I Did This 10-Minute Chloe Ting Ab Workout For 2 Weeks – Here's What My Abs Have to Say

When a friend raved about her results after completing Chloe Ting’s 21-day Get Fit Challenge, saying she felt a huge difference in her before-and-after strength and confidence, I was inspired to try one of Ting’s workouts for myself. I love that there are so many free Chloe Ting workouts to choose from, as well as longer programs like her 2022 Get Toned Challenge. Plus, many of her workouts are bodyweight-only or require minimal equipment (such as one pair of dumbbells), so you can do them anywhere.

Since I already row, walk, strength train, and do yoga five to six days a week, I wasn’t ready to commit to a two- or three-week workout challenge – but I had been neglecting my core over the past few months, feeling weak and experiencing lower back pain. My physical therapist recommended strengthening my core to help with my pain, so I decided to devote two weeks to doing Chloe Ting’s 10-minute ab workout four or five times a week. Ting’s personality is so bubbly and encouraging that after a few days of trying this 10-minute workout, I found myself looking forward to it. And because it’s so short, it was an easy way to get motivated to move, even on days when I didn’t feel like doing my usual workouts. Keep reading to find out all the benefits I experienced from doing this 10-minute ab workout for two weeks.

What's Chloe Ting's 10-Minute Ab Workout Like?

This 10-minute ab workout involves 15 bodyweight exercises, including boat, crunch, plank, and side-plank variations. You do each move for 30 to 40 seconds, then rest for five to 10 seconds. By the third or fourth time doing this workout, I knew what to expect and which exercises were coming next, so I didn’t waste much time getting into the next position. There are a lot of really difficult moves in this workout, but Ting offers modifications so you can tailor them to your ability.

What I Loved About Chloe Ting's 10-Minute Ab Workout

What kept me most excited about this 10-minute ab workout is that they weren’t basic moves I’ve done a million times in other ab workouts. For example, instead of regular mountain climbers, this workout includes a slow-motion plank knee tuck with a hip raise, and instead of regular side planks, there’s a really intense side plank crunch. I also liked that I could feel the varied moves targeting different areas of my core. There’s a countdown on the screen that notes which exercise is coming next and how much progress you’ve made through the workout so far, and that helped me stick it out through the end of each interval and mentally prepare for the next move.

Week 1 of Doing Chloe Ting's 10-Minute Ab Workout

I did this workout five times in the first week – and it was no joke. The first three times I did it, I had to stop and rest at various points. The plank side crunches and the angled hip lifts were especially hard. My abs were so incredibly sore after the second day – the kind of sore where it hurts to laugh – and that lasted a couple of days.

Week 2 of Doing Chloe Ting's 10-Minute Ab Workout

By the beginning of the second week, I was feeling stronger and was able to get through the entire workout without stopping, which felt like a huge win. By the end of the second week, I felt pretty damn good and more confident.

Unexpected Benefits of Doing Chloe Ting's 10-Minute Ab Workout For 2 Weeks

I didn’t expect to feel much stronger after just two weeks, so it surprised me that I truly did feel a difference. And it wasn’t just evident in the fact that I could complete her 10-minute workout without stopping; I also felt that core strength benefit my other workouts, like being able to row faster, feeling stronger when indoor rock climbing, and being able to hold handstands and headstands with more stability.

Committing to just 10 minutes felt doable and inspired me to be more active. If I didn’t feel like exercising that day, I just thought, “Well this ab workout is just 10 minutes, I can do that,” and afterward I usually felt inspired to work out longer. And as my physical therapist had suggested doing core work to help with the hip and lower back pain I was experiencing, within two weeks, I felt a bit of relief.

Will I Keep Doing Chloe Ting's 10-Minute Ab Workout?

Definitely. After experiencing so many positives, I can’t stop now. I’ve already explored some of Ting’s other ab workouts, and I like how this two-week challenge got me into the habit of adding core work to my routine. I even added “ab workout” to one of the columns in my habit tracker. For some reason, being able to colour in the little square for each day I complete an ab workout is super satisfying.

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