The Most Underrated Workout Equipment in the Gym, According to a Personal Trainer

Getty / Oscar Bjarnason

So, you’re stuck in a gym routine rut: treadmill, Stairmaster, planks, repeat.

The moment you start feeling bored in your workout ways is the perfect time to explore what untapped resources the gym has to offer – which is where Kaitlyn Gannon, NSCA-certified personal trainer and owner of Dallas Iron Fitness, might be of service to you.

The expert is spicing up our gym lives by letting us in on her favorite underrated equipment and her preferred exercise for each.

Related: The Most Common Resistance Band Mistakes, According to a Personal Trainer


Gannon is a fan of kettlebells because they offer a plethora of technical benefits while engaging a wide range of muscle groups – it’s an efficient tool for many exercises, from cardio to strength training.

“A quick [session] using kettlebells can take your workout to the next level,” Gannon says.

Single Arm Swings

  • Start with the kettlebell in your right hand.
  • Begin to hinge back to engage your glutes and hamstrings.
  • Then, allow the kettlebell to swing back with a straight arm.
  • As you swing, be sure to squeeze your glutes while raising your chest and straightening your knees.
  • Swing the kettlebell in an upward motion, stopping at eye level.
  • Continue this motion for each set, once complete repeat on the left side.
  • Alternate each arm for three sets of five.
  • Related: This Sexy, Shirtless Trainer Will Convince You to Pick Up a Kettlebell, Stat

    Resistance Bands

    “People tend to think of resistance bands for rehabilitation purposes only, which is a huge misconception as bands are great to use as part of a warmup for any major muscle group,” Gannon encourages.

    Resistance bands can be used to engage the muscle groups in both the eccentric phase ( lengthening the muscle) and concentric phase (shortening the muscle), too.

    Power Single Arm Press

  • Place a band around the handle of a cable machine.
  • Face sideways with the resistance band in your right hand.
  • Rotate through your core while punching through with your right hand.
  • Complete the same movement with the left hand after turning your body facing the opposite way.
  • Continue for five sets of 20 on each arm at a medium resistance.
  • Bosu Ball

    If you can locate a Bosu ball at your gym, Gannon recommends using it to increase your heart rate during a circuit workout or to help with balance. If you are interested in boosting the intensity of a specific exercise, the unstable surface can do that for you, too.

    Power Skiers

  • Begin by standing on the ball side of the Bosu ball with both feet.
  • Then, with your left leg, step off into a side lunge and quickly bring your leg back onto the Bosu ball – complete 20 reps.
  • Continue the exercise by stepping off to the right for 20 reps.
  • You can enhance this workout by jumping instead of stepping off the sides to make it more dynamic.
  • Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news.

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