Ace Your Zoom Interview With These 10 Tips

Pexels / Eric Okurut

After hours of job searching, résumé writing, and constantly refreshing your inbox, you finally got it – the interview, that is. First off, celebrate, because a company won’t spend time and resources speaking with a candidate they don’t see potential in. In fact, they’re hoping you’ll ace this interview so they can hire you!

With the pandemic changing the entire hiring process, Zoom interviews are slowly becoming the norm (at least for now). While it can be difficult to adjust to this new style of interviewing, all the same rules apply, like arriving on time, asking questions, and wearing pants (seriously, wear them). While there are some nuances to consider – like where to make eye contact – interviewing from behind a screen comes with perks that make it even easier to land an offer.

If you’re looking to make the most out of your next meeting with your potential future employer, these 10 Zoom interview tips are here to help. So pick out your interview outfit, practice your elevator pitch, and prepare to win over your soon-to-be boss. You’ve got this.

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