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- All the Wild Things That Happened During the First Married at First Sight Dinner Party for 2021
All the Wild Things That Happened During the First Married at First Sight Dinner Party for 2021

Expert John Aiken expertly sums up the drama of a Married at First Sight dinner party in one sentence: “For some couples in crisis, the dinner parties can be a real challenge for them because there’s nowhere to hide.”
And in the very first dinner party of the season, this could not be more true.
From Cameron and Samantha’s big argument, to Bec icing out Jake once again, here are all the wild things that happened at the very first dinner party of the season!
Jason and Alana Show Zero Affection for One Another
“There are some alarm bells going off,” Aiken says as the couple enter. While Alana is looking for the sweet wine (priorities), Jason literally says nothing.
“He seems ready for someone to come in through the door and rescue him,” Alessandra Rampolla says. Awkward.
Some Couples Flaunt Their Happiness With “Big Energy”
While Jason and Alana can barely look at one another, couples like Patrick and Belinda, Beth and Russell (oddly) and Bryce and Melissa walk in with “big energy”.
They’re confident, cocky and ready to show the others just how happy they are… but this is MAFS, and it’s only week one…
The Girls Go Straight to Eggplant Talk
Melissa tells the girls that she painted Bryce’s “ahem” eggplant and they get right to the nitty-gritty asking “how big” he is… it’s truly a conversation we could have all done without.
Bryce Asks Jason If He Has Slept with Alana
Bryce asks Jason if he has slept with Alana and this is his response:

Then, Bryce admits to both James and Jason that he and Melissa consummated their marriage on the first night. Of course, James wastes no time in telling his bride and just like all of Australia, she is absolutely living for it.

Samantha Arrives…Alone
It’s the first dinner party and no one could have predicted that a couple would turn up separately. Oh wait, this is MAFS...
“Samantha is ALONE. ALREADY,” John screams to the rooftops and what a way to rub salt in the wound.
There is one positive to this, however, as Jason and Alana gain some (petty) perspective on their relationship and finally touch each other. Cute.
Jake and Bec Nail Their Entrance, But Are Definitely Not on the “Same Page”
Bec doesn’t seem too enthused by Jake, even though they enter the room like they own it.
In fact, as Samantha puts it, Bec behaves like an “ice queen” towards him, even when, sound the alarms, he is the only groom to offer his bride a drink.
If the experts could give awards for “Most Red Flags in a Relationship”, their gold star would absolutely go to these two.
Cameron Arrives Last (As Though the Producers Planned It) and Immediately Takes a Liking to Bec
Samantha is the “bigger person” and awkwardly pat-hugs her groom, saying: “I’m glad you came back,” while he stiffens up like a piece of cardboard. Eeek.

Then, Samantha tells the producers that her fake TV husband “had more of an interest in Bec” and the cheating plot has (in the words of John) begun… ALREADY!
Coco Didn’t Even Have an “Ors-derve”
That’s all.
Bec Continues to Talk About Her Groom Behind His Back
“Why is she writing him off completely?” John asks, watching Bec tear her fake TV husband to shreds.
Bec then calls Jake “boring” and this time, not behind his back…so that was fun, causing Jake to feel like Bec is being pretty “harsh” and look, he’s not wrong.
Belinda and Patrick Want Matching Tattoos
“B+P. Belinda and Patrick”.
We must protect them at all costs.
Coco Obviously Has the Best Commentary of The Evening
About Booka and Brett: “Newtown, but make it love!”
Tensions Erupt Between Cameron and Samantha
Bryce — who is “loved up” (people in glass houses, eh) — is convinced that Cameron is going to pack his bags at the next commitment ceremony, so it’s obviously him who asks Cameron and Samantha to address the “elephant in room” 51 whole minutes in.
Samantha admits to the entire dinner party that Cameron slept with her even though he wasn’t “emotionally attracted” to her.
“The issue is, they got intimate, had sex and then he said, ‘I’m not into you,” John says, summing up what everyone could already see.
Cameron then defends himself and says that he was just being “honest” and that being “accused” of her being a “one-night stand” doesn’t “sit well with him at all”.
Unfortunately, the couple doesn’t see eye-to-eye and Cameron walks off (again). Sam, on the other one, is truly any of us who had to sit through that:

Coco and Samantha Become #BFFs
Coco takes Samantha for a chat and thanks her for giving her another chance — it truly is girl bonding at its finest.
“I have just got to let a sister know that I’m here for her,” Coco says about Samantha.
Sam Doesn’t See the Harm in “Looking Around”
Sam says that he and Coco do not have a “spark” that is “blowing their minds”, and after commenting on Alana’s body (and her breasts – which is a big no-no) says that there’s “no harm in looking around”. No, no, no, no, no.
Jake tries to talk him out of it and thank goodness for Jake.
Dad Russell Pulls Cameron Aside
While he’s “not taking sides”, Russell pulls Cameron to the side and gives him some fatherly advice, cementing himself as the Dan Andrews dad of the group.
Oddly, Alessandra – who should see more sense – says that “deep down” Cameron and Samantha actually “like” each other and frankly, this feels like year 10 all over again.
John Drops a Surprise Shake-Up
“There’s no commitment ceremony this week, instead you will start setting up house when you move into your new apartment.”
Until the next dinner party…