Netflix's “The Principles of Pleasure” Aims to Close the Orgasm Gap

Let’s talk about sex. It’s fun, it’s hot, and it’s satisfying . . . but more so for some than others. In Netflix’s new limited series “The Principles of Pleasure,” narrator and comedian Michelle Buteau takes viewers on an educational journey about a loaded topic: women’s pleasure and the complexities that surround it. The streaming platform released the trailer for the series on March 3, and the first few seconds alone – during which different women briefly struggle to define “pleasure” – shed light on why this series, and open discussions about sex overall, aren’t just educational – they’re necessary.

Despite a continued push for sex education and sex positivity in recent years, myriad myths and disparities have left women’s pleasure as a whole shrouded in unnecessary mystery. This has not only given way to an orgasm gap that’s grown larger than the gender wage gap as the trailer mentions, but it’s also left many women with shame, negativity, or even fear surrounding sex with a partner, masturbation, and their bodies. Through interviews with sex therapists, scientists, and real people, “The Principles of Pleasure” aims to dispel these falsehoods, centring sex-positive ideologies and equipping viewers with the assurance and the knowledge to confidently prioritise their own pleasure on their own terms in their sex lives.

Ahead, watch the trailer for Netflix’s “The Principles of Pleasure” below, and mark your calendar for its release on March 22.

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