15 LGBTQ+ Holiday Movies That Are Heartfelt, Campy, and Full of Festive Cheer

Netflix / Philippe Bosse/Netflix

With the holidays in full swing, most of us are in the thick of shopping for presents, preparing elaborate menus for gatherings, and setting up festive decorations. For many, the holidays are a time of celebration with friends and loved ones, while others might find this time of year to be a little stressful. Wherever you stand, one thing always remains the same: nothing beats the wholesomeness of a good holiday film. However, when you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, this particular genre of films can be a little off-putting since many of these movies tend to be extremely heteronormative.

Fortunately, over the last several years, movie studios and independent companies have put more emphasis on inclusivity in their cheery holiday films. With more LGBTQ+ representation in this genre, that same cosy feeling that so many get from watching the holiday classics can now be experienced by queer folks everywhere.

The holidays can be a rough time for many members of the LGBTQ+ community, especially if they aren’t out to their families yet. So having films that highlight this experience, or even offer a little escape from it, are most certainly welcome. After all, the holidays are all about sharing and feeling joy with those around you. Whether that’s with your actual family, or your chosen one, nothing helps achieve this better than a good holiday movie, especially one that LGBTQ+ folks can relate to.

Not only do these LGBTQ+ holiday films represent the importance of inclusivity, they’re also campy, romantic, and just good old fun in all the right ways. If that all sounds like it’s up your alley, you surely won’t be disappointed by the films on this list, especially if you love a good, cheesy Hallmark movie. Without further ado, here are 15 LGBTQ+ holiday movies that are sure to spread joy this holiday season.

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