This New Moon in Capricorn Baño Will Help You Reach Your 2022 Goals

The New Moon in Capricorn is our first new moon of 2022, and it offers us the opportunity to truly secure our future. Whether you need to balance all those responsibilities with a bit more ease or you’re shutting down procrastination to reach your goals in the new year, this Capricorn New Moon Baño can help.

This new moon will reach its peak on January 2 at 1:35 p.m. EST. As we bid 2021 farewell, we can set our sights on the strength and lessons we’ve gathered and put it to work in the new year. Capricorn is the 10th zodiac sign and since the number 10 often symbolises the completion of something, we can now begin anew. This earth sign beckons us to remain grounded in the present moment while contemplating our future needs, responsibilities, and goals. If self-discipline or keeping commitments is something you desire, set intentions upon this Cap new moon to call that into your life.

This sign, represented by a goat, also rules success, management, and authority. Capricorns are reliable, often have a lot of energy, and are stubborn in their perseverance. Tap into the energy of the goat to release all anxiety around your successes. You deserve to shine! Embrace and accept abundance, and it will continue to rain upon you.

But remember that success doesn’t mean you have to do it all. So, wish for better time management skills with this new moon so you can delegate responsibilities and in turn, find balance in work and life. Allow any excessive control to fall by the wayside and breathe in the fresh air of trusting others to get the job done right. Stop feeling the need to justify yourself and your actions to others and see life in a way that brings you joy.

Finally, since Capricorn rules the bones and joints, give yourself some extra self-loving by booking a massage, or a visit to the chiropractor. Not interested in leaving the nest? No worries, this new moon baño ritual is all you need.

New Moon in Capricorn Baño Ritual Recipe


· One cup of Epsom salt

· Several splashes of Agua de Florida or Florida Water (use your intuition!)

· Moonstone, emerald, garnet, or peridot crystals

· Petals from pansies or African violet flowers

· Chamomile or rosemary herbs

· Sandalwood, bergamot, or myrrh oils


1. Fill the bath with warm water (never hot).

2. Add the Epsom salt and Agua de Florida to your running bath water, using your hands to stir and infuse the salt and water.

3. Place crystals around the edge of the bathtub, in the water, or place them on your body as you soak.

4. Add your choice of herbs, oils, and flower petals.

5. Pray over the water and set your intentions. What will you wish for under the New Moon in Capricorn?

6. Soak for 20 to 40 minutes.

7. Allow yourself to air dry or pat dry with a light-colored towel.

8. After your bath, write ten wishes and repeat each one out loud, saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” after each one.

9. Sit for a moment (however long or short you’d like) with your hands over your heart chakra at the center of your breastbone.

10. Call in whatever you want 2022 to bring, and embrace every moment of the ride.

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