Ring In the New Year With These Health and Fitness Resolutions Based on Your Zodiac Sign

While taking control of your health and wellness has never required a special occasion, making that ceremonial commitment at the beginning of the year is a good way to help your goals stick. However, sometimes the pressure to even choose a New Year’s resolution can feel like too much. If that’s the case for you, we recommend looking to the stars for guidance. Ahead, you’ll find health and fitness resolutions tailored to each of the zodiac signs, so you can stop stressing about what to do and get started building the habits that will serve you best. Here’s to a happier, healthier 2022!

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Aries (March 21-April 19): Level Up Your Cardio

Aries are gutsy, ambitious, and competitive, thanks to their ruling planet, Mars, named after the god of war. Let off some steam and tap into your competitive side by adding more cardio to your routine. “Cardio keeps your body healthy and your mind sharp and can even help reduce anxiety by filling your lungs with deep breaths,” Jordan Hosbein, an NASM-certified personal trainer, told POPSUGAR. “Running, rowing, swimming, boxing, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are great ways to add cardio into your routine.” And whether you’re trying to keep pace with others in a group fitness class or competing only with yourself, these workouts are sure to bring out that fiery Aries spirit.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20): Take Walks in Nature

Taureans are grounded earth signs, so connecting to the natural world is important to them! It can also be hugely beneficial to your health, both mentally and physically. “The natural world is teeming with electrical currents, which our bodies absorb and use to help fight free radicals involved in aging, chronic inflammation, and disease,” explained Samantha Leonard, a yoga instructor and Noom health coach. “Try walking (or simply standing) barefoot. Visualise the electricity from your body mingling with that of the planet through the soles of your feet.”

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Gemini (May 21-June 20): Meal Prep

Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the planet of mind and communication, making them social and chatty by nature. Prepping meals ahead saves a ton of time during the week, so you can get back to socialising, theorising, and seeing the world. Plus, it’s really good for you.

“Meal prep and cooking at home is almost always going to result in a more nutritious meal, lower in calories, sodium, and saturated fat, than a takeout meal. A plan also helps you stay on track, making it less likely that you’ll reach for foods that don’t support your health goals,” explained Bianca Tamburello, RDN. “Hot tip: Save your recipes in one place, like Pinterest or a folder on your computer. This will make meal planning and prep a breeze as your recipe database accumulates.”

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Cancer (June 21-July 22): Build a Home Workout Routine

As a water sign ruled by the emotionally-driven moon, you’ll enjoy working out where you feel most comfortable and like yourself – at home. Luckily, home workouts are all the rage right now. “With an at-home exercise option, you can get your workout in whenever – and wherever – it works with your schedule,” said Brittany Hackman, an instructor with Bulldog Online Yoga. Whether you take online classes or go it alone, “at-home exercises also take away all of the intimidation you may feel when you are starting out on your fitness journey. You’re able to go at your own pace and don’t have to worry about any judgment.”

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Take a Dance Class

Leos are ruled by the fifth house of pleasure, art, and creativity. Learning a new style of dance will tap into your creative side, while benefiting your health. “Dancing is an amazing exercise that tones and tightens your physique. Dance requires strength, stamina, and body control,” Hosbein told POPSUGAR. “Plus, [it’s] fun, and you’re building a new skill!”

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Try Something Totally New

Ruled by the sixth house of service and routine, Virgos are all about structure – but because they’re also a mutable sign, trying out new ventures is exciting and effective when making healthy changes. This year, explore sports or activities you may have overlooked or assumed were too challenging. “There’s nothing like the feeling of seeing your progress after starting a new [workout or] sport. The mind and body benefits are countless,” Hackman said.

Just remember to start slowly when adding something new to your workout routine. “For instance, start with a short beginner workout once or twice a week,” Hackman explained, instead of jumping straight into daily, hour-long sessions.

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Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Find a Fitness Community

Because they’re ruled by the seventh house of partnerships, it’s important for Libras to feel connected with their friends and community. Group fitness classes are a great way to stay motivated and build relationships in the new year. “The idea here is to find your pack of people who will motivate and inspire you,” Hackman said, noting that when you work out with a group, you can also help keep each other accountable.

“Not only do group fitness classes give you the opportunity to learn from a professional, but they also give you the chance to become part of a community and power through the squats and sweat together,” Hackman told POPSUGAR. And you don’t need to go to a local gym or studio to find that sense of community: “You can get that group feeling by joining a live class online or having a fitness ‘date’ online with some of your friends, whether they are down the block or across the globe.”

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Focus on Muscle Building

Scorpios are powerful, passionate, and dedicated, likely due to the fact that they’re ruled by Pluto, the planet of rebirth and transformation. Scorps need to feel deeply connected with their bodies and inner strength – qualities that make strength training all the more powerful. “A few tips on strength training: List the exercises you would like to do prior to arriving, like a rough plan,” said James Thomas, a Les Mills trainer and presenter. “Start with light weight first as you work through the technique and feel of the movement. Focus on the basics first, such as squats, chest press, rows, and deadlifts. These are your foundation to build from and they are always effective no matter what your experience level is with weight training.”

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Be an Adventurous Eater

Being a mutable fire sign, Sagittarians are all about trying new things and expanding their expertise. What better way to connect with your inner adventurer than exploring new foods? “Experiment with different healthy foods to increase your diet variety and make healthy eating fun and delicious so that this resolution becomes habit,” Tamburello said. “Aim to try one new healthy food per week for diet diversity. Each week try a new lean protein, veggie, fruit, or whole grain. Try new healthy snacks, too!”

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Train For a Race

Because Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and restriction, they’re all about putting in the hours and dedication toward a goal. It’s the methodical and pragmatic energy of a Capricorn that makes training for a race the perfect resolution for 2022.

“Signing up for a race-specific goal ensures that your goal has an end date, which can keep you focused week-to-week after the initial January motivation begins to fade,” explained Hayley Whear, MS, CSCS, a health coach for Noom. “Research a plan that works for you and create space in your schedule for these runs. Also, finding a friend or fellow runner to either encourage or run with you can make all the difference.”

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Keep Your Mind Sharp

Aquarians are the visionaries and intellects of the zodiac. Exercising your mind is just as important as caring for your physical health – and you’re going to need your brain to be in top-notch shape for all the advocating and innovating you’ll be doing this year.

“Keep your body healthy with regular exercise and wholesome foods so you stay focused and energized. Keep your brain healthy by doing something challenging each day, like solving a problem or learning something new,” Hosbein said, noting that reading for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day is another habit that’s extremely healthy, especially just before bed. “Eat good healthy fats like cold water fish, nuts, and seeds – and try to reduce or eliminate processed foods from your diet to have the best mental clarity,” he added.

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Prioritize Good Sleep

Pisceans spend a good amount of time with their head in the clouds, which is owed to the fact that they’re ruled by Neptune, the planet of sleep, dreams, and illusions. Getting proper sleep is essential to wellness, so focus your efforts there this year.

“You should get seven to eight hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep per night. You need sleep to renew your body and mind. It helps with recovery and knowledge synthesis,” Hosbein said. “Keep your sleeping chambers cool, dark, and quiet – no electronics in the bedroom, and try to avoid your computer, phone, and television right before bed. Also, another sleep tip: go outside and get sunlight on your skin every day to help your circadian rhythm stay calibrated.”

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