you can’t exactly call someone out for yelling when you’re doing the exact same thing, is all we’re saying.


But bless his patient soul, Tim soon realises he messed up, and he owns up to it like a champ.

“I’m a patient guy, but I’m constantly being shut down and just spoken over,” he explains. 

Even some of the girls can see that Tim was pushed to him limit.

“Point of No Return”

“Sara just doesn’t have the ability to listen and hear what he’s trying to say,” Tori says, weighing in on the situation. “She’s very reactive, she doesn’t let Tim finish his sentences. I think the poor guy was just at a point of no return… let him speak.”

Tim’s all about that accountability, and wants to pull Sara aside to apologise. But Sara? Well, let’s just say she’s not exactly ready to bury the hatchet.

Sara’s preaching about communication, while simultaneously shutting Tim down every time he tries to speak his piece. It’s like watching a hamster run on a wheel — it’s going nowhere fast.


“There’s no reason for that to happen at all, you should never raise your voice at someone… Do not say that you didn’t have time to speak,” Sara tells Tim.

“Say how you feel on a day-to-day basis and maybe you wouldn’t blow up the way you’ve blown up. This is up to you to verbalise your emotions and say how you feel without tiptoeing around it.” 

Dramatic Walk Out, Round Two


Just when we were starting to think these two might actually be able to hash things out, Sara pulls the ultimate mic drop and storms off in tears, declaring she’s had enough of the whole circus. Talk about a dramatic exit.

But hey, that’s “MAFS” for you! The drama never sleeps… especially when a Commitment Ceremony is looming just around the corner. Do you think she overreacted?

For more drama, check out all our “MAFS” 2024 recaps here.

“MAFS” airs Sunday at 7.00pm and Monday  Wednesday at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.

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