Wonder Woman 1984 Is Debuting on HBO Max and in Theaters on Christmas Day

Everett Collection / Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection

If you’re one of the many superhero fans champing at the bit for the highly anticipated sequel to the 2017 Warner Bros. hit Wonder Woman, you’ll want to get a countdown going for its release. Following Wonder Woman 1984‘s premiere delay from June 5 to Aug. 14 and its additional deferral to Oct. 2, the film will now be released on HBO Max and in theaters on Christmas Day, Variety confirmed on Nov. 18.

“First and foremost let me say how much Gal [Gadot] and I love all our devoted Wonder Woman fans around the world, and your excitement for ‘WW84‘ couldn’t make us happier or more eager for you to see the movie,” director Patty Jenkins said in a statement on Sept. 11. “Because I know how important it is to bring this movie to you on a big screen when all of us can share the experience together, I’m hopeful you won’t mind waiting just a little bit longer. With the new date on Christmas Day, we can’t wait to spend the holidays with you!”

Back in July 2017, the studio revealed that the sequel, which will take place during the Cold War in the ’80s, wouldn’t hit theaters until Dec. 13, 2019. Then Warner Bros. decided to move the date up by a month, opting for Nov. 1, 2019, instead. And then, in October 2018, Entertainment Tonight reported that the DC Comics follow-up had been pushed way, way back to June 5, 2020. Then, of course, the film industry hit a roadblock when the coronavirus pandemic struck, leading to many spring and early-summer film premieres to be put on ice – including Wonder Woman 1984. Talk about an emotional roller coaster. Still, it’s a pretty optimistic move. Many films have been delayed indefinitely, but at least there’s light at the end of the tunnel for Diana and company. Until Dec. 25, we’ll have the thought of Diana reuniting with Steve Trevor to keep us going!

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