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- The Best Time to Get a Tarot Card Reading, According to a Bruja
The Best Time to Get a Tarot Card Reading, According to a Bruja

Image Source: Unsplash/Edz Norton
Tarot card readings have become a lot more accessible these days, which comes in handy considering how this generation has been reclaiming ancestral spirituality and destigmatising tarot. If you don’t want to pay for a private reading, there are tons of freebies available on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and more. You can even watch them live or pre-recorded. The one-on-one readings vary widely in price depending on the reader. Social media has been a resource for some tarot readers who have reached celebrity status. As a result, their readings, if they even do readings for the public, will likely cost you. Use your discernment and listen to your intuition to help you decide if it’s worth the investment. If you’re looking for a modest rate for a private reading, just do a search or ask a friend. There are a lot of tarot readers who charge lower rates, especially if they are just starting out and could use the practice.
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Regardless of which you choose, what you need to know before getting a tarot card reading is to always listen to your intuition to help align you with the right reader. If you’re still unsure, you can learn how to do a tarot card reading for yourself.
What Is Tarot?
Tarot is a divination tool used to explore questions about one’s journey, uncover divine messages, offer guidance, and reveal confirmations on things you already know, affirming the power of your own intuition. If used correctly, and with trust in the process, tarot readings can be a powerful spiritual support in a person’s life.
When Is It a Good Time to Get a Tarot Reading?
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It’s really up to you when and how often you get readings, but it’s a good idea to be mindful of your mental and emotional states beforehand. Remember, tarot cards are used for guidance and messages, they are not going to solve all of life’s problems or grant your every wish. Understanding how to use this tool, how to interpret the messages to resonate with your life, and when it’s right for you is important.
Some people desire a tarot reading after a significant event like a breakup or job loss. Others seek wisdom from the cards before something big like a career move or taking a relationship to the next level. Either way, it’s important to check your energy before getting a tarot reading because it will certainly factor into what the cards reveal.
A Tarot Card Reading After a Breakup
Love is a hot topic when people get tarot card readings. If your reading is following a breakup, it may indicate the split was necessary and you’re on the path to finding true love. This message could ease your broken heart and help you to move on. Or the cards may reveal that second chances are in order, which could spark the hope of reconciliation if the love is right. Most of all, be open-minded!
A Tarot Card Reading After Losing Your Job
Losing a job sucks. Or does it? If you’re getting a reading after losing your job, be willing to receive guidance. It may just set you on a whole new and completely unexpected path. It could also confirm you were the one slacking off and need to level up, so you don’t lose the next one.
A Tarot Card Reading If You Want to Quit Your Job
There are many people who feel stuck in thankless jobs and turn to tarot for guidance. A reading could advise you to hold on because it’s too soon to make a move. It could also inspire you to reclaim your power by quitting and finding a company that values you, or it could be the push you need to become your own boss.
Image Source: Unsplash/Manik Roy
A Tarot Card Reading If You’re Feeling Lost or Stuck
Tarot is a great tool to use if you’re feeling lost or stuck because it could provide you with ways to alter your perspective ever so slightly and see things in a whole new light. Messages of going inward or the need to let go may indicate that you already carry all the answers to your questions. In stillness, we’re able to hear divine messages more clearly.
A Tarot Card Reading If Your Ex Wants to Reconcile
Our inner knowing or intuition can really guide us anywhere we need to go in our lives. But for most of us, we need confirmation of what our intuition is telling us. This is often the case when people seek guidance from the tarot cards because an ex has re-entered the picture. Pay close attention to the cards that are drawn because what the heart wants isn’t always the best thing for us. It could also be a nudge to take a second look.
A Tarot Card Reading Before a Big Decision
Big decisions don’t come easy, so a tarot reading may be just what you need to feel more at ease with whatever you decide to do. It’s amazing how with a flick of the cards, we can get the inspiration we need to move forward or understand that it just isn’t’ the right time.
A Tarot Card Reading If You Need Inspiration
Tarot readings are great for inspiration. Whether you need a boost to jump-start a new project or give a standout performance of some kind, having your cards read can help pump you up. It can also advise you to settle down if you’re getting too hype and need more grounding.
When to Rethink Getting a Reading
Don’t be so quick to get a tarot card reading if you’re extremely angry, frustrated, sad, or just not in the right headspace. This could cause someone to be irrational in the expectations of the cards or the reader’s delivery of the messages. So, take a moment to breathe, calm down, and get to a place where you’re open to receiving the messages clearly instead of trying to dictate the outcome based on high emotions.
A Tarot Card Reading When You’ve Just Had One
If you’re into pulling cards often, maybe opt for pulling a card a day for yourself. You can do this in the morning for a forecast of the day, or ask a specific question and pull one card to see what message may come. But you don’t necessarily have to rush to get a tarot card reading right after you just had one. Space it out a bit and see how the narrative may shift.
Image Source: Unsplash/Petr Sidorov
A Tarot Card Reading If You’re Feeling Really Anxious
As mentioned above, don’t go into a card reading with your anxiety on full blast. Take some time to ease your mind, calm down, take a spiritual baño (cleansing bath), or do whatever it is that you need. Then, when you feel you’re in a better space, get your cards read and allow the guidance to flow through.
A Tarot Card Reading If You’re Obsessing Over an Ex or “Twin Flame”
Don’t expect the cards to plainly say, “Yes, he is with another woman.” Often, we already know this! So, instead of relying on the tarot reading to enable your obsessive behavior over your twin flame, receive the messages of how to mend your broken heart and move onto someone better.
A Tarot Card Reading If You Need Psychological Help
Tarot card readings are a complement to your overall mental wellness, not a replacement. If you need a therapist, get one. Then you can enjoy your tarot card readings too. Make sure you’re taking care of the whole of you, not just from one angle.
A Tarot Card Reading If You Are Seeking Medical Advice
Come on, now. Do we really have to go here? In case you don’t know, tarot cards are not going to diagnose you if you have an illness or a medical situation that needs attention. Even the Death card in the tarot represents more of a figurative death and rebirth than a literal one. Seek professional medical attention. Use the cards to support your journey, not to determine it.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Tarot Card Reading
To make the most out of your tarot card reading, go in with an open mind and a clear understanding that the purpose is to receive divine messages and guidance. If you believe that you are the cocreator of your life, then don’t ever give your power away to anything external to determine what comes next for you. Consult the tarot when you need to gain perspective on things, then go on and create. You hold the reins on this Chariot!