Your Sept. 25 Weekly Horoscope Says Cuffing Season Is in Full Effect

New week, new moon, new beginning. Your Sept. 25 weekly horoscope presents you with a clean slate – and just days before the end of Mercury retrograde.

The week begins on a quieter note, as the moon joins forces with the sun, where it will renew itself in harmony-seeking Libra on Sept. 25. Inspired by Venus in Virgo, this new moon will be equally as personal as it is productive. In addition to this being an opportunity to devote ourselves to our own personal growth, we’re also being called to integrate this approach in our relationships, finances, and values.

The next day, Mercury retrograde will conjunct Venus in Virgo, highlighting processes that need to be revisited, whether personally or professionally. Reconciliation is also possible, but with meticulous Virgo in the mix, it will more than likely require there to be a plan in place. Ironically enough, Venus will be making a transformative trine to Pluto retrograde that same day, so passion and intensity is almost inevitable. On the dark side, this dynamic synergy can be a bit triggering, so beware of obsession, controlling behaviour, and power struggles.

Mercury will connect with Pluto on Sept. 27, followed by the moon’s ingress into Scorpio, making this an excellent day for investigative research and intense revelations. Go-getter Mars will also harmonise with Saturn the following day, which can help bring stability and structure to your immediate surroundings. On a much brighter and bubblier note, coquettish Venus will return to its sign of rulership, Libra, on Sept. 29. Here, the planet of love is gracious, charming, and light-hearted, which, therefore, reflects onto everything from our love life to our social surroundings.

If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Sept. 25 through Oct. 1, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. To get the vibe for the rest of the year, check out your 2022 horoscope as well.

Aries (March 21–April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

You’re embarking on a new chapter, and all you need is yourself, Aries. The week of Sept. 25 begins on a powerful note, as the sun will join forces with the moon, marking the beginning of a lunar phase in Libra and your committed seventh house of one-on-one connections. With Venus in Virgo, however, you’re being encouraged to go within and reflect on the areas where you’ve been prone to overextending yourself and neglecting your needs in the process. Balance is the name of the game this season, and this will certainly come in handy when the sun opposes Jupiter in your sign the next day. It’s helpful to put yourself in another person’s shoes, as long as you’re being mindful of your individual needs in the process. Release the need to remain in control, and reflect on obstacles you have unconsciously created for yourself.

Then, on Sept. 28, your planetary ruler, Mars, connects with expansive Jupiter. This could bring clarity, stability, and structure to your plan of action, especially for those of you strategising on your next move and collaborating with peers in your community. Just in time for Venus’s ingress into harmony-seeking Libra on Sept. 29, your personal and professional partnerships are in for a treat. After all, with the support of irresistible Venus, your beauty, charm, and grace is automatically heightened. Just try to avoid indulgence and excess the following day, when Venus opposes Jupiter in your sign. Other than that, you’re in the clear.

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

The cosmos is putting a magnifying glass on your daily rituals this week, Taurus. Does your current routine genuinely fulfil you? There will be a new moon in Libra on Sept. 25, bringing emphasis to your sixth house of responsibilities, but with its ruler, Venus, transiting through dutiful Virgo and your fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, you’re reflecting on whether or not this lifestyle is even benefiting you in the first place. Cultivating balance between your desire for freedom vs. your day-to-day habits is also encouraged on Sep. 26, as the sun will directly oppose Jupiter in your 12th house of secrets.

That same day, your celestial ruler, Venus, will connect with transformative Pluto. Revelatory and intensity-filled, this will bring light to the shadow side of or fears surrounding your unique self-expression. Again, you’re being called to reflect on what’s inhibiting you from stepping into your highest vibration. Mars will meet with Saturn retrograde in a stabilising trine on Sept. 28, bringing clarity and structure to your approach in this self-explorational journey. This may or may not involve your community of peers, but either way, don’t hesitate to lean on them for support. Fortunately, Venus’s shift into Libra on Sept. 29 will bring beauty and harmony to your routine and daily surroundings.

Gemini (May 21–June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

You’re loved and admired amongst your family and friends, which is all the more reason to nurture the ones you love, Gemini. Just in time for the new moon on Sept. 25, you’re being presented with a clean slate from the heavens. The following day, Mercury retrograde will join forces with Venus in your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings, bringing the past back around for a second look. Maybe you’re travelling back home to spend some quality time with your loved ones; others of you may be in the process of restructuring your living space.

Mercury will connect with Pluto retrograde on Sept. 27, adding a layer of intensity and transformation to the mix. Are you moving in with someone? Maybe you’re getting situated with regards to shared assets and having some uncomfortable conversations in the process, or reflecting on some previous decisions you’ve made. The next day, Mars will harmonise with Saturn, while transiting through your sign. This is a wonderful day for brainstorming and generally planning ahead. You’re clever and as curious as ever, and Saturn is providing you with the discipline you need to see the results you crave. The best part? Venus’s ingress into Libra on Sept. 29 will increase the likelihood of you finding love, romance, and creative inspiration.

Cancer (June 21–July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

You’re reprogramming your thinking process and expanding your awareness, Cancer. The week of Sept. 25 kicks off with a harmony-seeking new moon in Libra, bringing new beginnings to your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family, and feelings. The moon’s ruler, Venus, will also be transiting through Virgo and your third house of communication, suggesting the possibility of rekindling your connection with a relative or harnessing this energy for tidying up your home sweet home. The sun will be making an opposition to Jupiter on Sept. 26, which could, in turn, create friction between maintaining balance on the home front vs. expanding individually.

Just in time for this week’s Mercury-retrograde-Venus conjunction that same day, important conversations or contractual agreements could come back around for another look. Then on Sept. 28, amidst its journey through Gemini and your 12th house of healing and secrets, Mars will harmonise with Saturn retrograde in your intimate eighth house of collaborations. With that said, if you’re in the process of reorganising your commitments, this productive transit will bring forth the clarity and structure you need to get situated. The week will end on a sweet note, as Venus will return to its domicile, Libra, and your fourth house of home and family. Slip into something comfortable, and make yourself at home. Venus in Libra is your cosiest season.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

The relationship you have with yourself is changing in a big way, Leo. The week of Sept. 25 begins with an intriguing new moon in Libra, bringing emphasis and new beginnings to your third house of communication. However, with the moon’s harmony-seeking ruler, Venus, glimmering through Virgo and your stability-seeking second house of values, chances are this new beginning has to do with your daily interactions or sense of security. In all, it’s an opportunity to reflect on what is lacking balance in your personal life. Though with the sun sitting in direct opposition to Jupiter the following day, some of you may feel torn between keeping the peace in your immediate environment vs. venturing into the unknown.

On Sept. 28, while sizzling through Gemini and your 11th house of community affairs, go-getter Mars will connect with Saturn retrograde in your committed seventh house of significant others. Whether personally or professionally, this stabilising synergy can bring forth the clarity and structure needed for the sake of your most important relationships and collaborations. And with lighthearted Venus returning to its sugary sign of rulership, Libra, everything from your interpersonal exchanges to your inner circle will be enveloped in Venusian charm. The same goes for those of you feeling smitten; it’d be wise to harness this energy during cuffing season.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

Choosing yourself means you’re devoted to your personal growth, Virgo. This is especially significant to consider this week, as the new moon in Libra will ignite your stability-seeking second house of self-esteem, finances, and values on Sept. 25, while its ruler, Venus, glimmers through your sign. With that said, how can you continue to commit to what brings you harmony and balance? The next day, the sun will make a direct opposition to Jupiter, creating friction between what you personally consider to be fair vs. how you use your power with others. Your celestial ruler, Mercury retrograde, will also join forces with Venus in your sign, making this an excellent opportunity to revisit a pending conversation or a relationship you wish to get off the ground.

On Sept. 27, Mercury retrograde will connect with Pluto retrograde in your fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, taking this introspective journey a little bit further. For instance, themes surrounding the shadow side of your hobbies, love language, or ego could be brought to your attention at this time. Have you been approaching personal and professional partnerships with honesty, and integrity? On a brighter note, with coquettish Venus entering its sign of rulership, Libra, on Sept. 29, the cosmos is urging you to take your power back, but in a more lighthearted way. This transit is also ideal for your money-making abilities. Cha-ching!

Libra (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

Your solar season is in full effect, and you’re shining brighter than ever, Libra. The week of Sept. 25 continues to celebrate your beauty and charm, as the sun and moon will join forces during the new moon in your sign. What seeds of intention do you wish to harvest at the end of this lunar cycle? The next day, the sun will make a direct opposition to Jupiter, which could create friction between your definition of harmony versus that of a significant other. Meanwhile, a smouldering Venus-Pluto trine will bring emphasis to the shadow side of your sense of security, as well as your emotional foundation. If things are changing on the home front, whether it’s with family or in terms of your living space, this could bring enlightenment and transformation.

Keep in mind, your celestial ruler, Venus, is currently transiting through devoted Virgo, and your 12th house of healing, so chances are you’re either choosing to keep to yourself or partaking in some deep introspection at this time. Go-getter Mars will also form a collaborative trine to Saturn retrograde, which can be equally as constructive as it is clarifying. This could surround the dynamic of your family unit or a particular belief system that’s no longer resonating. The week comes to a close on a very pleasant note, as your charming planetary ruler, Venus, returns to your sign. Sweet and lighthearted, you’re as attractive and alluring as ever under this irresistible transit. Remember, you’re worth celebrating.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

You’re healing and making peace with the past, Scorpio. Sounds like a lot, but with the South Node in your sign, how can you expect anything less? For starters, there will be a new moon in Libra happening on Sept. 28, bringing emphasis to your 12th house of closure, while its ruler, Venus, glimmers through Virgo and your 11th house of community affairs. That said, this new beginning could have something to do with a long-term vision you’re no longer pursuing, while others of you rekindle connections you hold dear to your heart. Interestingly enough, Mercury retrograde will join forces with Venus in Virgo on Sept 26, sparking conversations or thoughts surrounding something you might’ve put on the back burner.

Speaking of Venus, the planet of love will connect with your modern ruler, Pluto, in a revelatory trine that same day, highlighting the shadow side of your devotions, goals, and societal cliques. Reflect on what’s no longer resonating with you at a soul level. Shortly after, while energising your intimate eighth house of mergers, go-getter Mars will harmonise with Saturn retrograde. Whether it’s significant insight or a long overdue conversation with someone you cohabitate with, you’re recognising what needs to be restructured for your highest good. Luckily, with Venus slipping into your 12th house of healing, you’ll have more than enough time for rituals of self-love – and beauty sleep.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

You’re exploring other opportunities in your professional life, and your hard work is starting to pay off, Sagittarius. In the meantime, the week of Sept. 25 begins on a fertile note, as the new moon in charming Libra touches down on your freedom-loving 11th house of community affairs. What are you trying to manifest into reality? With Venus glimmering through Virgo and your bossy 10th house of authority, chances are this new beginning has to do with the balance (or lack thereof) surrounding your professional life. The same goes for the connections and relationships you find yourself devoted to. Is there an equal amount of give and take?

On Sept. 26, the sun will be making an opposition to your celestial ruler, Jupiter, creating friction between your desire to show up for those in your world vs. venturing out and expanding on your own. Keep in mind, if you’ve been attaching your identity or sense of self-worth to your professional life, then Venus’s trine to Pluto could be shedding light on the shadow side of your value systems at this time. On a brighter note, however, Mars will link up with Saturn in a collaborative trine, bringing clarity and stability to your one-on-one connections and communication style. Then on Oct. 1, sparkly Venus will return to its sign of rulership, Libra, bringing sweetness and lighthearted energy to your social life. This is always a plus for networking, so do your thing.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

You’ve always known a thing or two about self-mastery, but you’re taking a totally different approach this week, Capricorn. For instance, there will be a harmony-seeking new moon in Libra happening on Sept. 25 in your bossy 10th house of career and reputation. However, with the moon’s ruler, Venus, glimmering in your expansive ninth house of wisdom and worldly pursuits, chances are you are feeling inspired to venture out and embark on a new journey. This is an opportunity to reflect on what needs more of your time and attention, personally or professionally. On Sept. 26, Venus will harmonise with Pluto retrograde in your sign, which adds a layer of transformation to the mix, namely for those of you recognising the shadowy attributes underlying your belief systems.

If something needs to change, it’s being brought to your attention. Fortunately, a harmonious trine between Mars and your taskmaster ruler, Saturn, will provide you with some much-needed insight on Sept. 28, as it will shake up your responsible sixth house of due diligence and second house of financial security. What are you committed to achieving on this new journey? Lights, camera, action! On Sept. 29, Venus will sashay into Libra, bringing charm and prosperity to your professional life and public persona. Spruce up that LinkedIn profile or post that jaw-dropping selfie; your charisma is off the charts for the next couple of weeks, and many of you will be making new connections in the process. This is schmoozing at its finest.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

Your perspective on relationships is shifting in a major way, Aquarius. What’s your philosophy on love and romance? The week of Sept. 25 begins with a justice-seeking new moon in Libra touching down on your expansive ninth house of faith and wisdom, while its ruler, Venus, transits through your intertwined eighth house of intimacy. Whether it’s a romantic partnership or a friendship you’re genuinely devoted to, you’re being encouraged to reflect on what needs to be improved or critiqued. This could have something to do with your finances or someone you’re cohabitating with; you’re seeing the cracks either way. Although, with Mercury retrograde joining forces with Venus the next day, you’ll have the opportunity to come forward and set the record straight if need be.

Shortly after, amidst Mars’s energising journey through Gemini via your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression, the red planet will harmonise with Saturn retrograde in your sign. Giving tough love to someone you care for isn’t always fun, but standing up for yourself is more than enough reason to do so. Venus will ingress into its sign of rulership, Libra, on Sept. 29, bringing peace, harmony, and abundance to your world vistas and energies surrounding your personal expansion. Carpe diem.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Sept. 25, 2022

You’re reflecting on your commitments and investments this week, Pisces. On Sept. 25, the moon will renew itself in harmony-seeking Libra, where it will bring fertility and new beginnings to your intimate eighth house of sex, mergers, and shared resources. Meanwhile, with its ruler, Venus, glimmering through Virgo, chances are you are putting a magnifying glass on the foundation of your one-on-one connections. The real question is: What are you sincerely and wholeheartedly committed to? Mercury retrograde will conjunct Venus on Sept. 26, and this astrological synergy is presenting you with an opportunity to reconnect with someone from your past or reconcile with a significant other.

The next day, Mercury retrograde will harmonise with Pluto retrograde in your 11th house of community affairs and individual freedom, suggesting the possibility of you gaining powerful insight from a friend of a friend or someone in your extended community. This could also bring light to the shadow side of your network, so pay attention to what’s being brought up. Then on Sept. 28, Mars will connect with Saturn retrograde in your 12th house of healing, and this will more than likely shed light on what needs to be restructured right now. Finally, Venus’s ingress into lovable Libra on Sept. 29 will be more than enough to ease some of the tension you’ve been experiencing as of late, namely when it comes to your intimate unions and energetic exchanges.

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