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- We Crowd-Sourced 13 Proven Tips to Help Fire Up Your Career in 2022
We Crowd-Sourced 13 Proven Tips to Help Fire Up Your Career in 2022

POPSUGAR Australia has partnered with Windows 11 and Intel to keep you informed and up-to-date on everything happening in Australia. From inspiring you to make big moves in your career, to nurturing your wellbeing, and more.
When it comes to career advice, the first person or people you should turn to are those who’ve achieved great things but were once where you are now. These people had big ambitions like you do but had to put in the hard yards and learn the lessons along the way to make it to the top.
So, what if you had access to many of these people at once, and got to ask them what their best advice for firing up their career would be? Ahead is just that — 13 tried and true tips from people across a range of industries, all of who have achieved great things.
“Remember, You’re Never Too Young or Old to Start”
Samantha Brett, Founder of Naked Sundays
“Just start! I started doing work experience as soon as it was legally allowed. During my university days, I moved to New York to do an internship at Fox News. When I came back to Australia, I applied everywhere and worked anywhere that said yes — from magazines to newsrooms, to get as much experience as possible.
Then, when I decided I wanted to launch Naked Sundays, I spent months and months knocking on doors and spoke to so many chemists, manufacturers, skin experts and suppliers until I finally found ones I loved and trusted to make my dream products.”

“When You’re Just Starting Out, Be Willing to Put in the Hours”
Brittany Bennett, Founder at Bennett PR
“If you are just starting out in the workforce, my biggest tip would be to try to learn how to do everything in the company that you are working for. Lots of younger people these days feel that a lot of the admin tasks are beneath them and they would prefer to skip that step, but the truth is, if you don’t learn how to do these things, it will make it harder for you if you want to start your own business one day like I did.
Put in the hours when you are new, learn how an established company does things and once you are efficient at these tasks, hopefully, your boss will give you a promotion and put a new person in that role. Otherwise, look for a new job that will allow you to progress.”
“Know There’s Never a Perfect Time for an Opportunity”
Anjanette Murfet, Chief People and Communications Officer at Accolade Wines
“As women, we can be reluctant to take opportunities that come our way. We can feel like we’re not ready, we’re not good enough, or it’s not the right time. I believe there is never the perfect time. Earlier in my career, I was offered a new role in Ghana, West Africa. I am from a small town, I was happy in my job in Australia, and I had a five-year-old child — there were so many reasons not to take it. Even though it challenged me, personally and professionally, there is never a moment that I regret making that decision — for myself and my family. Have the confidence to back yourself, take the leap. What’s the worst that could happen?!”
“Set Goals and Hold Yourself Accountable”
Dr Shreya Andric, Dermatologist at Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser
“Put yourself out there and take risks. Progression requires change. Meet people — network and learn from those who have gone before you. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Set goals and targets along with dates that you hope to achieve them by. Write them down and keep coming back to them, to make sure you stay on track and hold yourself accountable. Expect failures and setbacks along the way — learn from them and do what you can to make sure you avoid making the same mistakes in the future.”
“Observe Others in Your Industry and Become a Sponge”
Dr Aodhan Docherty, Cosmetic Dentist at About Smiles Dental Centre
“In my early career, I focused on seeking out the best dentists in their field, observing them and being a sponge to soak up every tip and trick I could. I then went out domestically and internationally and did the most reputable postgraduate courses I could. During this time, I worked relentlessly to build my name and profile, often six or seven days every week and always with a clearly defined list of goals that I would work towards.”
“Don’t Forget to Recharge and Rest”
Luke McLeod, Meditation Teacher and Founder of Soul Alive
“The number one piece of advice I would give to someone wanting to ‘fire up’ their career is to actually ‘cool down’ a bit. Meaning, to not forget to prioritise some time to recharge and rest. This is why, when we’re on a holiday, it’s also usually when we feel most creative, energised, calm and concise. All essential qualities if you’re wanting to maintain your level of focus, drive and ambition. Meditation is the perfect exercise for maintaining this balance. It restores the mind and the body so you can perform at your best. Just a quick five- to ten-minute guided session can have a big impact on how you feel and get you back into the fast lane of achieving your career goals.”
“Understand What’s Important to You in a Role and Your Career”
Amie Duignan, Career Coach and Recruiter at A.D Connects
“If you’re unsure about your next step, spend time reflecting and leaning into what really matters to you — my #1 is freedom, so I started working for myself. I sat with myself and realised what truly mattered to me and what my values are. What are your values? How do you want to show up in your career? Create a pro and con list of everything you have loved and not loved in all your roles — once you know what you want, you can take steps and inspired actions to help you find the job that loves you back.”
“Pick a Company Over a Position”
Emily Rose Hills, Social Media Lead at NRL
“Follow your passion, not the money. The reality is, you will spend five days out of seven doing your job — make sure you pick something you are passionate about. The money will follow as you gain experience. Also, pick a company over a position. Getting into a good company is the hard part — you can always move roles once you’re in. Good company culture is everything.”
“Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People”
Jessy Marshall, Founder at Hive HQ
“I think the saying is ‘you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with’. Therefore, to fire up your career, surround yourself with like-minded, driven people who hold the same values as you. I know for me, when my now-husband told me this, I started analysing who I spent the most time with, it made me assess if those people upheld my values.”

“Make Time For Everyone”
Dr Anne Brock, Master Distiller at Bombay Sapphire
“The best advice I can give anyone is to stand up and be noticed by making time for people from all across your industry. Talk confidently about what you know, be keen to learn about the things you don’t and always be open to opportunities. Sometimes the idea of a ‘career’ can be overwhelming, so even if you are not entirely sure which direction you want to take, always play to your strengths. It can lead to exciting new paths that you might not have considered.”
“Get Clear on What You Want From a Job”
Maria Enna-Cocciolone, Company Founder at INSKIN COSMEDICS
“Start by writing down a list of the things you want and a list of the things you don’t want. Ask yourself whether you are aligned with the company culture. Do you believe in their ethics? Do you love the product or service you endorse? Be honest with yourself and have the courage to step out of your comfort zone to create your own happiness. Right now, it’s an employee’s market, making it the right time (and the best time) to make your everyday count.”
“Try Different Roles Early in Your Career”
Sarah Nichols, Marketing Director ANZ at Bacardi-Martini Australia
“My advice is to try different roles early in your career, as this will provide you with plenty of experiences and options that will help you land on what you really love doing. Although it may sound obvious, a great way to find new and exciting roles is through networking. Spend time on this throughout your career. Not only will you meet some great people, but you will also discover new industries and opportunities.”
“Be Respectful to Others”
Anthony Nader, Founder at RAW Anthony Nader
“It’s true for every job, really, but treat others how you’d love to be treated. When you have nothing but good positive energy, your new team members will gravitate towards you, and you’ll have their trust. Your clientele is your business, so be mindful of being honest with them and take the time out to upgrade your skills with ongoing courses to further your skillset.”