Your April 10 Weekly Horoscope Promises Breakthroughs On the Horizon

There are wonderful breakthroughs ahead, but before diving into your personal April 10 weekly horoscope, it pays to take a closer look at where we are collectively. Despite the fiery momentum that typically comes with the sun’s shift into Aries, we haven’t really had an opportunity to harness the energy of this Mars-ruled season. For instance, in addition to the new moon’s conjunction to Mercury and the wounded healer, Chiron — which challenged us to go within and confront insecurities and blockages that have been stifling our identity and freedom — Aries’ planetary ruler, Mars, has also been sitting way too close to restrictive Saturn. So, if you’ve been feeling down since the beginning of April, you’re definitely not alone, but you’re also in luck, as things will soon change for the better. Once spirits lift, it’s important to not lose sight of the changes you’re currently experiencing. You can’t unsee what you’ve recently discovered about yourself, so consider this your cosmic cue to continue cultivating self-awareness. After all, that’s what Aries season is all about.

The week kicks off with Mercury — planet of communication, thought process, and immediate exchanges — entering sensual Taurus on April 10, which collectively shifts our mindset to practical matters and security. At this time, in addition to approaching situations with honesty and integrity, we’re also more prone to conscious communication — even when the truth isn’t pretty. Think: work smarter not harder.

Then there’s an incredibly rare event happening on April 12, which will dominate the rest of the week’s astro-weather: Jupiter (greater benefit and the planet of abundance, expansion and spiritual growth) will join forces with Neptune (the planet of dreams, faith, universal love and no bounds) in their sign of co-rulership, Pisces. Jupiter makes a conjunction with Neptune every 13 years or so, but this is the first time both of these heavenly bodies reunite in the sign of Pisces since the mid-1800s. In addition to the rise of mysticism and the awakening that’s taking place at a global level, this numinous synergy is here to help liberate us from psychological warfare and subliminal programming detrimental to our spirit. This is the beginning of a new artistic era.

On April 14, after a long and strenuous journey alongside Saturn in Aquarius, assertive Mars will make its debut in Pisces for the first time since May 2020, which will only bring greater emphasis to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. Highly passionate and overzealous, the red planet influences everything from our carnal desires to the way we take action. However, when transiting through the compassionate sign of Pisces, Mars isn’t necessarily comfortable, as it prefers to take the lead with confidence as opposed to being gentle and mysterious. But don’t get it twisted — the emotional depth stemming from Mars in Pisces is otherworldly. Harness it wisely. Last but certainly not least, the week comes to a close on a powerful note with the full moon in justice-seeking Libra on Sunday, April 16.

If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for April 10 through April 16, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the whole month, check out your April horoscope, and for a greater look at your year overall, read your 2022 horoscope.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

After an emotionally charged first-quarter moon in Cancer — bringing momentum to your fourth house of home, family matters and innermost feelings — the week of April 10 begins with Mercury (celestial ruler of your communication sector and 11th house of community affairs) entering sensually driven Taurus and your stability-seeking second house of comfort. Having said that, this what-you-see-is-what-you-get transit will encourage you to be more protective with your time and energy. Don’t bother dwelling on uncertainties or depleting situations.

On April 11, the moon will oppose Saturn and square the Nodes of Destiny, all while activating your fifth house of creativity, romance and self-expression. Entanglements (personal or financial) that no longer serve your highest good are being illuminated at this time. Speaking of your higher self, when Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces on April 12 via your unconscious 12th house of dreams, focus on protecting your energy and paying attention to your dreams. Either way, this once-in-a-lifetime transit is here to replenish your spirit and bring significant enlightenment, perhaps when it comes to something that’s hidden from your conscious mind. It’s bound to be a week of epiphanies, and the full moon in Libra (your relationship sector) on April 16 is no exception. Themes of “me vs. we,” are coming full circle.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

You’re being divinely guided, so follow your intuition, Taurus. The week of April 10 kicks off with Mercury the messenger debuting in your sign, which activates your throat chakra, so be sure to use your words wisely. Moreover, with your planetary ruler, Venus, bringing harmony to your community spaces, you could be speaking on behalf of a team or extended network. Keep in mind, the moon will be at odds with Uranus in your sign, suggesting you may make a conscious choice to rebel against the “status quo.” This is especially true when considering the moon’s square to the Nodes of Destiny on April 11, as you’re being called to break free from toxic superficialities and connections that aren’t aligned with your truth.

More importantly, Jupiter (celestial ruler of your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources and joint collaborations) will join forces with dreamy Neptune in Pisces in your 11th house of community affairs, which can be equally liberating as it is necessary. For instance, speaking of the “status quo,” this cosmic occurrence is here to shed light on your freedom and sense of belonging in the world. Have you been unconsciously programmed with regard to your friendships and future visions? Creative collaborations and serendipitous encounters are also likely, perhaps in your workplace. Just in time for the full moon in Libra on April 16, the truth about a day-to-day connection, work routine or act of service is being illuminated.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

You’re keeping to yourself and strategising on next steps, Gemini. This is especially true when considering your curious planetary ruler, Mercury, as it will enter sensually driven Taurus and your secretive 12th house of closure, dreams and unconscious patterns on April 10. With this fixed earth sign’s planetary ruler, Venus, transiting through Pisces (your 10th house of authority, career and reputation) chances are you’re contemplating something about your professional life or reflecting on your sense of authority — or lack thereof. On April 11, the moon will oppose Saturn and face off with the Nodes of Destiny; this will likely continue to highlight outdated patterns as well as the routines that no longer resonate with the person you’ve become.

With this in mind, expansive Jupiter (celestial ruler of your seventh house of compromise and significant others) will join forces with boundless Neptune in Pisces on April 12 in your 10th house of authority, career and reputation, which is where you’re likely to question the foundation and psychology behind your career choices, public persona and divine mission on the planet. Though this unique transit likely comes bearing gifts, you’re also becoming aware of illusions that might’ve led you astray at some point. Sounds superficial, but maybe you’ve been avoiding a particular connection for the sake of your reputation. Is it really worth it? The full moon in Libra on April 16 would beg to differ, as it will illuminate your heart-centred fifth house of love, passion and pleasure.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

Never say never, Cancer. The week of April 10 begins with Mercury the messenger bringing clarity and momentum to your 11th house of associations, community affairs and individual freedom, which is always a plus for your social calendar. But when the moon faces off with rebellious Uranus while transiting through your social sector, you could be second-guessing the value of your collaborations or perhaps feeling reluctant to step outside of your comfort zone. This will be an ongoing theme with the upcoming eclipses, as well as the moon’s square to the Nodes of Destiny on April 11. Where have you been stifling your freedom or self-expression, and why?

Lo and behold, this week’s highly anticipated event will take place on April 12 when Jupiter joins forces with Neptune in Pisces in your expansive ninth house of adventure — which will, in turn, affirm your long-term visions. This mystical synergy is here to shed light on your belief systems and “moral code,” namely those that aren’t in alignment with your personal growth. Mars enters Pisces the following day, which will only continue to emphasise the astrological energies at play. Although, if you’ve been contemplating a job offer overseas (or one that involves travel in general), this could potentially serve as a catalyst. The full moon in Libra on April 16 continues to encourage your balance and peace of mind.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

Are you ready to take the lead, Leo? The week of April 10 begins with savvy Mercury making its debut in level-headed Taurus, and your bossy tenth house of authority, career and reputation, which can be beneficial when communicating with your superiors or getting a specific point across. The moon will also be glimmering through your sign while squaring off with rebellious Uranus, so try to be mindful of your delivery, as you may be likely to lash out and catch others off guard. The following day, the moon will make a direct opposition to Saturn and square the Nodes of Destiny, which could potentially trigger a clash of egos and battle of wills. The key is to be honest with yourself and steer away from power plays.

The most important event of the week will take place before this weekend’s full moon, as Jupiter (celestial ruler of your festive fifth house of self-expression) will join forces with Neptune in Pisces via your intimate eighth house of collaborations on April 12. In addition to recharging the foundation of your transactions, (whether personally or financially) this celestial occurrence is here to help you break free from toxic entanglements and shed any residual energy that may be weighing you down. Discerning between your needs and a significant other’s is essential to your soul growth. The week comes to a close with a Venus-ruled full moon on April 16, bringing clarity and closure to your third house of communication.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

Where are you off to, Virgo? Just because you’re unsure right now doesn’t mean the universe doesn’t have a plan for you. The week of April 10 kicks off with your planetary ruler, Mercury, shifting into your sister sign Taurus and your expansive ninth house of adventure. Maybe you’re carefully planning next steps or travelling to see a loved one. In the meantime, the moon will glimmer through Leo and your secretive 12th house of unconscious patterns, while squaring off with freedom-loving Uranus, which means you could be second-guessing your decision to take this leap. Perhaps it’s the logistics of it all, or the time and energy you’ve put into the situation.

The moon will oppose taskmaster Saturn and square the Nodes of Destiny on April 11, which means these shifts are happening, and it’s pretty much out of your control. Could this have something to do with a significant partnership in your life? Jupiter will join forces with Neptune in Pisces on April 12, and this will not only cleanse and replenish your seventh house of one-on-one partnerships, but also bring significant enlightenment to your relationship patterns. You’re looking at the world with a new pair of eyes. The full moon in Libra on April 16 will continue to shed light on your value systems, as well as what genuinely brings you emotional fulfilment.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

You’ve got a big week ahead, but you’ve never been more prepared, Libra. The week of April 10 begins with Mercury entering comfort-seeking Taurus, and your intimate eighth house of collaborations and soulmate connections, highlighting taboo-like themes and perhaps uncomfortable conversations that have yet to take place. In the meantime, the moon will square off with rebellious Uranus while igniting your 11th house of community and sense of belonging, which means you could be feeling torn between staying true to your community affairs vs. breaking free from an entanglement that isn’t serving you. This will be an ongoing theme, especially when considering the upcoming eclipses, but there’s still some work to do in the process.

Having said that, whether it’s a professional or a romantic connection that turned toxic, Jupiter’s reunion with Neptune on April 12 will shed light on the people, places and situations that could be depleting your energy. The same goes for the areas of life where you may need to set stronger boundaries. After all, your planetary ruler, Venus, continues to wander through Pisces and your sixth house of wellness and daily rituals, which means it’s time to prioritise your peace of mind and general well being. The week will end on a powerful note as the moon will reach its peak of fullness in your sign on April 16, bringing personal matters along with your committed partnerships to the forefront. Something’s gotta give.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

Nothing like a long, wholesome chat with someone you care about, right, Scorpio? The week of April 10 kicks off with Mercury (celestial ruler of your intimate eighth house of collaborations and soulmate connections) debuting in sensual driven Taurus in your committed seventh house of significant others. Despite feeling the pull to come clean and communicate, the moon’s journey through prideful Leo and your bossy 10th house of authority (not to mention its square to rebellious Uranus in your relationship sector), is bound to create friction between your desire to take the lead and the unexpected exchanges you’re being presented with. The following day, the moon will oppose Saturn and square the Nodes of Destiny, bringing emphasis to what needs to change in your commitments and reputation in the world.

When almighty Jupiter (celestial ruler of your stability-seeking second house of comfort) joins forces with boundless Neptune on April 12, it brings enlightenment and expansion to your fifth house of love, passion projects and self-expression. In addition to the blessings being illuminated at this time, you’re also being encouraged to surrender ideals and illusions around your desire for recognition. Your traditional ruler, Mars, will join Venus, Jupiter and Neptune on April 14, and this will add momentum to the awakening you’re experiencing. The full moon in Libra on April 16 will bring closure and clarity to your 12th house of dreams and unconscious patterns, which can be quite liberating if you allow it to be.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

You’re getting your ducks in a row, and it’s bringing you peace of mind, Sagittarius. This is especially true considering Mercury’s (ruler of your seventh house of agreements and compromise) shift into sensual Taurus in your sixth house of daily rituals and health habits on April 10. Meanwhile, the moon journeys through Leo and your expansive ninth house of adventure, facing off with freedom-loving Uranus in your sixth house of daily life, which can be a bit distracting when you have so much on your plate. Don’t panic; do what you do best, and go with the flow. After all, the moon’s square to the Nodes of Destiny on April 11 will be more than enough to validate the power of divine timing.

Speaking of the magical synchronicities of the universe, your planetary ruler, Jupiter, will join forces with numinous Neptune in Pisces on April 12, which can be equally as emotionally charged as it is deeply healing. Relocating somewhere abroad? Maybe you’re having a long-awaited heart-to-heart with a parental figure or family member. Whatever the case may be, you’re being called to go inward and liberate yourself from residual energy or ancestral wounds that have been unconsciously weighing on you. Having said that, this week’s full moon in Libra will shake up your 11th house of community affairs and sense of belonging, which means something revolving around your individual freedom is finally coming full circle.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

Spotlight’s on you, so go on with your bad self, Capricorn. The week of April 10 kicks off with Mercury entering the sensual Taurus and your festive fifth house of love and self-expression, which means you’ll likely have a thing or two to say — and others are going to hear you loud and clear. As the moon glimmers through Leo and your intimate eighth house of collaborations, it will face off with rebellious Uranus, creating tension between your unconventional desires and prior commitments. Change is here regardless, as the moon will square off with the Nodes of Destiny on April 11. From the looks of it, you’re going to go ahead and choose yourself.

More importantly, Jupiter (ruler of your 12th house of closure, dreams and unconscious patterns) will join forces with boundless Neptune in Pisces in your curious third house of communication on April 12. That means: illusions, ideals and subliminal messages that aren’t in alignment with your growth will be illuminated at this time. This could be, for example, a belief that was instilled in you when you were young. The best part? The cosmos is setting you free, and guiding you back home to yourself. Lastly, this week’s full moon in Libra will bring closure and clarity to your 10th house of career, so don’t be afraid to take the lead and speak your truth.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

You’ve been doing a lot of introspection, and this week is no exception, Aquarius. Mercury (ruler of your fifth house of acknowledgement, romance and authenticity) will enter Taurus and your emotionally driven fourth house on April 10. This brings momentum and clarity to themes surrounding your sense of security. Meanwhile, the moon will face off with your modern ruler, Uranus, which is bound to trigger mood swings and emotional outbursts, namely when it comes to your significant others. The following day doesn’t get any easier; the moon will sit in opposition to Saturn in your sign while squaring the Nodes of Destiny, meaning your entire foundation is likely in the midst of a significant transformation.

It doesn’t end there. Jupiter (celestial ruler of your 11th house of community affairs) will join forces with Neptune in Pisces on April 12, bringing blessings and a series of spiritual epiphanies to your second house of comfort, money and value systems. Have you been denying yourself of what you deserve? How has your relationship with money evolved in the last couple of years? Your idea of stability is likely to be reprogrammed under the influence of this celestial occurrence, but more importantly, this is an opportunity to heal and discover the meaning of abundance. Last but certainly not least, the week will come to a close with the full moon in Libra on April 16, bringing emotional emphasis to your fifth house of recognition and self-expression. Celebrate your wins and cherish your blessings.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For April 10, 2022

This is the beginning of a brand-new era in your life, and you can feel it in your bones, Pisces. The week of April 10 begins with Mercury entering Taurus and your curious third house of communication. You’re looking at things with a new pair of rose-coloured glasses, and you’re speaking your truth, too. Then while the moon roams through Leo and your busy sixth house of responsibilities, it will square off with rebellious Uranus in your communication sector. You could be prone to being easily distracted or overwhelmed with sensory overload at this time. The following day, the moon will make an opposition to Saturn, while facing off with the Nodes of Destiny, which continues to challenge everything from your first impression to your shadowy philosophies. Remember that the growing pains are for your highest good.

As if this weren’t enough to handle, both of your co-rulers (Jupiter and Neptune) will join forces in your sign on April 12, which can be equally as spiritually fulfilling as it is elusive. Don’t get too caught up in the uncertainties; protect your energy, open your heart and surrender to the divine synchronicities at play. Red-hot Mars will join the club in your sign on April 14, which will likely energise and revitalise you, whether it be physically or sexually. Speaking of the birds and the bees, this week’s full moon in Libra will bring something full circle with regards to your intimate connections. Is there an equal amount of give and take? Have you been wholeheartedly nurturing the foundation of your one-on-one connections? Now’s the time to dive in.

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