If You Need a New Mr. Darcy In Your Life, Watch These 27 Movies Like Pride and Prejudice

Everett Collection / Focus Features/Courtesy Everett Collection

Is there anything as romantic as Pride and Prejudice? It’s impossible not to get swept up in the story of how Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy loathe each other after terrible first impressions, only to realise that they were perfect for each other all along. Its long-lasting legacy is about much more than just the delicious hate-at-first-sight love story, however. Mr. Darcy’s charm isn’t in his aloof, grumpy personality, contrary to what parts of pop culture might have you thinking; his real appeal is in his actions after his initial rejection. Rather than getting pushy to “prove” his love, he gracefully steps away, makes real changes to be a better person, and lets Elizabeth take the lead. It’s that behaviour that really underlies the enduring Mr. Darcy fantasy (that and his “beautiful grounds at Pemberley,” of course!).

The story’s enemies-to-lovers plot and romance as social commentary have inspired countless other movies, and no matter what your favourite aspect of Jane Austen’s story is, there’s sure to be another movie that will spark the same feelings! We’ve rounded up a few of our very favourites, from modern rom-coms that have the same sparky chemistry to other adaptations of Jane Austen’s books and more. Keep reading to see which of these movies you should put on your to-watch list!

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