This Video of Henry Cavill Building a Gaming PC Lives Rent-Free in My Mind

A photo of Henry Cavill in front of the gaming PC he built.

Besides being one of the biggest humans who ever lived and a perfect Geralt of Rivia, Henry Cavill is also a self-confessed nerd. Take, for example, the time he uploaded a six-minute video to Instagram of him building a gaming PC, one of the horniest and nerdiest videos ever committed to the internet.

In July 2020, production of The Witcher season two had been shut down by COVID and Cavill had some spare time on his hands, which he apparently filled by building a gaming PC from scratch. In the video, set to Barry White’s sultry “You’re the First, the Last, My Everything”, we see Cavill fitting the computer parts together with the kind of gentleness that shouldn’t be possible for someone whose biceps I’m pretty sure could easily crush me if they tried.

Since it’s Valentine’s Day, I want to gift you with a recap of, and possibly an introduction to, this video of Henry Cavill building a gaming PC. Happy horny season!

The caption for the video warns us that “viewer discretion is advised.”

Cavill cheekily writes that “This kind of material isn’t for everyone … You may see a lot of parts that you haven’t seen before.” Sir, I am ready.

It begins with a shot of the parts he’s using, including a 2080 Ti graphics card and a Ryzen 9 CPU. Unsurprisingly for the big boy, the parts are all powerful enough to run most games at the highest settings, even by today’s standards.

Next, he flips through the instructions, which are… lengthy.

At this point, Cavill is filming from a GoPro strapped to his head, and the scene pivots from the instructions to the motherboard and back a few times. Anyone who’s built a computer before knows that it can be a long, stressful process, and it’s comforting to know that even Henry Cavill struggles with it. He might be able to deadlift my bodyweight without breaking a sweat, but at least we’re equally skilled when it comes to building a computer.

He fits the CPU to the motherboard, pausing to warn us — us, the viewer and humanity itself, perhaps — about the importance of lining it up just right. “Those little gold pins are sensitive. They gotta fit right. You gotta be gentle,” he says seductively.

Once the CPU and the cooler are in place, we’re gifted with a montage of him looking equal parts proud of himself and confused — which, if you think about it, is a metaphor about trying to be a girlboss in a pandemic.

He reads more instructions but I can’t focus because he looks like this:

It’s been a full day, and he’s still not finished.

He’s finally ready to turn it on and realises the CPU cooler is upside down, meaning he has to take it all apart again to fix it. That will have to come later, though — he tells us he did it the next day because he “had some gaming to do.”

Again, he looks like this.

The audacity.

Henry Cavill’s gaming PC is finally ready!

After removing the cooler, cleaning the CPU and reapplying the thermal paste, everything is finally in the right position and Cavill turns the computer on. He pans slowly across the inside of the case, which I’m pleased to see is covered in RGB lights. His cable management is also spot on — there’s not a loose cable in sight. Are we meant to believe this man can act, deadlift almost 200kg and understands the importance of a neat and tidy gaming PC? Henry Cavill’s out here personally raising the bar for men everywhere.

Admittedly, the whole video is pretty daggy. The lighting is bad, it’s blurry, and the stock music tracks he puts over it are, well, stock music tracks. But that’s part of the charm, and my god does it make being a gamer look sexy. It’s almost as if playing games isn’t for loners. Makes you think…

Anyway, thank you, Henry Cavill, for building a gaming PC and filming it and putting it online at a time we needed it most.

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