When was the last time you had a gym membership? Three years ago? Ten years ago? Never?
The boutique fitness boom has drawn people away from traditional gyms in the past decade. As fitness-lovers found their niche (Spin addicts and Pilates enthusiasts and kickboxers alike), they drifted away from ellipticals and locker rooms and into grapefruit-scented studios with SmartWater and designer bath products.
But the times, they are a-changin’! We predict that 2020 will be the year people start going back to the gym, whether it’s a franchise or local spot. Why? A few reasons: the gym you once knew is getting a major makeover in terms of services, and with new pricing options at gyms across the country, they’re more competitive than ever.
While we don’t anticipate those niche classes going away anytime soon (to the contrary!), we do think gyms will be on the upswing once again. The growth of the health and wellness industry isn’t slowing down, and if the insights ahead prove anything, it’s that there’s room at the table for everyone. Here’s why you’re likely to see plenty of new faces at the gym in the coming year.