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- If Halle Berry Could Only Do One Exercise For the Rest of Her Life, It'd Be a Plank – Here's Why
If Halle Berry Could Only Do One Exercise For the Rest of Her Life, It'd Be a Plank – Here's Why

If you’re reading this, there’s a strong chance that you like Halle Berry and you want to know more about her workout routine. She’s always sharing her workouts and health and wellness tips on Instagram, and this week, she answered some questions from her followers about training.
One person asked, “If you could do one exercise for the rest of your life, what would it be?” Her trainer, Peter Lee Thomas, said he would pick the squat “because it trains so much,” including your abs, and it provides you with a foundation of strength. Halle said she would go with a plank variation because “Everything you do radiates from a strong core.” And, we feel you, girl. We love ab work.
To help you strengthen your core, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite plank variations! Check them out ahead.
Related: Try Not to Tremble When You Attempt Halle Berry's 5-Minute, Crunch-Free Ab Workout
Plank With Knee Tap
- Start resting on all fours.
- With your palms flat, raise up off your knees onto your toes. Keep your hands directly below your shoulders.
- Contract your abs to keep yourself up and prevent your bottom from sticking up. Remember to keep your belly button pulled in.
- With your head and spine in line, keep your back flat – don’t let it curve. Picture your body as a long, straight board.
- With control, slowly tap your left knee to the ground without moving your hips. Lift your left knee back up, returning to the starting position. Repeat the same movement with the right leg. This completes one rep.
Plank Side Walk
- Begin in plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders, body in one straight line.
- Simultaneously cross your right hand over your left as you step your left foot to the left. Then simultaneously step your left hand and right foot to the left, so you’re back in plank position. Your hands move together as your feet step apart.
- Be sure to keep the hips low as you move, drawing the navel toward the spine.
Plank With Alternating Arm and Leg Raise
- Come into plank position with your arms and legs straight and your shoulders above your wrists.
- With control, raise your right arm up as you simultaneously raise your left leg up off of the ground. Be sure not to rotate at your hip or upper body. Hold for one second.
- With control, lower your right arm and left leg back to the starting position. That counts as one rep. Repeat with the left arm and right leg.
Side Plank Leg Lift
- Place your right elbow on the ground. Extend both legs out so that your body is in one straight line and you’re balancing on the outside edge of your right foot.
- Flex both feet if you can, and either rest your top hand on your upper hip or extend it in the air. Keeping your spine lengthened and your abs engaged, lift your left leg up just higher than your top hip. Then slowly lower it back to your bottom leg.
- This completes one rep.
Plank With Dumbbell Row
- Start in a plank position with your legs wider than hip distance; the wider stance makes you more stable. Hold onto your dumbbells, keeping your wrist locked to protect the joint.
- With your core tight and your glutes engaged, exhale, stabilizing your torso as you lift your left elbow to row; feel your left shoulder blade sliding toward your spine as you bend your elbow up toward the ceiling.
- Keeping your neck long and energized, return the weight to the ground, and repeat the movement on your right side. This counts as one rep.
Plank With Shoulder Tap
- Begin in a plank variation with your feet slightly wider than your hips for added stability.
- Keeping your torso stable, bring your right hand to your left shoulder, then return your right hand back to the mat.
- Bring your left hand to your right shoulder and return it to the mat. This counts as one rep.
Stir the Pot
- Begin in an elbow plank with your forearms resting on the top of a ball.
- Keeping your core strong and your body still, use your arms to roll the ball in a small clockwise circle. This completes one rep.
Up-Down Plank
- Begin in a full plank. Lower your right elbow to the mat and then your left, coming into an elbow plank.
- Put your right hand on the mat, and straighten your right elbow. Do the same on the left to return to a full plank.
- This counts as one rep.
Side Elbow Plank
- Begin by lying on your side. Bring your right elbow directly under your right shoulder. Engage your core, press your right elbow into the floor, and rise into side elbow plank.
- Stagger your feet so your left foot is just in front your right or stack the heels.
- Reach your left arm up toward the ceiling, which will help you lift your waist.
Elbow Plank
- Start face down on the floor resting on your forearms and knees.
- Push off the floor, raising up off your knees onto your toes and resting mainly on your elbows.
- Contract your abdominals to keep yourself up and prevent your booty from sticking up.
- Keep your back flat – don’t let it droop or you’ll be defeating the purpose. Picture your body as a long straight board, or plank.
- Balance on your hands and toes with your body in one straight line, hands underneath your shoulders and feet hips-width distance apart.
- To make this move even more challenging, elevate your feet onto a step, bench, block, or ball.
Side Bridge
- Lie on your left side with your knee bent at a 90-degree angle and your elbow underneath your shoulder.
- Push your hips forward, lifting your thighs off the ground. Rest your right hand on top of your right hip, and hold for 10 seconds.
- Be sure to keep your knees, hips, and upper body aligned. If you experience discomfort in your shoulder, place your right hand over your left shoulder with your fingers spread apart, and pull your right elbow down across your chest.