6 Crystals to Help You Survive This Mercury Retrograde

If you’ve ever vetted a Tinder match by analysing their entire birth chart or even simply scrolled through a few astrological videos on your TikTok FYP, chances are you know about Mercury retrograde. In 2022, Mercury retrograde will first occur May 10 through June 2. This chaotic time is caused by the illusion that Mercury is moving backward in its orbit, which is what we observe from Earth. Though that backward movement isn’t actually happening, a lot of wild things tend to take place during Mercury retrograde.

According to certified Reiki Master and crystal healer Athena Bahri, events like an ex-partner sliding into your DMs, major communication issues, and technological problems are all common occurrences during Mercury retrograde. “The planet Mercury governs all things communication – from conversations to methods of communication,” Bahri tells POPSUGAR. “Devices like computers, tablets, and phones tend to crash during a retrograde, so be sure to back them up before it starts. Likewise, triple check any messages or emails before sending to be sure you’ve fixed any typos and gotten the message across that you’ve intended.”

In order to combat these issues or mitigate them before they get worse, Bahri recommends focusing on your own healing and goals. “When Mercury goes retrograde, this is a time when the past revisits, giving us an opportunity to heal old wounds, revisit past inspirations and goals, and learn from past efforts so we can move forward clear in our heart of what is for our highest good,” she explains. One of her biggest recommendations to combat the potential struggles of Mercury retrograde? Crystals. “Crystals hold ancient knowledge and energy from our dear Mother Earth,” Bahri says. “Keeping crystals close to us, whether as jewellery, kept under our pillows, or tucked into our pocket or bra, brings our energy into alignment with the vibration and frequency of our chosen crystals.”

If you’re into all things witchy and metaphysical, you’ve most likely kept some rose quartz in your bra or cleansed your aura with selenite before. But do you know which crystals best protect your precious energy during this chaotic time? Read on to check out Bahri’s expert recommendations for the best crystals for Mercury retrograde.

Pink Rhodochrosite by Eric Hunt CC BY 2.0


Mercury retrograde is a great time to focus on heart healing “and revisiting old patterns and behaviours that are no longer serving you,” Bahri says. With its beautiful pink hue and tender energies, rhodochrosite is a great crystal to aid in this endeavour. According to Bahri, this crystal supports your heart chakra and is great for “healing old emotional wounds and the inner child, [and] forgiveness.”

Blue Lace Agate by Orbital Joe CC BY 2.0

Blue Lace Agate

An incredibly popular stone associated with the throat chakra, blue lace agate is a fantastic tool to use for those inevitable communication issues during Mercury retrograde. Bahri says it is especially helpful for “keeping a cool head, calming emotions, [and] communication from a place of love.”

Chrysocolla by Cynthia Montes CC BY 2.0


With all of the breaking old patterns, communication breakdowns, and heart healing during Mercury retrograde, it’s helpful to focus on your root, heart, and throat chakras. Luckily for you, chrysocolla is a stone that hits all three of those in one. Chrysocolla “helps balance and heal exchanges, allowing you to know when to speak and when to listen,” Bahri explains.

Gemstone Collection - Kyanite by Arm Storage CC BY 2.0

Blue Kyanite

In addition to the beautiful baby-blue colour it often has, blue kyanite is an immensely helpful crystal to use during Mercury retrograde. Miscommunications often happen during that time, so try keeping one of these close by. According to Bahri, it “facilitates communication, helps clear up misunderstandings, [and] supports your third eye, heart, and throat chakras.”

Turquoise Beads by cobalt123 CC BY 2.0


Whether it be confronting childhood trauma or revisiting the pain from a past toxic relationship, Mercury retrograde is a great time to look back and heal the wounds of the past. Bahri says turquoise is a fitting crystal for this work because it “reminds us that even the darker parts of ourselves and our past are an important part of who we are today.” If you find this applies to you and your Mercury retrograde experience, try meditating on that healing with a piece of turquoise.

Shungite by James St. John CC BY 2.0


One of the more well-known and expected consequences of Mercury retrograde is technology issues. For these annoying instances, Bahri recommends using shungite. “Keep a piece next to your computer and phones. Not only does this stone help your device work more efficiently, it helps purify any EMFs before reaching your physical body,” she says. Shungite also supports all chakras, so it’s a great multipurpose option.

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