Discover Your Song Rainbow With Katy Perry's Music in Colour Spotify Generator

Right up there with zodiac charts and Myers–Briggs tests, TikTok’s colour personality test is highly responsible for the late nights I’ve spent scrolling through my phone at 2 a.m. Here to steal even more sleep from under my eyelids and feed my desire to take all the colour quizzes is Behr’s Music in Colour generator. Made in partnership with Katy Perry, the generator allows Spotify users to search any song and watch as the music tool assigns a specific colour according to the tone, key, and acoustics.

By adding a visual element to playlists and songs, the generator is meant to unlock inspiration in its users and help listeners build a connection with music beyond the typical audio experience. Think: punchy reds and vibrant purples for upbeat dance songs like BTS’s “Butter” remix featuring Megan Thee Stallion and forest greens and cool blues for more mellow tunes like Taylor Swift’s “Wildest Dreams.”

Partial to pastels, Perry’s favorite colours include robin’s egg blue and cotton candy pink, delicate colours that she’s keeping in mind as she remodels her home, but her 24-color Behr paint palette isn’t as subtle, displaying colours like Joyful Orange, Diva Glam, and Sea of Tranquility. “I don’t have [synesthesia], but I understand what it is like to hear something and then also kind of visualise a feeling or a colour,” Perry told POPSUGAR. “When I write a song, seven out of 10 times I will see a music video just kind of from front to back. There’s so much colour that goes on with these songs, whether it’s creating a costume for it and having it represent that vibe or whatever.”

Try the Music in Colour generator on your favorite song here, and read on to find out exactly which colours fit into Perry’s music rainbow and learn more about her Las Vegas residency.

Spotify x BEHR

On Colour-Coordinating Her Albums

Looking back on her discography, Perry associates each of her albums with a specific colour:

  • One of the Boys: A quintessential celebration of summer fun, Perry said the album reminds her of medium denim blue, like the Glass Sapphire colour in her Behr palette.
  • Teenage Dream: Poppy and fun, the album reminds Perry of Easter colours like soft pink and lavender.
  • Prism:Prism is like an oil spill. It’s kind of a metallic, iridescent sheen,” Perry said, equating the colour to something reminiscent of opal.
  • Witness: For Perry, Witness is all about Flirt Alert red. “Red – red is really bold. When you walk in wearing red, you want to be seen, you want to stop traffic,” she said. “It feels unapologetic and kind of just bold.”
  • Smile:Smile to me could be a yellow, like a smiley face yellow,” Perry said, describing a shade not far off the Laser Lemon in her colour palette. “Not neon, though. More like this OG ’70s smiley face.”
Spotify x BEHR / Donovan Novotny

On Finding Song Inspiration in Art and Nature

“Everything is a possibility as far as inspiration goes,” she said. “I feel like one of the greatest tools to being a writer is just being observant and having awareness about everything that’s going on around you. Sometimes I’d write songs about picking up on other people’s conversations or hearing a really interesting phrase or being in nature or going on a hike with no phone, allowing my mind to have that space.”

On Gearing Up For Her Vegas Residency

“Vegas is coming very soon, and that is a big exciting mountain to climb,” Perry said. “My dad grew up in Vegas a lot of time. My grandma was from there – she was a seamstress for the showgirls. My aunt was a topless showgirl. So it feels kind of natural in some ways, but Vegas is kind of exciting in that [Lady] Gaga’s done it, J Lo’s done it and Gwen [Stefani]’s done it and Mariah [Carey]’s doing it, and I get to share a stage with Celine [Dion]. I’m excited because I can be both on stage in Vegas for the next couple of years and then also make sure that I get to drop my daughter off at preschool.”

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