21 Stunning Photos of Outer Space That'll Put Life in Perspective

If you’ve ever gotten caught up in everyday life (and honestly, who hasn’t?), you or someone else has probably told you to “think about the big picture.” But what happens when the world around you isn’t any less overwhelming? Right now, things like politics and a pandemic deserve your attention, but you still need to find ways to slow down and breathe. And sometimes, zooming out as far as you can and looking at the biggest possible picture can help.

These 21 photos of space and our solar system are not only meditative, calming, and a great reminder of how tiny and precious our world is, but they’re also so stunning that you’ll have a hard time believing they’re real. Keep reading to see them all.

Related: 17 Different Full Moons and How They Got Their Names

Unsplash / Guillermo Ferla

Unsplash / Guillermo Ferla

Unsplash / Rafael Cerqueira

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Unsplash / Guillermo Ferla

Pexels / Jaymantri

Unsplash / Bryan Goff

Unsplash / Guillermo Ferla

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Unsplash / Joel Filipe

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Unsplash / Alexander Andrews

Unsplash / Guillermo Ferla

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Unsplash / Josh Kahen

Unsplash / Guillermo Ferla

Pexels / Pixabay

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