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- Halle Berry Targeted Her Arms and Legs With This 3-Move Wrist Weight Workout
Halle Berry Targeted Her Arms and Legs With This 3-Move Wrist Weight Workout

It’s no secret that we’re big Halle Berry fans over here. Whenever the famously fit star shares a new workout, we stop whatever we’re doing to see what she’s up to. Berry’s most recent routine, shared by her trainer Peter Lee Thomas on his Instagram, uses wrist weights to bump up the intensity in a three-move ladder-style workout that’s a lot tougher than it looks. Know that all of these moves can also be done without the wrist weights – they’ll just add more of a challenge!
We’ve laid out Berry’s full workout below. Keep reading to watch her and Thomas perform the moves and to get step-by-step instructions for each exercise!
Halle Berry‘s 3-Move Wrist Weights Workout
Directions: Perform 20 reps of each move, moving from shoulder circle to bent-over row to touchdown plyo squat. At the end of the circuit, take a short break. Then repeat the circuit for 18 reps of each exercise. Take a break, then continue repeating the circuit, dropping two reps each time, until you’ve completed the final round of two reps per exercise. For an added challenge, once you get down to two reps of each move, start over by working your way “back up the ladder,” increasing to four, six, eight, etc., until you get back up to 20.
- Shoulder circle
- Bent-over reverse fly
- Touchdown squat jump
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Shoulder Circle
- Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, wrist weights on your wrists, and arms by your sides.
- Extend your arms out at shoulder height so that they are parallel to the floor.
- Make a small arm circle forward, moving both arms at the same time. Keep the circle small and controlled to activate your shoulder muscles. One circle completes one rep.
- Make 20 small arm circles forward. Then repeat the circles, but moving backward.
Bent-Over Reverse Fly
- With a wrist weight on each wrist, stand with the knees slightly bent. Keeping your back flat, bend forward at the hip joint.
- Exhale and lift both arms to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Then, with control, lower your arms back to the starting position. This completes one rep.
- Complete 20 reps.
Touchdown Squat Jump
- Start standing, with your feet hips-distance apart and a wrist weight on each wrist.
- Lower into a squat. Keep your chest lifted, your back flat, and your core engaged. Your knees should not extend past your toes.
- While in squat position, lower down enough to touch both hands to the floor.
- In one controlled motion, swing your arms to the ceiling and jump.
- Land quietly as you return to the squat position. This completes one rep.
- Complete 20 reps.