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- The World Tarot Card Is Your Sign to Let Go of the Past
The World Tarot Card Is Your Sign to Let Go of the Past

The World is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck and the final card of the major arcana. It can mean successful completion or an inability to move forward, depending on how it falls in your spread. Understanding this card can be the key to acknowledging and thanking yourself for your accomplishments or realising that you are stuck in the past and need to move on. Read on to help better interpret what the World tarot card is reflecting in your life by understanding its symbolism, reversed meaning, and yes and no associations.
The World Description and Symbolism
Illustrated on the World tarot card is a woman wrapped in purple fabric surrounded by an oval laurel wreath. In the four corners are symbols that represent the four fixed zodiac signs. The water bearer represents Aquarius, the eagle represents Scorpio, the bull represents Taurus, and the lion represents Leo.
In the woman’s hands are two batons – an allusion to the Magician card and a symbol of coming full circle. However, unlike The Magician, who holds just one wand, the pair of wands found on The World represent wholeness and balance.
The mandorla around her represents the cycle of life. The woman appears to be passing through the wreath, but she’s looking over her shoulder at what she’s leaving behind. This symbolises her getting ready to enter the next phase in her existence, without forgetting all that she’s learned and experienced.
The World Upright
When The World is upright, it’s emblematic of reaching a natural conclusion and moving on to the next. However, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reap the benefits of your success or pause to admire how far you’ve come. Remember to recognise your accomplishments and enjoy the knowledge and wealth you gained from your hard work. Use what you’ve experienced as an asset in your next venture, rather than a crutch.
The World Reversed
If this card surfaces itself reversed in your spread, it could indicate that you’re stuck in the past. Lack of closure, outdated ideas or values, or relationships that no longer serve you could be at fault. Examine what loose ends need to be tied up and what anchors need to be detached so you can continue growing. It may be time to reorient yourself, face forward, and take the next steps in your life’s journey. Don’t miss out on what’s coming next due to things and people that tie you to the past.
The World Yes/No Association
Each card in the tarot deck can be classified into an answer of “yes” or “no” if you’re looking for a quick binary answer. As one of the most positive cards in the deck, The World is telling you “yes” to things like business ventures, moving to a new place, manifesting, planning for the future, and celebrations. On the other hand, if it’s in reverse, The World is telling you “no” to getting back with exes, back-pedaling, and ruminating on past guilt, as these things will just impede your growth and readiness for what the future has in store.