Yeast Infection Set to Ruin Your Life and Your Hinge Date? Take These 9 Steps

Need to get rid of a yeast infection in 24 hours? Here's how.

Remember the TV series “24”? If not, it’s an American Crime drama starring Kiefer Sutherland, as the hapless Jack Bauer, a counter terrorist operative with the worst luck in the world. Every day he shows up at work with just 24 hours to beat terrorists and save his nation from disaster. 

While it’s not exactly the same, having a yeast infection before a date can feel just as urgent. You’ve been sowing the seeds for months, they’ve finally fallen into your trap (asked you out) and suddenly your sexy evening plans are looking ruined. That our your casual Hinge hookup is looking #cancelled. 

It’s natural to want to sort your situation out stat, and while we can’t guarantee these tips we’ve rounded up will totally rid you of your yeast infection within twenty-four hours, they may give you enough relief to make it through dinner without wincing and running to the bathroom every 24 seconds. 

What Is a Yeast Infection?

It’s important to know your enemy. So what exactly is a yeast infection? A yeast infection is caused by the candida genus of yeast, which is a type of fungus (hot!). Around 20 percent of women and people with vaginas, and 30 percent of pregnant people will carry candida. Candida in and of itself, doesn’t cause the symptoms of a yeast infection. These symptoms are caused when the bodies microbial balance is thrown off. This can be triggered by anything from hormonal changes, certain medications (like antibiotics), overuse of feminine hygiene products (more on that later) and exposure to “foreign bodies” (even more on that later).

How Do You Know It’s a Yeast Infection?

According to Mayo Clinic, itching, burning, redness and swelling are all signs you’ve netted yourself a yeast infection. You may also notice white, odour free discharge and experience vaginal pain and soreness. It’s important to note that yeast infections aren’t sexually transmitted, although they can feel that way! You’re at greater risk of contracting a yeast infection after sex with a new partner. That’s right, your vagina’s reaction to a literal “foreign body” is just one of life’s little curses.

With that cleared up, here are the best ways to get your UTI out the door.

Go Over the Counter

There are plenty of over the counter options that can help in an itchy emergency. These include anti-fungals which treat bacteria, and suppositories which are… soothing – just remember to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully.

Take Probiotics

Probiotics can help prevent future yeast infections
Probiotics can help you prevent a yeast infection in future. Image Credit: Getty

They won’t help you right now, but probiotics may help you in future. Probiotics can help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina, which may help prevent yeast infections. You can take probiotics as a supplement or eat foods that are high in probiotics, such as yogurt.

Skip These Products

Put down whatever it is you’re holding in you hand, right now. While hitting the panic button when you have 24 hours to sort out a yeast infection is understandable, it never worked for Jack Bauer, and it won’t work for you. Soaps, douches and “feminine hygiene” sprays are all irritants that will make your situation worse, not better. They all risk further disrupting your vaginal pH, which is not something you’re in the market for right now. Ditch.

Avoid Common Irritants

So, you’ve dropped the inadvisable products! Good for you. Unfortunately there are some more common day-to-day irritants that could be making your yeast infection outstay it’s welcome. (It’s never welcome). These include tight clothing or underwear, certain laundry detergents.

Avoid using products that may irritate the vaginal area, such as scented soap, douches, or feminine hygiene sprays.

Take a Bath

Taking a bath with Epsom salts or colloidal oatmeal can help sooth and treat a yeast infection.
Chill out and treat your yeast infection from the tub. Image Credit: Getty

Taking a warm bath with Epsom salts can relieve itching and inflammation. They provide symptomatic relief and there is some evidence that adding epsom salts and apple cider vinegar can assist with neutralising the candida that causes yeast infections. Other tried and tested products include oatmeal bath soaks, which have been clinically demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory and anti-itch benefits.

Wear Loose, Breathable Clothing

Tight clothing or underwear that doesn’t breathe can create a warm, moist environment that promotes the growth of yeast! Fun. If you have a yeast infection, you’re probably not trotting off to pilates to in your tightest workout gear. But, if you usually sleep with underwear on you may want to skip it.

Use a Cold Compress

Applying a cold compress to the affected area and dial down itchiness. Sure, it’s a short-term solution, but it’s a classic!

Go to the Doctor

If your yeast infection has stuck around and is resisting all over the counter treatments, it might be time to head to the doctor. Your local GP can prescribe an anti-fungal treatment that will usually clear the issue in seven days. If you’re finding you get recurrent yeast infections, you may also want to talk to your doctor about potential causes. You’ll probably have to reschedule date night, but you may avoid a second round of trouble with the right treatment plan.

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