Giant Plush Pokémon, Ranked

Imagine, for a moment, you’ve just logged off from work after a long day of doing whatever it is you get paid the big bucks for. You’re tired, you’ve got a new show to binge, and you want to be as cosy as humanly possible. Why settle for a couch when you could instead snuggle up on a giant Snorlax?

The Snorlax beanbag isn’t the only giant plush Pokémon on the market. There are a surprising amount on the official Pokémon website and even more sold on places like Etsy. They’re all adorable and have big Djungelskog energy, but some have to be better than others, right? I decided to find out.

I wasn’t looking for the cutest giant plush Pokémon — I was looking for the best giant plush Pokémon. The one that makes you want to curl up in a ball to read a good book, or take a nap or sit in as you watch your cat and say “biiig stretch” when they do a big stretch. For my ranking, I set myself some criteria: the plushies had to measure at least 50 cm and be from the official Pokémon website. Even with those limits in place, that left me with dozens of plushies, so I took some liberties and picked out the eight cosiest ones. With that in mind, I went to work.

Giant Plush Pokémon, Ranked by Cosiness.

#8 Snorlax Poké Plush (50 cm)

Well, well, well, the Pokémon who started this ranking ended up sitting at the bottom of the list. The only reason the giant Snorlax plush ranks last is because it’s the smallest of all the plushies you’ll find here. And when it comes to enveloping yourself in a plush Pokémon, size does matter. Still, Snorlax is very cute and I’m sure he’d make a great cuddle buddy — according to one of the reviews, he’s “Perfectly soft and big enough for a hug.” That’s great, but I want to be using these giant plush Pokémon as a mattress, not a pillow.

#7 Pikachu Poké Plush (68 cm)

Now we’re talking. This plush Pikachu is big. According to a quick google search, Pikachu is just over 40 cm tall in the games, so this plush is already bigger than life-sized, although he’s still on the smaller end of this list. His arms and feet might get in the way of a good snuggle, but the rest of him looks like it’d be softer than a cloud, so we can let it slide.

#6 Psyduck Poké Plush (79 cm)

You don’t normally think of the duck with a headache when you think of cosy, but this plush Psyduck would like a word, please. His body to bill ratio makes for excellent snuggles and at almost a metre tall, there’s a lot to snuggle.

#5 Ditto Squishy Plush (65 cm)

This Ditto plush is stuffed with a stretchy filling that lets you mould it into other shapes before it bounces back to normal. That’s basically what a memory foam pillow does, except this plush is 43 cm tall and 65 cm wide — much larger than a pillow. Take it from this reviewer, who said “I like sleeping with it on top of me. It feels like a weighted blanket.”

#4 Gigantamax Pikachu Poké Plush (80 cm)

This is a 1:20 scale version of Gigantamax Pikachu from Pokémon Sword and Shield. Because he’s so big, he doesn’t have the same problem as the Pikachu in 7th place — he’s all cuddly belly and his tiny hands and feet will almost never get in your way of a good nap. He’s also wearing a hat.

#3 Wailord Poké Plush (66 cm)

This Wailord plush is perfect for cuddles. Not only is he large and soft, but his huge grin brings a welcome calming energy to your nap time.

#2 Mareep Poké Plush (114 cm)

We’ve reached the Biggest Boys. The Mareep plush is a 1:1 scale replica of the soft and cuddly sheep in the games, measuring 61 cm tall, 58 cm wide and 114 cm long. It’s also surrounded with a super soft fluffy texture for the wool, so you can lie on it any way you like. The only problem you’ll run into is where to put it — I don’t know if it would fit anywhere in my tiny apartment — but sacrificing floor space is a small sacrifice to pay for the ultimate nap partner. Don’t just take my word for it, read some of the reviews from satisfied customers: “Some say money can’t buy happiness. Those people have not purchased a life-size Mareep plush,” says one. “Even bigger than I expected and immensely huggable,” reads another. But I think the most helpful review is the one that simply states: “THIS THING IS HUGE!”

#1 Slowpoke Poké Plush (150 cm)

The best and cosiest giant plush Pokémon could only ever be this gigantic Slowpoke. At 150 cm long, it would be taller than a lot of humans if you stood it up beside them. This thing is less like a cushion and more like a small couch, which obviously translates to maximum cosiness whether you’re gaming, sleeping, or watching a show. There’s also Slowpoke’s lethargic nature to consider: this Pokémon is known to forget things, take minutes or even days to react to things and some believe it even has a magical yawn. That’s some Big Nap Energy that I believe would manifest in the plush Slowpoke as well.

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