Real Talk with Sopha Dopha: Struggles, Success, and Launching Her New Brand

sopha dopha

At a mere 19 years old, Sophia, better known as Sopha Dopha to her 1.2 million TikTok followers, is not just riding the wave of fame — she’s making it. Nominated for the prestigious TikTok Creator of the Year Award, Sophia has evolved from fast fashion hauls to becoming a bona fide trend-setter in the vast landscape of Aussie content creators.

But there’s more to this Gen-Z favourite than meets the eye. Beyond the glitz and glamour, Sophia has won the hearts of her followers with authentic vlogs and candid discussions about mental health. Oh, did we mention she’s just 19? Yeah, mind-blowing!

As if that’s not impressive enough, Sophia is gearing up to launch her very own clothing brand, All for Mimi. Inspired by her personal style and paying homage to her great-great-grandmother, Mimi, Sophia is not just stepping into the limelight — she’s creating her own runway.

With the TikTok Awards around the corner, we snagged a Q&A with Sophia to dive into her journey, discuss life in the public eye at such a young age, and uncover the secrets to staying authentic in the whirlwind of social media.


♬ original sound – soph

How Does It Feel to Be Up for Creator of the Year at the TikTok Awards?

It’s seriously a dream come true and I cannot thank my queens enough for giving me this platform and supporting me everyday. 

What Does the Creator of the Year Nomination Mean for You and Your Career?

To me the nomination has made me so excited to get more involved with the TikTok community and excited to meet more creators at the TikTok awards! It seriously wouldn’t be possible without the gorgeous community of followers, and for that I’m so grateful 

What’s Been the Most Rewarding Part of Your Growth as a Content Creator on TikTok?

Definitely being able to give back to Ronald McDonald House and use my platform to raise money for them. I will forever be grateful that I have a platform to share such an amazing cause. 

Juggling Success at a Young Age and Public Attention Can be Tough. How Do You Handle Personal Growth in the Spotlight?

It’s definitely challenging and I have my days and I’ve learnt so much along the way but I really do owe it all to my mum for being such an amazing therapist and Momager. She’s guided me every step of the way and I wouldn’t be who I am without her. 

What’s the Best Thing About Being an Influencer?

Definitely the rewarding messages and love I get from my supporters! I receive lots of messages from girls saying that watching my content is the best part of their day and has gotten them through some tough times, and that makes me so happy.  

And the Most Difficult?

Definitely having millions of people commenting on every little move you make while trying to juggle growing up at the same time. 

It’s definitely hard to be both, growing up and making your own mistakes while being looked up to and inspiration to others. It’s something I have definitely struggled with. I guess as long as I am authentically being myself, that’s all I can do. 

With me, on any social media platform, what you see is what you get. I truly am my pure authentic self across all social media platforms.

Money, followers, fame etc will never influence me to do anything that I don’t 100% agree with. So many offers and deals are put forward to me every day and I only take around 10-20% of them, and those are the ones that I fully align with and believe in.

I’m so lucky to have such a close relationship with my mum, who definitely keeps me grounded and has raised me with integrity and authenticity. 

Congratulations on “All for Mimi”! What’s the Inspiration Behind the Brand?

Thank you! The inspiration behind the brand is my own personal style, and a gap in the market for cute pieces that I couldn’t find. [It’s] also inspired by my great great grandmother Mimi, who was an icon in the roaring 20s. She was a designer and a dressmaker and some of our designs are modern day recreations of her own pieces! I really wish I could’ve met her, because from the stories that my mum and Grandma tell me, we sound very similar! She was a baddie! 

How Have You Found the Process of Creating Your Own Brand at Such a Young Age?

It’s been extremely challenging, and definitely harder than I ever imagined! Credits to any small businesses out there, it’s a lot harder than it looks!

It’s been a wild two years, but to finally see my designs come to life is such a crazy and rewarding feeling. I definitely couldn’t have done it without my mum, who is the co-founder and director of All for Mimi. She is the brains behind it all! 

Any Big Plans for Your Future as a Content Creator or for Your Brand?

We definitely have some very exciting things in the works for All for Mimi which we cannot wait to share! In terms of my content I definitely have some exciting opportunities and travel plans in the near future. But other than that, I’ll continue to post my normal everyday authentic content which is my favourite to make/create! 

If You Could Give Budding Creators One Tip for Making It on TikTok Authentically, What Would It Be?

I know it sounds cliché, and everyone says this, but be YOURSELF! There’s only one of you so show that beautiful, one of a kind personality, and people will love it I promise! 

In other cool news, TikTok is giving you the chance to attend the Awards! Want in? All you need to do is answer who your fave Aussie creator and why here.

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