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- Your Dec. 25 Weekly Horoscope Will Have You Believing in Magic
Your Dec. 25 Weekly Horoscope Will Have You Believing in Magic

May your days be merry and bright! The holidays mean something different to everyone, but you don’t have to be traditional or festive in order to experience the magic of this time of year. Your Dec. 25 weekly horoscope is swirling with hope and wonder, as we’re being encouraged to follow our dreams and believe in the impossible.
Let’s take a closer look at the whimsical Mercury–Neptune sextile that took place on Dec. 24, as it will continue to be highlighted in the week ahead. In Capricorn, Mercury is practical, patient, and reliable; it’s disciplined and grounded in its communication style. While in harmony with Neptune, however, there’s an elusive layer of spirituality and empathy, making us all the more imaginative and receptive to our environment. Venus’s sextile to Neptune on Dec. 28 will bring emphasis to this magic and overall feeling of desire, though a semi-square between the sun and Saturn on the same day could feel like an uncomfortable comedown from our blissful high, triggering a sense of disillusionment. Don’t lose hope. If anything, this is helping you get clear on next steps.
The moon will join Jupiter in Aries during its first-quarter phase the next day, bringing momentum and passion, all while its ruler, Mars, continues to retrograde in Gemini. Speaking of which, Mercury will follow the red planet’s footsteps and begin its retrograde through Capricorn on Dec. 29. Sitting alongside Venus in Capricorn, sweet but wholesome communication is likely; speak your truth without fear or shame. You and a significant other may plan for the future, whether personally or professionally. Either way, something’s bound to come back around for review between now and Jan. 18. In general, don’t be discouraged by the retrograde energy; on the contrary, this can be productive time if you make it a point to review and reconsider what’s being brought to your attention.
Last but not least, Venus will be joining forces with Pluto in Capricorn between Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, 2023. There is nothing remotely subtle about this conjunction. So much so, despite the New Year’s Eve festivities, we will more than likely crave honesty, intensity, and rawness, as opposed to superficiality and meaningless celebrations. The truth isn’t always pretty, but there will be no room for sugarcoating. Revelations lead to progress, so be sure to keep an open mind.
If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Dec. 25 through Jan. 1, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. To go more in-depth, also read your New Year’s Eve horoscope, and for a look at the year ahead, read your 2023 yearly horoscope.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
You’re taking a different approach toward the holiday season this year, Aries. The week of Dec. 25 begins on a liberating note, as the moon will touch down on your 11th house of community affairs and individual freedom. There’s nothing wrong with switching things up, if needed, especially for those of you who’ve been contemplating whether to spend time with a particular group of individuals, family, or friends. On Dec. 28, while transiting through your 10th house of authority – alongside Mercury – Venus will meet with Neptune in a harmonious sextile, which can be equally as whimsical as it is encouraging.
Although, on the dark side, the sun’s semi-square to taskmaster Saturn could simultaneously catch you off guard with a much-need reality check. This can be bittersweet: despite the weight of the truth, you’ll now have more clarity on next steps. The moon will ingress into your sign on Dec. 29, reaching its first-quarter phase while in close proximity to lucky Jupiter. This will heighten your passions and fuel your emotions with momentum. Mercury the messenger stations retrograde the same day. It’s not a bad thing: Use this retrograde cycle wisely, as it can bring perspective on your long-term goals. This is especially true with Venus joining forces with Pluto on Jan. 1, as you’ll experience a resurgence of clarity around your values and professional life.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
You’re not one to rebel against the status quo, but there’s a first time for everything, Taurus. With the moon transiting through Aquarius and your 10th house of authority on Dec. 25, you could feel the need to take matters into your own hands, especially with freedom-loving Uranus retrograde in your sign. If you feel at a loss the following day when the moon joins forces with Saturn, consider this your cue to set some much-needed boundaries. After all, your celestial ruler, Venus, will be harmonizing with taskmaster Saturn on Dec. 28, and this will likely present you with a brand-new set of possibilities. A minor reality check could also come of this energy, as the sun will make a semi-square to Saturn that same day, but rest assured, this new sense of awareness brings progress.
The following day, the moon will reach its first-quarter phase in Aries – via your 12th house of closure, inhibitions, and unconscious patterns – while alongside expansive Jupiter, highlighting belief systems or emotional entanglements that need to be surrendered. That same day, Mercury will station retrograde in Capricorn, alongside your planetary ruler, Venus, via your ninth house of philosophy and expansion. Between now and mid-January, this retrograde will encourage you to reflect on the path you’re currently on or plan to take. Venus will also be joining forces with transformative Pluto in this area of your chart on Jan. 1, which is where you’re confronting the reality of a situation without beating around the bush. Intensity and passion are inevitable.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
You’re setting yourself free from outdated traditions and beliefs, Gemini. The week of Dec. 25 kicks off on a spontaneous note, given the moon’s journey through Aquarius and your ninth house of adventure and self-discovery. Many of you are getting clear on your plans moving forward. Granted, the moon conjunct Saturn isn’t necessarily the most optimistic, but if you’ve been unconsciously sabotaging yourself from expanding and embracing your fullest potential, this will be brought to your attention. Meanwhile, on Dec. 28, while glimmering through your intimate eighth house of joint ventures and shared resources, Venus will form a harmonious sextile to Neptune via your 10th house of authority. There are ways to turn these dreams into a possibility, but the sun’s semi-square to Saturn reminds you this won’t happen overnight.
On Dec. 29, the moon will reach its first-quarter phase in Aries via your 11th house of friendships and individual freedom. Lucky Jupiter will be in the mix as well, but despite the momentum this lucky planet brings, you’re more likely to experience frustration with your celestial ruler, Mercury, stationing retrograde that same day. Instead of succumbing to the slow-moving pace and general irritability, harness the energy of this retrograde and use it to reconsider your steps moving forward. Whether personally or financially, there are some changes that need to be made, so pay attention to what comes up for review. In fact, Venus’s close proximity to Pluto on Jan. 1 will bring intensity and emphasis to the dynamic of your romantic or financial collaborations. Honesty is key.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
You can’t go wrong with the truth, so don’t hesitate to speak from the heart this holiday season, Cancer. On Dec. 25, the moon will enter Aquarius and your intimate eighth house of shared resources, while its ruler, Uranus, shakes things up in your 11th house of community. If a partnership feels burdensome – especially when the moon joins forces with Saturn the next day – consider this an opportunity to break free. On Dec. 28, while transiting through Capricorn and your relationship sector, Venus will meet with Neptune in a charming sextile, heightening your lust for life and the infinite possibilities that exist between you and a significant other. The sun’s semi-square to Saturn, however, quickly brings you down to earth, especially those of you who aren’t considering the potential consequences in the long run.
Then on Dec. 29, the moon will reach its first-quarter phase in Aries, bringing energy and momentum to your 10th house of authority and reputation in the world. Lucky Jupiter is already sizzling through this area of your chart, bringing expansion and opportunity your way. However, with savvy Mercury stationing retrograde in your relationship sector that same day, you could experience a push–pull dynamic between your desire for bold movement forward vs. the uncertainty surrounding a committed partnership or contractual agreement. The good news is, a revelatory Venus–Pluto conjunction will activate your relationship sector on Jan. 1, which presents you with an opportunity to come clean about the good, the bad, and the ugly. Honesty will strengthen this union, so don’t shy away from confronting what’s been lingering beneath the surface.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
You’re prioritizing your health and peace of mind, as you should, Leo. The week of Dec. 25, however, will begin on a collaborative note, as the moon will ingress into Aquarius and your seventh house of agreements and significant others. This could also revolve around a professional commitment or a partner’s parental figure. If things suddenly feel limiting or grim with a significant relationship, it’s likely due to the moon’s close proximity to Saturn on Dec. 26. You’re getting down to business, which isn’t always fun. You could gain a new sense of hope on Dec. 28, when Venus dances with Neptune, but even still, the sun’s semi-square to Saturn will keep you from being whisked away by fantasies or illusions.
On Dec. 29, the first-quarter moon in Aries will touch down on your expansive ninth house of self-discovery – next to lucky Jupiter – bringing passionate momentum and fueling your desire for experience. The catch, however, could stem from Mercury in your sixth house of habit, as it will be stationing retrograde that same day until mid-January. Despite the thrill that could come from this new beginning, Mercury retrograde wants you to make sure your priorities are in check. Crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s is encouraged, but leave it to a powerful Venus–Pluto conjunction on Jan. 1 to make things official. Where have you been allowing your power to be taken away from you on a daily basis? Are you being honest with yourself, namely when it comes to your values? Something significant is being illuminated, so pay attention.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
There’s something you have to do, and the mere thought of this could be weighing on you, Virgo. The moon will ingress into Aquarius on Dec. 25, bringing emotional emphasis to your sixth house of daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service, followed by its conjunction with taskmaster Saturn the following day. If you feel burdened by this responsibility or restricted when it comes to your daily routine, try to steer away from overthinking or putting more pressure on yourself. If you’re entertaining the idea of potential creative collaboration or simply catching feelings for a significant other, a sweet Venus–Neptune sextile on Dec. 28 could add more color to your world. The sun will be making a semi-square to Saturn, which could simultaneously bring you right back down to Earth, but don’t be discouraged.
For more good news, look no further than this week’s first-quarter moon in Aries, as it will be joining Jupiter via your eighth house of intimate unions, shared resources, and joint ventures. Offering a surge of fiery momentum, this transit will have you inspired as ever to move forward and commit to a partnership, whether personally or professionally speaking. That day, your celestial ruler, Mercury, will station retrograde in Capricorn – in your fifth house of passion projects and romantic rendezvous – which is also reminding you to take a moment and retrace your steps before committing to something long-term. In fact, a smoldering Venus–Pluto conjunction will activate this area of your chart on Jan. 1, giving you all the more reason to confront an underlying issue or come clean about your desires and perhaps even fears.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
You mean business, and everyone knows it, Libra. The week of Dec. 25 could begin on a more serious note, as the moon will meet with structured Saturn on Dec. 25 – via your fifth house of pleasure, romance, and passion projects – adding a layer of pragmatism and somber energy to your playful demeanor. On a brighter note, however, this is an excellent energy for mastering a talent or skill, as you’re more focused than usual. Fast forward to Dec. 28, when your celestial ruler, Venus, meets with Neptune in a harmonizing sextile, as it will bring sweetness and compassion to your personal life, perhaps in your day-to-day routine or your humble abode. You may still be triggered by the responsibilities that come with this new energy – thanks to the sun’s semi-square to Saturn – but don’t let this take away from the magic.
On another note, this week’s first-quarter moon in Aries will touch down on your committed seventh house of relationships and significant others on Dec. 29, bringing passionate momentum to this area of life. Mercury will be stationing retrograde in Capricorn that same day, leaving you with no option but to go within and reflect on the next steps. Keep in mind, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn could concern itself with a pending conversation with a parental figure or business with a landlord. On the first day of the new year, Venus will join forces with Pluto, intensifying your relationship dynamics and financial conversations with a loved one.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
Home is where your heart is this week, Scorpio. Just in time for the holidays, the moon will enter Aquarius on Dec. 25, where it will be getting cozy via your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings. A community of ancestors or family members is supporting you every step of the way, and though the moon’s close proximity to Saturn isn’t always the easiest energy to endure, it’s helping you create more structure in your personal life. On a sweeter note, while glimmering through your curious third house of communication, Venus will dance with dreamy Neptune in a fantasy-filled sextile via your fifth house of passion, romance, and self-expression. Whether it’s a creative venture or someone who makes your heart skip a beat, the sun’s semi-square to Saturn is asking you to be pragmatic and realistic with your endeavors moving forward.
Then, on Dec. 29, the first-quarter moon in Aries will ignite your sixth house of daily rituals, bringing energy and momentum to your health habits and work routines. Do keep in mind, savvy Mercury will be stationing retrograde that same day via your third house of communication. You’re being encouraged to revisit important conversations between now and mid-January, as you may very well reconsider your next steps. Ironically enough, Venus will be joining forces with your powerhouse ruler, Pluto, on Jan. 1 in this area of your chart, which is where financial conversations and relationship dynamics are bound to intensify. Be honest with yourself, and speak your truth by all means necessary.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
You’re getting grounded and discovering a new set of values, Sagittarius. The week of Dec. 25 begins on an enlightening note, as the moon will ingress into Aquarius and your curious third house of communication. Spending time with your peers or scrolling through your social media feed could prove to be more insightful than you imagined, although things can go from interesting to somber on Dec. 26, when the moon joins taskmaster Saturn. Hopefully this isn’t a buzzkill, because it could help you master a task or skill if you’re feeling inspired. On Dec. 28, Venus will harmonize with Neptune in a magical sextile, igniting your financial sector as well as your fourth house of home and family. Having some much-needed bonding time with a close relative? If you’re not discussing important matters, then you may simply be leaning on them for support.
In fact, some of the changes you’re in the process of executing could trigger some stress, which makes sense when considering the sun’s tense semi-square with Saturn that same day. On a brighter note, the moon will reach its first-quarter phase on Dec. 29, bringing energy and momentum to your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression. And with your celestial ruler, Jupiter, in the mix, it will be nothing short of positive. That same day, Mercury will station retrograde in your second house of self-worth, finances, and values, suggesting the possibility of you retracing your steps before moving forward with a big decision. It wouldn’t hurt to harness the energy of this retrograde cycle, as you’ll more than likely revisit a financial contract or revise your budget entirely. Venus will join Pluto in this area of your chart on Jan. 1, which can be equally as cathartic as it is intense. Remember, the truth will set you free.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
You’re in your element, and it shows, Capricorn. Merriest of birthdays to you, as you’re going to thrive this solar season. At the start of this week, the moon will ingress into Aquarius and your stability-seeking second house of values, finances, and sense of money-making abilities. Upon the moon’s conjunction with your taskmaster ruler, Saturn, on Dec. 26, you could either feel the need to get serious about your finances or take a closer look at the value of your community affairs. Is this truly worthy of your precious time and energy? While dazzling your sign, Venus will dance with dreamy Neptune in a sweet sextile on Dec. 28, activating your third house of communication and immediate surroundings.
Your mere presence decorates an entire room, so don’t put so much pressure on yourself, especially since the sun will be making a semi-square to Saturn that same day. As for this week’s first-quarter moon in Aries, it will touch down on your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings on Dec. 29, while lucky Jupiter makes itself comfortable in this area of your chart. A new emotional beginning? Perhaps, but with Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign, there may be something that needs to be reconsidered before you commit to a plan of action. You’re definitely getting clear on something, especially when considering Venus’s conjunction with Pluto in your sign on Jan. 1. Everything from your values to your love language is undergoing a serious overhaul; be sure to express yourself with honesty and integrity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
It’s hard to look at things from a logical standpoint when you’re in your feelings, Aquarius. The week of Dec. 25 kicks off on a more personal note considering the moon’s journey through your sign. Once it joins Saturn on Dec. 26, you’ll likely begin making sense of your emotions, especially those of you who have been consciously reprocessing these parts of yourself. This is a mini wake-up call from the universe, which is always for your highest good. Is there a relationship or financial burden weighing over your head? A sweet Venus–Neptune sextile will likely inspire you with a ray of hope on Dec. 28, but it will still require you to have a certain amount of courage in the process. As it is, the sun will be making a semi-square to Saturn in your sign, suggesting the possibility of you coming forward and approaching someone or a situation of sorts.
On Dec. 29, the moon will reach its first-quarter phase in Aries, bringing energy and momentum to your third house of communication while lucky Jupiter brings expansion and abundance to this area of your life. Keep in mind, Mercury will begin its backspin through Capricorn and your secretive 12th house of closure, dreams, and inhibitions, which will be both illuminating and productive if you choose to go within and connect with what’s coming up for review. After the moon meets with Saturn in your sign on Dec. 30 – motivating and encouraging you to set the record straight – Venus will be joining forces with powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn, highlighting everything from a tradition you’re not resonating with to a relationship you’ve been nurturing behind the scenes. You’ll want to pay attention to the red flags either way.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 25, 2022
Take a breather, and allow yourself to flow this holiday season, Pisces. The week of Dec. 25 begins on a more introspective note, as the moon will ingress into Aquarius – your 12th house of closure, secrets, and unconscious patterns – before joining forces with taskmaster Saturn on Dec. 26. Where are you unconsciously or consciously inhibiting yourself from your truest expression? The moon enters your sign the following day before Venus dances with Neptune in your sign on Dec. 28. Whether it’s a social network you’re interested in collaborating with or a goal you’ve been wanting to pursue, this sweet synergy reminds you that your wildest dreams are indeed a possibility. If something is discouraging you, it’s likely due to the sun’s semi-square to Saturn – it’s only challenging you to step into your fullest potential.
On Dec. 29, the moon will reach its first-quarter phase in Aries, bringing energy and momentum to your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and self-esteem, which is equally as inspiring as it is reassuring. Before taking a leap of faith and pursuing this newfound dream, the cosmos is asking you to take a step back, as Mercury will be stationing retrograde in Capricorn from now until mid-January. It sounds like a buzzkill, but the more organized and realistic you are with yourself, the more you will thrive in your conquests. This is an opportunity to reflect, reassess, and reconsider next steps, as you’re bound to make important observations throughout the first month of 2023. Lastly, Venus will join forces with powerhouse Pluto on Jan. 1, bringing intensity, passion, and revelatory energy to your social life, friendships, and collaborations.