The Best Chic Suitcases to Roll Up to the Airport In Style With


The time has come to dust off your passport (if you can find it?!) and start planning your next holiday, with the trans-Tasman bubble officially opening this week. A quarantine-free trip to New Zealand is, so far, the only route available to Australians, but travel experts would tell us additional travel bubbles are in discussions with low-risk countries like Japan, Singapore and Thailand.

It’s great news for you, but not so much for your dated, banged-up luggage, which is more than likely sporting a thick layer of dust after sitting in the garage all this time (come to think of it, where is our luggage?!).

When you make your post-iso travel debut later this year or early next — whenever it is you manage to book that first ticket — why not do it in style? You’ve grown up during the pandemic, and thus your luggage deserves the same elevated rebrand.

As for us, we’re going for chic, simple silhouettes in bright colours — something durable and versatile that we’ll be able to spot making its way around the baggage carousel when we first touch down in Paris… Berlin… Copenhagen…

From classic to statement and everything in between, these are the chic luggage cases we’ll be rolling up to the airport with this year.

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