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- Lovescope: How Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s Zodiac Compatibility Brought Them Back Together
Lovescope: How Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s Zodiac Compatibility Brought Them Back Together

Let’s admit it: we were all pretty shocked when we heard the chisme surrounding the “Bennifer” reunion. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck reuniting for a romantic revival had us all wondering if Mercury was in retrograde at the time. But the truth is, we can’t attribute Mercury retrograde to this 2000s nostalgic love story. So, what’s responsible for these two getting back together? Astrological natal charts can give us some insight into just about every aspect of life, including what sparked J Lo and Ben to give their romance another go after so many years.
Astrology is pretty foretelling. It’s been 17 years since these two ended their engagement back in 2004. According to their charts, they had to fulfill karma with other lovers before they could reunite to fulfill their soulmate contract. Coincidentally, Ben and Jennifer’s ex-husband Cris Judd share the same birthday. OK, pues, let’s just call it for what it is. J Lo clearly has a type! Both Ben and Cris (whom she had a two-year marriage with) are Leos, just like Jenny from the block. However, Cris has a Virgo moon sign and Ben has a Scorpio moon sign. That’s the game changer.
Knowing she was once married to Cris and engaged to Ben, who share the same Leo tendencies, what makes Ben so appealing to her? It’s his moon sign.
They Share the Same Moon Sign
The Puerto Rican diosa shares a Scorpio moon with that of her love interest Ben. Having moon sign compatibility with your love interest is a huge sign this relationship can be long lasting and possibly result in marriage. The moon in our charts represents what makes us feel safe and secure. When both partners share a moon sign, that can insinuate they feel a mutual sense of stability and vulnerability that is reciprocated nicely.
In the case of her ex-boyfriend Casper Smart, he has a Leo moon that positively works with her Leo sun. The moon in our charts also represents the mother archetype. This tells us that J Lo would have likely played more of a motherly role in their relationship that would fizzle out easily and bore her. The thing with Leos, they need attention and a lot of it. Her love connection with Casper went from fast fuego to nada in an instant. I can’t help but assume her canción “Ain’t Your Mama” was inspired by Casper.
Why Didn’t It Work Out With Marc Anthony, Diddy, or Cris Judd?
They all share Virgo connections in their chart. Marc, Diddy, and Cris all share Pluto in Virgo. More importantly, Diddy and Cris both have a Virgo moon and Pluto, and Marc has a Virgo Pluto and sun. J Lo has her Pluto in Virgo as well, however, it is square her Venus in her chart. Meaning, it’s not a positive energy. When a planet is square, it creates tension. Venus is the sign of love and romance. When Venus is square Pluto, that tells us she doesn’t like feeling “owned” by someone else or restricted in love. If someone has Venus square Pluto in their chart, they like to portray this “you don’t own me, baby” attitude in the connection. All her ex-counterparts, except Ben, have Pluto in Virgo, which means they shared power struggles in their relationship dynamic because Pluto is the planet of domination.
Related: J Lo’s Pink-Diamond Engagement Ring From Ben Affleck Is Reportedly Worth Almost $12 Million Today
What Makes Ben and Jen Compatible?
The key to a successful relationship with Jennifer is one that makes her feel confident, safe, and in control of the relationship because she is a natural leader. Ben provides her with that support. He doesn’t feel the need to play power games and prefers her to be in the driver’s seat. That’s what turns him on: seeing her in the limelight and owning it like a fierce lioness. As a fellow Leo, Ben understands the need for the spotlight that J Lo is supposed to naturally excel in. Ben’s Pluto is in Sagittarius, and it is sparking her Mars in Sagittarius in her chart. Mars’s connections in astrology are another positive indication that romance will be full of spicy seduction. Ben’s Mars in Virgo aspects her Pluto in Virgo quite nicely. Meaning, they have fun taking turns being submissive to one another, since both Mars and Pluto enjoy teasing and pleasing. Mars is the planet of seduction, and Pluto rules erotica desires. They both share a Mars-Pluto connection in their charts. The two feel a mutual hot and steamy attraction that will last them until the end of time. If they had stayed together previously, they definitely could have had twins together as well, since Mars and Pluto connections can indicate the energy of twins similar to her Venus in Gemini in her chart. Either way, J Lo was destined to have twins with whoever she felt special enough to share that rite of passage with thanks to her Venus in Gemini. Gemini is known as the zodiac sign of the twins in astrology, and Venus represents children.
They Could Be Soulmates
It is appropriate to say that their astrology backs up Ben and Jennifer as soulmates. They are truly in love, and it is likely not a publicity stunt. Their double Leo sun signs will always give these two superstars attraction as long as they’re together. Leo is ruled by the sun, and the sun always brings the spotlight and success. This is why the general public is mesmerized yet again by their love. A resurrection in romance that leaves us starstruck. We all reacted the same way when she and Alex Rodriguez started dating publicly. He, too, is a Leo. However, Alex’s Pisces moon was a sure way to bore her. His Pisces moon wasn’t compelling enough to keep her interested, and he likely ended up feeling like a “stage dad” to her more than anything. You would think two Leos together would mean they clash for attention. At times, that is the case when two fire signs like Leos come together. However, Leos are extravagant in their love gestures and appreciate the same love language back, which is something they have in common compared to her past lovers. Their strong mutual moon sign connection in Scorpio is the biggest astrological placement that makes them compatible. Scorpio moon people, and in their case, develop intense feelings fast in love. This is something Jennifer gets a lot of criticism for: falling fast in love. However, Ben reciprocates the same energy. They mutually enjoy an intense connection that leaves them craving for more. They both have powerful feelings for each other thanks to Scorpio’s sexual energy. Leos are a very loyal sign, and these two bring loyalty to this connection thanks to their mutual Leo sign. Scorpio moon people can sometimes lack maturity, but that comes with experience and wisdom. After all these years, one can assume they have both learned to master the energy of the impulsive Scorpio moon that likes to dominate situations. Now that they have had serious marriages under their belt, they can bring both friendship – something they’ve maintained for years – and maturity to make this romance prosper.
After All These Years, Will They Make It?
Yes. They absolutely can if they don’t allow the pressure of the public to get to them again. Leos feel the need to perform and please others. This puts a lot of pressure on Leos. Now that they are older and know how to respect each other individually as the superstars that they are, they can definitely make it. They could possibly get married. Shared moon sign connections almost always lead to marriage! Second chances are sometimes better. In their case, they have more things in common now as parents. Dos veces pa’ buena suerte!
Here’s What They Need to Watch Out For
One might think J Lo isn’t a fan of Ben’s private and reclusive lifestyle. Quite the opposite; she prefers that. He’s private and mysterious. That keeps her intrigued. His public persona is open to ambiguous interpretation, and that brings tons of attention from the general public. They both enjoy being wanted by all and pinned down by none thanks to their Leo sign. That draws more attention to them, which they both thrive in as Leos. However, that can be a double-edged sword and become the reason they fail, again. They have to tap into their wise Scorpio moon placement to make sure they’re both on the same page by not being so public about all the details of their romance. Prior, they were a very open book in interviews. This time around, if they reveal less and keep the sacred aspects of their romance secret, they will find success in that aspect. Currently, her Saturn in her chart is being activated until 2026. Saturn is the planet of karma. She is getting a second chance to karmically balance what she feels she needs to revisit. As long as Ben continues his work in supporting his mental health and sobriety, they will bring a different experience to the table with this revisit in love. J Lo’s Saturn position won’t let her settle for less. She’s not in a mindset where she wants to save men in her life, anymore.
Good luck to Ben and Jennifer! Soulmates will always come back together to fulfill their true love. Love always wins.