Australian Survivor: Flick Palmateer Is Out to End Villain Manipulation

Flick Palmateer - Australian Survivor: Heroes Vs Villain 2023

Flick Palmateer has made her “Australian Survivor” return in this year’s season of “Heroes Vs Villains“. The big wave surfer who first made an appearance on “Brains V Brawn” is now more determined than ever to come out on top and bring home the win.

Despite suffering the tragic loss of her mother during the filming of her previous season, Flick managed to finish third with the help of her family’s support. And she earned herself a reputation for being courageous and strong-willed. Looking back, she said, “Last time I played, I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, and I still came third. This time I’m back, stronger than ever, and I’m ready to win.”

Palmateer said before the season started that she felt much more in her “element” and comfortable playing on an island. It’s definitely a big change of scenery from the “Brains V Brawn” Outback. As the world’s second-ranked big wave surfer, she is no stranger to taking on challenges head-on, and she hopes to bring this same level of bravery to her gameplay.

Flick is determined to shake up the game’s typical narrative and beat the usual Villain tactics. She said, “What really grinds my gears about the Villains is probably the manipulation side of things. The lying, the cheating — I can’t stand it. It’s most definitely time for a Hero to win this game.”

Will Flick be able to go all the way to the top? Tune in to “Australian Survivor: Heroes Vs Villains” on 10 and 10 Play on Demand to find out!

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