Obsessed With Gadgets and Tech? Answer This Survey for a Shot at Winning a $150 Voucher

Do you dream of automating everything in your life? Turning the air-con on when you’re 20 minutes away from home, controlling all the lights in your home from an app? If a smart home feels like your ultimate dream, this survey is for you.

Respond to the survey below for your chance to win a $150 Westfield voucher, and at the end answer: In 25 words or less, tell us in 25 words or less what chore you would automate to make your life easier?

The winner will be judged based on creativity.

This competition has now closed. Good luck!

By entering the competition you opt-in to receive promotional materials from POPSUGAR Australia.

Read the full terms and conditions. This competition is in no way associated with Westfield.

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