Your Oct. 23 Weekly Horoscope Is Bringing a Massive Reset

If Libra season taught you about relationships and compromise, Scorpio season is challenging you to go a step further. Th water sign is pushing you to go within and confront the darker, repressed aspects of your being. What’s lingering beneath the surface? Your Oct. 23 weekly horoscope marks a powerful starting point, and a transformative solar eclipse is bringing focus to what you need to release in order to reconnect with your power.

The week begins on an intriguing note, as the moon joins forces with Mercury in Libra on Oct. 24, sparking a celestial fuse between your heart and mind. And though this could potentially complement communication, Venus (Libra’s ruler) is in close proximity to the sun in Scorpio, adding a shadowy layer to exchanges and thought processes. For instance, this Moon–Mercury conjunction could trigger some deep introspection around Venusian themes such as relationships, values, self-worth, and your money-making abilities.

What relationship energies are you unconsciously absorbing? What needs to be transformed in order for you to reconnect with what’s been lost? This ties into the new moon solar eclipse happening the next day, as it’s presenting a massive reset where we have no choice but to be brutally honest with ourselves. Eclipses usher in life-altering changes that could occur anytime within the next six months, but there’s plenty of shadow work for us to do in the meantime, undergoing some deep cleansing, and clearing.

On Oct. 27, Mercury the messenger will go head to head with power-hungry Pluto, creating conflict between your desire to keep the peace and also refusal to be a pushover. On a more magical note, Jupiter will reenter its sign of rulership, Pisces, on October 28; if you’ve been putting your hopes and dreams on the back burner, this dreamy transit is here to reunite you with your higher self.

If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Oct. 23 through Oct. 29, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. To see what to expect from the whole month, check out your October horoscope, and to get the vibe for the rest of the year, look at your 2022 horoscope as well.

Aries (March 21–April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

If you haven’t already signed on the dotted line, then you’re contemplating whether you should seal the deal, Aries. The week of Oct. 23 begins with the sun and Venus’s ingress into Scorpio and your eighth house of intimate unions. Psychic exchanges, shared investments, and soul-to-soul connections are brought to life in this area of your chart but typically trigger an ego death in the process. The solar eclipse on Oct. 25 will provide you with a spiritual reset and clean slate, but you’ll be challenged to confront and release attachments that are no longer serving you.

Lean on your peers for support. Mercury will be joining forces with your celestial ruler, Mars, on Oct. 26, and this breezy synergy will not only open your mind to a whole new perspective but also present you with the connections needed to push you out of your comfort zone. You can expect the intellectual components of your important one-on-one partnerships to thrive right now. Just be sure you’re communicating honestly on Oct. 27, when Mercury squares Pluto, and taking a moment to recognize where you’ve allowed your power to be taken away from you.

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

The sun’s journey through your polar opposite (or sister) sign, Scorpio, will typically take you out of your comfort zone as it connects you with potential business partners – and for some, those who are marriage material. There’s a certain “’til-death-to-us-part” energy that Scorpio brings to the table – not to mention the new moon solar eclipse happening in this area of your chart on Oct. 25 – upping the chances that you’ll kick off a brand-new partnership, and one that is both destined and divine. Never say never, Taurus.

Whether or not you decide to move forward with someone new, you may experience a powerful reset in your relationship at this time. Mercury will be challenged by Pluto on Oct. 27, meaning this could be about religion or a change of plans that’s altered your perception. The biggest takeaway: it’s important to communicate openly and wholeheartedly. Finally, if you’ve been putting your aspirations or dreams aside due to personal or professional circumstances, Jupiter’s return to Pisces on October 28 is gifting you a window of hope and opportunity until Dec. 20.

Gemini (May 21–June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

It’s time to take care of you, Gemini. The week of Oct. 23 will begin on a supercharged note, as both the sun and Venus make their debut in Scorpio, igniting your habitual sixth house of daily rituals and health. Whether you’re taking control of your lifestyle habits or a tedious routine that needs to be transformed in your professional world, the cosmos is urging you to reflect on the negative attachments that consume your day and the areas of your life that no longer contribute to your happiness.

This may sound negative, but it’s not, really; Scorpio tends to bring out the shadowy aspects we repress, or those we’re not conscious of, so we can heal and move forward. Just in time for this week’s new moon solar eclipse, there’s a powerful reset happening in this area of your life – but it will require you to face your fears in the process. If you’ve been desperately holding onto a routine or refusing to quit a toxic habit, this will be eclipsed from your life within the next six months. You’ll likely gain some interesting insight between Oct. 26 and 27, though there will be no beating around the bush when it comes to getting answers.

Cancer (June 21–July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

If alchemy and creation became one, that would be your energy of the week, Cancer. The best part? You’re officially back in your (watery) element with the sun and Venus debuting in Scorpio and your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression as of Oct. 23. Heart-centered and relentlessly authentic, the way you pursue what you love and express your unique love language is being highlighted in an unthinkable way, especially when considering the new moon solar eclipse on Oct. 25, happening in this area of your chart. This could be about a romantic connection, a hidden talent you’ve never experimented with, or the mere idea of being celebrated and admired. Either way, it will liberate you from your inhibitions if you open your heart and trust the process.

Jupiter will reenter Pisces on Oct. 28, which is just as complementary to your water element as Scorpio season, if not more so. Have you been reluctant to chase your dreams? Maybe you recently lost faith in something you were secretly hoping for. Whether it has to do with your journey of self-discovery, or a professional path you’re meant to explore, doors are opening in your favor.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

It’s nesting season, Leo. The week of Oct. 23 kicks off on a personal note, as both the sun and Venus will ingress into Scorpio and your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. This fixed water season is not only challenging you to face your truth without pride or ego but also bringing focus to the shadows lingering through your inner world. Maybe it’s stemming from a past experience or a fear of betrayal. Sounds heavy, yes, but the more willing you are to confront these parts of yourself, the more likely you are to rise above it all.

A solar eclipse in Scorpio will also touch down on this area of your chart on Oct. 25, presenting you with an opportunity to build upon a new foundation where you can be comfortable, stable, and at peace. Reflect on what’s been inhibiting you from planting new roots and replenishing your own sacred space. On Oct. 28, lucky Jupiter will reenter Pisces and your intimate eighth house of shared resources and energetic exchanges. A serendipitous opportunity could come back around unexpectedly between now and Dec. 20.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

Being ruled by Mercury means you’re likely gifted with a brilliant mind and keen powers of observation, Virgo. However, this doesn’t excuse you from transcending outdated perceptions and ideas that could be clouding your judgment. Fortunately, with the sun and Venus entering Scorpio on Oct. 23 – let alone the new moon solar eclipse happening on Oct. 25 – the cosmos is presenting you with a mental makeover, where you’ll be challenged to confront the blockages or fear-based thoughts that have been limiting your potential. This could also have something to do with your immediate environment, especially those of you unconsciously absorbing behavioral patterns that don’t resonate with your best self.

Keep in mind, in the next two days – Oct. 26 and 27 – your celestial ruler, Mercury, will connect with Mars and Pluto, and this could potentially trigger an influx of communication and unexpected insight. The catch? Despite Mercury’s desire to keep the peace when transiting through Libra, its conversation with Pluto isn’t going to be anything but brutally honest. The truth isn’t always pretty, but unveiling what’s been hidden from your conscious mind is part of your transformation process. On Oct. 28, Jupiter will return to your relationship sector to present a window of opportunity. This could be romantic- or career-related, but you won’t want to miss your chance either way.

Libra (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

The dark sides of your pleasures and relationship with money are being brought to the forefront, Libra. The week of Oct. 23 begins on a powerful note, as the sun and your celestial ruler, Venus, debut in Scorpio and your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, values, and sense of self-worth. As if this weren’t enough energy to work with, there will also be a solar eclipse in this area of your chart on Oct. 25, presenting you with an unexpected reset that starts with you being able to confront your fears. Have you been holding onto a scarcity mindset?

You’re asking yourself a lot of questions under these life-altering transits, but walking through this portal of change will ultimately help you transcend your perception of abundance and stability. On Oct. 26 and 27, the discourse will likely continue as Mercury continues transiting through your sign while joining forces with Mars and Pluto in the process. If there are uncomfortable conversations that need to take place with a family member or perhaps surrounding your life at home, it’s important for you to come clean and speak the truth.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

The sun is being eclipsed in your sign this week, so don’t be afraid to step into the unknown, Scorpio. It may sound more suspenseful than encouraging, but that’s what eclipses are all about. Your solar season also kicks off this week, and harmony-seeking Venus is joining the sun on this new adventure. Remember, Venus has everything to do with relationships, values, and pleasure, but your sign brings focus to the shadow side of things as well as the areas where your power may have been taken away from you. Are you ready for the solar eclipse on Oct. 25? Confronting your darker attributes isn’t always comfortable, but this also isn’t your first rodeo.

On Oct. 26 and 27, while transiting through your 12th house of secrets and unconscious patterns, Mercury will join forces with Mars and your modern ruler, Pluto. Maybe it’s via a conversation with your therapist or a close friend you wholeheartedly trust, but something significant is being brought to your attention at this time. Granted, there’s a catch with Pluto in the mix, as you’re being challenged to speak up, whether or not it makes other people uncomfortable. On a brighter note, Jupiter will be returning to Pisces and your heart-centered fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression on Oct. 28 – someone’s getting their mojo back.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

Take a well-deserved pause and check in with yourself, Sagittarius. The week of Oct. 23 begins on a lazier note, as the sun and Venus ingress into Scorpio and your 12th house of rest, dreams, inhibitions, and closure. Then, a transformative and cathartic solar eclipse will be touching down on this area of your chart on Oct. 25, bringing emphasis to your healing journey and any unconscious energies you’ve absorbed throughout your lifetime. Though confronting your fears and vulnerabilities is easier said than done, it’s all bringing you closer to your spiritual breakthrough.

If you’ve been neglecting your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, this could also be brought to your attention at this time. Scorpio is, after all, revealing and taboo-like, so there’s no need to shy away from your self-sabotage patterns. Transformation is ongoing, and there’s no such thing as perfect. Then, on Oct. 26 and 27, Mercury will harmonize with Mars in your relationship sector but go head to head with Pluto in your stability-seeking second house. Communication could thrive and flow, but only if you’re being honest and humble in the process. Where are you allowing your sense of security to be compromised?

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

Are you being your most authentic self when around your friends, colleagues, and peers, Capricorn? And do your aspirations and visions of the future reflect that? These are the questions coming up as the sun and Venus’s ingress into shadowy Scorpio sheds light on the darker aspects of your social spheres and sense of belonging in the world. Maybe it has to do with your self-worth or an outdated perception of the world that’s no longer resonating with your journey. Given that there will be a solar eclipse happening in this area of your chart on Oct. 25, it’s important for you to be brutally honest with yourself when it comes to your hopes, dreams, and community affairs.

There could be new developments in this area of your life anytime within the next six months – in all, you’re being challenged to purge and release an image to which you’ve unconsciously attached yourself. This could also have something to do with your professional life, as Mercury continues to transit through Libra and your 10th house of authority, reputation, and public persona. The messenger planet, however, will be challenged by Pluto in your sign on Oct. 27, which is where you’re being called to speak the truth, regardless of how it may seem to others in the process. Maybe you’re doing everything in your power to follow the rules but betraying yourself in the process. It is really worth it?

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

You’ve come this far, and it’s your time to shine, Aquarius. The week of Oct. 23 kicks off on an intense note, as the sun and Venus debut in Scorpio and your 10th house of authority, career, and reputation in the world, asking you to embrace the shadow side of your being. On top of that, the new moon solar eclipse is also touching down in this area of your chart on Oct. 25, bringing abrupt new beginnings and triggering a spiritual reset.

With taskmaster Saturn also stationing direct in your sign, the cosmos is urging you to get down to business and integrate all of the lessons and wisdom you’ve gathered on your journey thus far. Also known as the planet of karma, Saturn will make sure that many of you begin to reap the benefits of your hard work in the upcoming months – so hold your head high. Then, on Oct. 26 and 27, Mercury will join forces with Mars and confront Pluto shortly after, which is where things could get interesting. If you’ve been holding onto an outdated belief system, or perhaps sacrificing yourself for the sake of remaining in control, this will be brought to your attention right now.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Oct. 23, 2022

When it’s all said and done, what’s stopping you from exploring other horizons, Pisces? Is it a fear of the unknown, or a philosophy you’ve unconsciously absorbed over the years? Whatever the case may be, the sun and Venus’s ingress into Scorpio on Oct. 23 – along with the new moon solar eclipse on Oct. 25 – is presenting you with the opportunity to start again and embark on a new journey to self-discovery. Your world views and unique belief systems are also being brought the forefront, but perhaps not in the way you think. Scorpio season can be just as empowering as it is humbling, so don’t be afraid to face the fears and taboos that come along with it.

In other news, with Mercury trining Mars on Oct. 26, you and a significant other – or perhaps someone you cohabitate with – could finally come to a long-awaited agreement. However, when considering Mercury’s square to Pluto the following day, you could be challenged by shadowy superficialities or peer pressures, which is where the cosmos is urging you to speak up. Where are you compromising a social collaboration or community for the sake of keeping the peace with a significant other? This could also have something to do with shared finances – is there an equal give and take? Jupiter reenters your sign on Oct. 28, which means you’re back to being the celestial favorite until Dec. 20. Make a wish, and don’t hesitate to test your luck.

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