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- Your July 10 Weekly Horoscope Promises Epiphanies, Revelations, and Eureka Moments
Your July 10 Weekly Horoscope Promises Epiphanies, Revelations, and Eureka Moments

It’s been an emotionally charged couple of weeks with back-to-back astrological shifts, but the air of uncertainty is finally starting to clear. Your July 10 weekly horoscope is bringing all sorts of eureka moments – so don’t dismiss the divine synchronicities.
Before we get there, though, you’ll feel an innate desire to tend to the home front, spend time with loved ones, and redefine your sense of nurture – all thanks to the sun glimmering through Cancer’s sensitive waters. Mercury the messenger is also transiting through this cardinal sign, which is another reason why we’re more likely to respond from a place of intuition – and perhaps even vulnerability. The mind (Mercury) and heart (Cancer) become one during this transit, which is why this synergy more often than not brings people together. It’s also a lot easier to express your innermost feelings when Mercury’s in Cancer, so grab a tissue.
At the beginning of the week, the Sun sextiles Uranus, the planet of chaos, rebellion, and the higher mind. Spontaneous and revolutionary, the change-maker planet can be equally as erratic as it is enlightening. Uranian transits also tend to bring exciting developments, so consider this an opportunity to tap into your genius mind. This could be an intuitive hit that catches you off guard or a lightbulb moment that fuels your next creative venture. On July 12, the sun will harmonize with the North and South Nodes, creating a divine portal for positive energy flow. This could also trigger a much-needed breakthrough, especially for those of you who’ve been at a crossroads.
Then, the full moon in Capricorn on July 13 will heighten emotions and bring things to fruition in the process. Think back to the new moon that took place on January 2: how have you evolved in regard to your personal and professional foundation since then? Sitting alongside Pluto retrograde, this lunation will continue to highlight the disintegration of structures, both in personal lives and in the world at large. Full moons are also a call for balance, so you could experience tension between what you consider to be familiar and safe vs. the structure that’s currently surrounding it. The week comes to a close with a serendipitous Mercury cazimi (conjunct the sun) in Cancer on July 16, granting us exclusive access to the wisdom of the cosmos. Use this magic wisely.
If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for July 10 through July 16, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the whole month, check out your July monthly horoscope, and for a look at your year overall, read your 2022 horoscope.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
You’re redefining your comfort zone and sense of security, Aries. The week of July 10 begins with the sun energizing your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations while forming a sweet sextile to revolutionary Uranus in the process. Sprucing up your living space? If you’re not in the process of renovating your home or installing new technology gadgets, one thing’s for sure: you’re looking at your home-related and emotional investments differently. You could also have a sudden epiphany about your financial stability. Ironically enough, the moon in Sagittarius (your ninth house of expansion) will trine Jupiter in your sign that same day. To say that you’re feeling enthusiastic and inspired at this time would be an understatement.
As the moon begins to reach its peak of fullness in Capricorn in your 10th house of career and reputation, it will harmonize with your planetary ruler, Mars, in Taurus, on July 12. Be sure to harness the pragmatism and consistency of this earth sign. During the full moon in Capricorn on July 13, Venus will connect with Saturn retrograde, which will bring harmony and stability to your immediate exchanges and the support of your extended network. On July 16, the sun will conjunct Mercury in Cancer, which is ideal for tapping into your intuition. The moon will slip into Pisces, too, so let your third eye be your guide.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
You’re shifting your approach, Taurus. This is especially true when considering the sun’s sextile to freedom-loving Uranus in your sign on July 10. Keep a journal handy. After all, the sun will be energizing your curious third house of the mind and communication while harmonizing with the change-maker planet. If you’re not hit with a sudden epiphany, then chances are you’ll run into someone unexpectedly. On July 12, lady Venus (your planetary ruler) will harmonize with Saturn retrograde, which, in turn, brings harmony and security to themes surrounding your financial stability and reputation in the world. Maybe it’s an entrepreneurial vision you’re cultivating or a promotion you received from the higher-ups.
Speaking of opportunities, the full moon in Capricorn on July 13 is bringing closure and clarity to your expansive ninth house of education, travel, belief systems, and higher learning. Sitting alongside Pluto retrograde (celestial ruler of your committed seventh house of agreements, contracts, and significant others) this new venture and full-circle moment will likely revolve around the foundation of your partnerships as well as your ability to compromise. Mercury will also sextile Uranus in your sign, suggesting a shift in the dynamic of your conversations and exchanges. This fuels your sparkling perspective with inspiration and ingenuity. If things feel murky and confusing the following day, it’s all thanks to Venus’s square to Neptune. Don’t be discouraged by the uncertainty, and keep your eyes on the prize.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
You’re reflecting on what truly matters to you, Gemini. The week of July 10 begins with an exhilarating sextile between the sun in Cancer via your second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, and rebellious Uranus in your secretive 12th house of closure, secrets, and unconscious patterns. Whether it’s a moment of clarity with regard to your recent sacrifices and sense of self-worth or a sudden revelation surrounding your financial stability, you can expect exciting developments at this time. Interestingly enough, the moon in Sagittarius (your relationship sector) will harmonize with Jupiter via your 11th house of society that same day, so chances are you’re gaining insight into a particular clique or network in your world. The moon’s trine to Chiron could also highlight fears or past wounds surrounding your individual freedom and sense of belonging in the world.
On July 12, as the moon begins to reach its peak of fullness, Venus will harmonize with Saturn retrograde while dazzling through your sign. How have you been cultivating your gifts and talents for the greater good? During the full moon in Capricorn on July 13, there will be an emphasis on eighth-house themes such as transformation, intimate unions, and energetic exchanges. Something’s coming to fruition here for you, perhaps regarding a business collaboration of sorts. On July 16, your savvy planetary ruler, Mercury, will cazimi (conjunct the sun), which creates a portal of truth and intuitive clarity. It’s not every day your celestial ruler enters the heart of the sun, so don’t let this magical transit pass you by.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
There are exciting surprises afoot this week, so open your heart and mind, Cancer. On July 10, amidst the sun’s journey through your cardinal waters, it will connect with revolutionary Uranus in a harmonious sextile in your socially conscious 11th house of community affairs and individual freedom. This is an opportunity to shine as bright as ever, because your eccentricities and unique gifts will really be on display at this time. Spruce up your social media profiles, and don’t hesitate to put yourself out there. On July 12, as the moon begins to reach its peak in Capricorn via your seventh house of relationships, luscious Venus will connect with Saturn retrograde in your intimate eighth house of mergers and soulmate connections. Single? Doesn’t have to be a romantic connection, as it could always be a business opportunity, but this productive transit is here to help you conserve, ground, and stabilize. Harness the energy wisely.
On July 13, the full moon in Capricorn will bring closure, completion, and emotional emphasis to your seventh house of agreements, contracts, and significant others. Conjunct Pluto retrograde, you’re being called to not only take your power back but also reflect on the shadow side of your agreements and committed relationships. The week comes to a close with the sun conjunct Mercury in your sign, which is equally as enlightening as it is auspicious. Use your words, and test your luck while you’re at it. This kinda thing doesn’t happen very often, you know.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
There’s a positive breakthrough ahead, Leo. The week of July 10 begins with your celestial ruler (the sun) forming a harmonious sextile to freedom-loving Uranus via your 10th house of authority, career, and reputation. Whether it’s an epiphany around your life mission on the planet or a sudden shock of genius insight, don’t let this lightbulb moment go to waste. The moon will also be glimmering through Sagittarius in your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression while in a positive trine to lucky Jupiter in your expansive ninth house of adventure. There are exciting opportunities for you on the horizon, so seize the day.
On July 12, as the moon begins to reach its peak of fullness via the structured sign of Capricorn, Venus will connect with Saturn retrograde in your relationship sector while transiting through your eclectic 11th house of community affairs. If you’re looking for a new job opportunity, this is a wonderful transit for meetings, applications, and professional networking. Lean on your peers, and don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. The full moon in Capricorn on July 13 will bring closure and clarity to your sixth house of daily rituals and health habits, so chances are your full-circle moment revolves around your place of work. Lastly, Mercury will cazimi (conjunct the sun) on July 16, and your intuition will be at an all-time high. If you’re not into dream journaling, you should start now.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
You’re looking toward the future with a fresh perspective, Virgo. On July 10, during the sun’s journey through Cancer and your 11th house of community affairs, it will connect with rebellious Uranus in a harmonious trine in your expansive ninth house of adventure. Browsing for new work opportunities or trying to grow your social media platform? Whatever the case may be, this electric synergy is equally as inspiring as it is spontaneous, so be sure to keep an open mind. On July 12, upon the moon’s shift into structured Capricorn and your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression, lady Venus will harmonize with Saturn retrograde, which brings productivity and stability to your 10th house of career moves and the sixth house of daily routines.
Prepare for an opportunity to take the lead at work or finally launch that passion project: the full moon in Capricorn on July 13 will more than likely put you under the spotlight. Conjunct Pluto retrogrades in your flamboyant fifth house of authenticity, this lunation will bring focus to your talents and desire for recognition – as well as the shadow side of these parts of your life. Fast forward to July 16, when the Sun conjuncts Mercury (your planetary ruler) in your socially driven 11th house of community affairs and future visions. Also known as a Mercury cazimi, this means everything intellectual – from your mental awareness to the way you use your voice – is strengthened.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
You’re breaking free from the past and taking the lead, Libra. The week of July 10 kicks off with an exciting sextile between the sun in Cancer in your bossy 10th house of authority and rebellious Uranus in Taurus in your intimate eighth house of mergers and soulmate connections. Keep in mind, that this doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic connection. On the contrary, this could have something to do with a parent. (For example, some of you may even receive something like an unexpected inheritance.) If you’re looking to cut ties with a significant other, however, this dynamic aspect could very well inspire to you take action, and perhaps even in a spontaneously sudden way.
On July 12, your celestial ruler, Venus, will harmonize with Saturn retrograde in your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression. Venus will be transiting through your adventurous ninth house of expansion and worldly pursuits, so if you’ve been working diligently on monetizing your blog or contemplating whether to go back to school, this steady synergy is bringing stability and progress, so be sure to use this celestial perk to your benefit. On another note, the full moon in Capricorn on July 13 will touch down on your emotionally driven fourth house of home and innermost feelings. This is a full-circle moment to reflect on emotional themes surrounding the foundation of your upbringing and early life dynamics. Conjunct Pluto retrograde, the shadow side of your family unit and sense of security could come up for review. On July 16, the sun will conjunct Mercury in Cancer, fusing the mind and heart. Empathy is your superpower.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For July 3, 2022
Your belief system surrounding commitment and partnership is shifting in a big way, Scorpio. For instance, on July 10, the sun will harmonize with Uranus in your relationship sector while glimmering through your exotic ninth house of expansion and higher learning. Uranus is rebellious, erratic, and innovative, which brings buzz to your seventh house of agreements, contracts, and significant others. Single Scorpios could sporadically meet someone online, if not while travelling somewhere unfamiliar. On July 12, before the moon reaches its peak in Capricorn and your third house of communication, Venus will harmonize with Saturn retrograde. Whether there’s new a relationship you’re ready to nurture or an investment you’ve been considering, this is an excellent time to solidify the next steps.
As for the full moon the following day, seeds that were planted in early January surrounding your personal and professional foundation are likely to come to fruition at this time. Although, while conjunct Pluto retrograde, chances are there are some shadowy aspects being unveiled in the process – namely when it comes to Plutonian themes such as fear, power, and manipulation. How have you been asserting yourself, both personally and in the workplace? The week comes to a close with Mercury conjunct the heart of the sun in Cancer on July 16. You can expect a series of intuitive hits and exciting developments. Just remember to follow your heart.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
Your commitments are being brought to the forefront, and it’s giving you no choice but to make a decision, Sagittarius. The week of July 10 kicks off with the sun sextile freedom-loving Uranus, activating your eighth house of intimate unions as well as your detail-oriented sixth house of daily routines. Is there a new responsibility you’re ready to take on or a significant other who needs your support? Something could change unexpectedly in your day-to-day reality. That same day, the moon will harmonize with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, which is equivalent to an inspiring pick-me-up. The way you feel about yourself matters more than the way you are perceived by others, so remain true to your authenticity.
On July 12, while transiting through your relationship sector, harmony-seeking Venus will form a positive trine to Saturn retrograde, which brings structure to communications and contractual agreements. For those of you contemplating the next steps on a professional collaboration or perhaps waiting to hear back from a love interest, this sweet synergy could help you take things to the next level. On July 13, the moon will peak in pragmatic Capricorn and your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems. Conjunct Pluto retrograde, you’re being called to reflect on the shadow side of your sense of security. For instance, is there a fear-based mentality attached to your money-making abilities and spending habits?
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
You’ve got a big week ahead, so fasten your seatbelts, Capricorn. For starters, the sun will harmonize with rebellious Uranus in your fifth house of love and self-expression while glimmering through your seventh house of compromise and significant others. Erratic and unexpected, this electric synergy can be equally as exhilarating as it is eccentric, perhaps more so when it comes to your one-on-one relationships. Either way, you’re being presented with an opportunity to break free and tap into your higher mind. Maybe it’s a creative project you’ve been working on or a romantic interest who isn’t your usual “type”. There’s a shift happening, and it’s for your highest good.
On July 12, while dazzling your sixth house of daily rituals, Venus will connect with Saturn retrograde in your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and values. If you’ve been brainstorming ways to start a side hustle or simply earn a higher income, this is an excellent transit for productivity. Also, don’t be afraid to improvise when it comes to your routine, even if that means stepping out of your comfort zone. On July 13, the moon will reach its peak of fullness in your sign while making a conjunction to Pluto retrograde. There’s no such thing as perfect, and even you are guilty of overexerting your power every now and then. More importantly, emotional themes surrounding both your personal and professional world are likely to come full circle at this time.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
Declutter your living space, and make yourself at home, Aquarius. The week of July 10 kicks off with the sun harmonizing with your modern ruler, Uranus, shaking up your sixth house of daily rituals and the fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. Some of you may be in the process of renovating your home sweet home or perhaps installing some new tech. However, in addition to feeling inspired and liberated, Uranus is here to trigger a much-needed breakthrough in the process. This could even also be a sacrifice you’ve been making in your day-to-day, and you’re finally setting yourself free.
On July 12, while glimmering through your expressive fifth house of love and self-expression, Venus will harmonize with Saturn retrograde in your sign. New aesthetic? Whether you’re wanting to completely rebrand your professional portfolio or you’re simply inspired by a creative venture, this productive synergy is ideal for getting the job done, literally. On another note, if you’re already in the process of cultivating a unique talent or craft, this harmonious aspect could catapult you to the next level. There will be a full moon in Capricorn on July 13, bringing closure and clarity to your secretive 12th house of closure and dreams. Conjunct Pluto retrograde, however, this lunation could simultaneously bring focus to your life behind the scenes as well as your tendency towards escapism. Either way, something that’s been hidden from your conscious mind is coming to light. Pay attention.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For July 10, 2022
You’re reconnecting with your sense of self and embodying your sparkling authenticity, Pisces. On July 10, amidst the sun’s journey through Cancer and your expressive fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, it will harmonize with freedom-loving Uranus via your third house of communication. Uranus governs technology, virtual reality, and all things futuristic, so if you aren’t creating content for social media, then chances are you’re treating yourself to a new and improved gadget. Others of you, however, could be in talks with a romantic interest online and perhaps even catch yourself off guard with smitten feelings. No need to attach yourself to a particular outcome. On the contrary, this is your cue to release all expectations and go with the flow.
On July 12, while glimmering through your domestic fourth house of home, lady Venus will harmonize with Saturn retrograde in your secretive 12th house of closure. You could gain insight on a particular pattern you’ve recently outgrown, perhaps one that may have influenced your love language, relationship patterns, and sense of self-worth. Whatever the case may be, this is a productive transit, so don’t dismiss what’s being brought to your attention. Speaking of which, the full moon in Capricorn on July 13 will touch down on your 11th house of community affairs and sense of belonging in the world. Conjunct Pluto retrograde, this lunation will likely highlight the shadow side of your social circles and the foundation of your hopes and dreams. Magic could sweep you off your feet on July 16, when the Sun conjuncts Mercury. This is a specially curated muse of inspiration, compliments of the cosmos.