22 Squid Game GIFs I Can't Help but Turn Into Relatable Memes

Squid Game may be an intense, plot-twist-filled watch, but there are still blips of levity sprinkled throughout the Korean drama series. From Oh Il-nam (Player 001) sitting in a corner before playing marbles to Seong Gi-hun (Player 456) awkwardly smiling for his ID photo and furiously licking his dalgona candy, these split-second moments are practically begging for the meme treatment, so I’ve done just that as a coping mechanism for having no more episodes to watch. Read ahead to see the best GIFs from the show (and save ’em for all your group-chat texting needs, of course), then take our quiz to find out which Squid Game character you are to further fuel your obsession with the hit series.


When the Checkout Line at Trader Joe's on a Sunday Isn't 4 Miles Long For Once


Me Trying to Spot All the Unnecessary Exclamation Points I Need to Delete Before Sending Work Emails


That Face You Give Your Workout Instructor When They Say, "OK, Now THIS Is Actually Our Last Set!"


When You Get to the Bottom of Your Ben & Jerry's Pint but Aren't Ready to Say Goodbye Yet


Live Footage of My Sleep Demons Lining Up For Battle as I Drift Off in Bed


When You Sit Down on the Toilet in a Public Restroom, Only to Realize There's No Toilet Paper Left

Netflix via Giphy

Me Sitting on My Bed With Wet Hair Right After Texting My Friends, "I'll Be There Soon!"

Netflix via Giphy

When You're 2 Glasses of Wine Deep and "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac Comes On


Welcoming Your Credit Card Back to Your Wallet After Losing It on a Night Out


Me Pretending to Laugh at My Bumble Date's Horrible Jokes Between Glances at My Watch


When You're 7 Episodes Deep on a New Show and Netflix Asks If You're Still Watching


When Someone Compliments the Winged Eyeliner You Spent 45 Minutes Perfecting


Suiting Up to Do a Late-Night Deep Dive on Every Single One of Your Crush's Social Media Pages


When You Realise You Accidentally Left a Candle Burning at Home


Me and My Bestie Agreeing to Marry Each Other If We're Both Still Single in 10 Years


Me Looking at Any Photo of Corgi Butts

Netflix via Giphy

When You Haven't Cleaned Your Home in a Few Months and It's Time to Get Down to Business


Me Holding Onto the Last Shred of Willpower to Not Consume All My New Snacks in 1 Sitting


When Your Drunk Friend Wanders Off at the Bar and You Have to Go Hunt Them Down


When the Refund From Your Online Shopping Return Finally Hits Your Bank Account Out of the Blue


Looking at Your Houseplant For Forgiveness After Neglecting to Water It For 3 Weeks Straight


Me Convincing My Roommates to Watch a Horror Movie With Me Because I'm Too Scared to Watch It Alone

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