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- Venus in Aries Is About to Majorly Impact Your Love Life
Venus in Aries Is About to Majorly Impact Your Love Life

Aries season may have come and gone, but we’re getting one more chance to tap into that Aries confidence! On May 2, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and aesthetics, enters bold and blunt Aries. When Venus moves through different zodiac signs, it flavors the way we approach matters of the heart and our relationships. With the planet of love travelling through Aries, we’re more emboldened to go after what we want, and we might even act with a dash of impulsivity, too. Here’s everything you need to know about Venus in Aries in 2022.
What Does It Mean When Venus Is in Aries?
Venus in Aries energy inspires us to take action when it comes to all of our relationships. We’re leading with more honesty and authenticity. Aries is the first zodiac sign, a true initiator, and we’re feeling less confined and less fearful about pursuing matters of the heart. “Venus in Aries means we’re not afraid to go after what we desire,” Taylor Ursula, reader and artist, tells POPSUGAR. “After meeting up with Jupiter and Neptune in dreamy, mystical Pisces and tuning into inspiration, Venus will be ready to catch fire and make her next moves with confidence and vigor.”
Although Venus in Aries typically delivers a drastic energetic shift from Venus in Pisces, the sign it’s been travelling prior to shifting into Aries, we can still expect some of Pisces’s otherworldly magic. “Venus in Aries will be under the rule of Mars, who is still hanging out in Pisces, so expect some of the magic and the vibes to be infused into and to soften some of Venus in Aries’s more brash or hurried traits.”
Don’t worry: red-hot passion will still be majorly present. As Venus enters into Aries, “your love life is about to heat up,” MaKayla McRae, The Starry-Eyed Mystic, professional celebrity astrologer and Tarot practitioner, tells POPSUGAR. “Just think of Rihanna, who has this Venusian placement. Fierce, captivating, bold, and passionate lovemaking is in our minds. Our heart craves novelty, adventure, and risk-taking.”
Venus in Aries: What to Expect in 2022
Venus will move through Aries from May 2-28. Along the way, the planet of connection will meet up with a few other celestial bodies that will make for some noteworthy cosmic events. On May 15, Venus will meet up exactly with Chiron, which is also moving through Aries and is a planetoid in the sky that represents some of our deepest pain and potential for healing. When these two points meet in the sky, there is the possibility of being triggered from past pain within our closest ties. On the bright side, the unearthing of any residual resentment or issues that we haven’t addressed delivers an opportunity to heal. Under this influence, conversations have the potential to pave a healing and more productive path forward. Venus in Aries will also meet up with Saturn, the planet of commitment and responsibility, on May 24. This energy encourages us to take the next step or to have a more serious conversation with loved ones in our lives.
A cosmic speed bump arrives on May 27 when Venus in Aries squares off with Pluto, the planet of death, taboo, and transformation, in Capricorn. These two planets will be approaching matters with different agendas, and this can create tension. Power dynamics or anything we’ve brushed under the rug can rear its ugly head with this transit. This is triggering and reactive energy, so be thoughtful before taking action. “During this transit, it’s important to be mindful of our impulses,” McRae, says of Venus’s time spent in Aries. “Although taking risks can be sexy, fun, and invigorating, they should still be calculated! Aries energy is known for jumping into the fire of passion before making sure they can practically manage the flames. Enjoy a dose of courage, while remaining mindful to direct your impulses and not let them direct you.”
Read on for your rising, sun, and moon signs to gain deeper insight on how Venus’s dance through Aries will affect your birth chart and zodiac sign.
Aries (March 20-April 19)
Venus is moving through your sign, Aries! This type of energy may bring more attention your way. It’s an aligned time to focus more on your needs and personal goals. “Venus in Aries will bring a sense of renewal to Aries, who will reconsider their values and maybe even undergo an inspired revamp,” Ursula says. When the planet of beauty moves through your sign, if you’re interested in dating, now’s the time to swipe. This is also a wonderful time to get a haircut, commit to a new tattoo, or redo your wardrobe. You never know who’s attention you’ll catch.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Venus in Aries’s speed may leave you feeling like you’d like to slow down. Honouring your rest cycles and maintaining a work-life balance that’s realistic is key. Don’t overcommit with loved ones if you’re eager for a little solo time. “Venus in Aries will ask Taurus to reflect on quality versus quantity when it comes to their relationships,” McRae says. “With their 12th house being impacted, it’s time to close out draining cycles. Taurus may be called to spend some quality alone time, giving love to who should matter first and foremost – themselves!” Incorporating a spiritual practice into your daily routine will also benefit your overall health under this transit.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Mingling with friends and prioritising networking may just lead you to love. When Venus moves through Aries, you can’t get enough socialising. If you’re single and looking for a match (or a few), you may meet someone through friends or online dating. If you’re coupled up, this is a fabulous time to find a hobby to do with your partner. Find a group dancing class or cooking class to add a dash of newness to your partnership.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Coupled up Cancers may feel the urge to pack on the PDA. As Venus in Aries moves through the top of your chart, you’re not shying away from expressing matters of the heart. This is also a period of time that brings blessings to your career and reputation. “Cancers may see themselves taking new leaps into career opportunities or reevaluating whether their legacy to date demonstrates their pioneer spirit at heart,” Ursula shares. This transit encourages you to step into the public eye a bit more and reminds you that your accomplishments are also worthy of celebration.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Time to take a risk, Leo! Romance will go hand in hand with spontaneity and a hint of adventure. “Leo will feel the passion of Venus entering a fellow fire sign, Aries,” McRae says. “Adventure, travelling, and overall movement out of their comfort zone calls their name! A lover may play a role in them expanding their mind. Now is the time for Leos to learn new philosophies and experiment with their lifestyle.” Intellectual stimulation goes a long way. Leos are looking to learn, teach, and expand their minds. Witty banter is a must.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
It’s time to dig deep, Virgo. As Venus in Aries moves through a private sector of your birth chart, you’re tasked with embracing your vulnerability. Learning to lean on others for support and to share some of your more intimate memories will lead to relationship breakthroughs. This is a sultry transit, too; as we uncover deeper parts of our psyche, we’re also exploring our sensuality and power. Sharing intimacy with others will feel life-changing under this celestial energy.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
It’s all about love, Libra. But you know that already! Venus in Aries calls all close partnerships under the microscope. “Libras may decide to catch the eye of their beloved or deepen new or existing one-on-one relationships through a little adventure,” Ursula shares. We’re sinking deeper into what productive collaboration looks like. How can you deepen your connections? Reflecting on boundaries and ensuring that everyone’s needs are being met within partnership dynamics is also critical at this time.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Time to reflect on your daily health and routines, Scorpio. As Venus moves through Aries, if you’re seeking love, you may find a potential partner at the gym or out on a hike. You benefit from developing healthier habits at this time. Coupled-up Scorpios may start working out together or decide to try out a new nutrition plan. “Now is the time for Scorpio to question if their current day-to-day schedule is working in their favour,” McRae says. “In true Aries fashion, it may also be time to find more passion in their work.”
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Did someone say date night, Sagittarius? Romance and play is just about all you can think about as Venus moves through Aries. There isn’t really a more cosmically aligned time than now to invest in dating and swiping right. It’s also incredibly important to prioritise your hobbies and activities that feed your inner child’s soul. Incorporate more play into your life and, hell, maybe even visit a playground with your partner and feel the wind on your face as you swing on a set of swings hand in hand.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Things could be getting serious, Capricorn. When Venus moves through Aries, you have your living situation on your mind. Is it time to move in with someone? Perhaps you’re ready to introduce a new special someone to some of your loved ones. “Capricorns might be interested in revitalising their inner world, connecting with loved ones and family, and updating home with any comforts or new passion projects,” Ursula says. Spending time renovating your living space will also bring serious pleasure and fulfilment during this time.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Love starts in the mind, Aquarius. As Venus moves through Aries, you’re interested in connection with people who you can learn from and grow with. You’re craving a little extra connection and may also overbook your schedule with a handful of dates. “Aquarius will experience mental sharpness under this transit,” McRae says. “Writing, communications, and other intellectual skills pay off. Now is the time to write love letters and verbally praise your love interest to receive the same affirmation in return.” Don’t be afraid to speak from the heart!
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Time to spend a little extra time reflecting on what matters most to you, Pisces. You’re a natural caretaker and can easily put your needs on the back burner. Venus in Aries reminds you that your values, sense of security, and self-worth matter. Don’t be afraid to stand up for your beliefs and ask for what you desire most in all of your relationships. You may also receive financial blessings or news related to work or a job opportunity.