14 Ways to Have a Fab New Year’s Eve Alone

To say that 2021 has been quite a year would be a massive understatement, and tbh, we’re looking forward to seeing the end of this one!

If you’ve found your way here, you’re probably looking at ringing in the new year alone. Maybe you’re stuck in quarantine or worried about facing crowds as COVID cases continue to surge across Australia, or maybe you just don’t feel like partying, which is honestly a real vibe too!

Regardless of what’s got you home alone this New Year’s Eve, you can still have a fab night by yourself. Here are some of our best tips for making the most of your evening.

FaceTime Your Friends

If you have other friends who are staying home this NYE, catch up with them virtually and schedule a fun video call. All the fun of being at a party, but with none of the pressure to dress up? Alexa play “The Best of Both Worlds” by Hannah Montana!

Host a Virtual Quiz Night

If you want a video call that’s a bit more structured, hosting a virtual quiz night is a fun way to do so. Get all your friends to come up with 10 questions on different topics and do rounds!

Watch a Movie

With the Oscars just around the corner, there are tons of great movies out at the moment to check out ahead of award season.

If that’s not your vibe, chuck on one of your all-time favourites and enjoy the comfort and familiarity of a film you could quote from start to finish!

Start a New TV Show

New year, new show! New Year’s Eve is a great time to finally start that show you’ve always wanted to watch but have never gotten around to putting on.

Play Video Games

Whether you’re into The Sims, League of Legends or anything in between, there’s never been a better night to fully immerse yourself into a new world and really lean in.

Crack a Good Book

There’s nothing better than getting lost in a really good page-turner when you have a whole night to yourself. Not sure what to read? We have a whole list of great summer reads here!

Do Something Arts-and-Craftsy

Nothing says “new year, new me” like picking up a new hobby! Try painting, knitting, doing a puzzle, scrapbooking, cooking something new, whatever tickles your fancy!

Eat Your Fave Foods

Whether you want to cook your favourite dishes, make a killer cheese board for one, or hit up your favourite options on Uber Eats, NYE is the time to treat yourself!

Do a Beauty Treatment

A night alone is the perfect time to pamper yourself. Do a face mask, a hair treatment, exfoliate, paint your nails. Do whatever makes you feel luxurious and lush. When you wake up on January 1, you may as well do it with glowing skin and shiny hair, right?

Clean Your House

Okay, we know, we know. Doing housework does not sound like a fun way to spend a night alone, right? But regardless of the fact that NYE is actually just another day, there is something nice about the idea of waking up in a fresh, clean house at the start of a new year. Put on some great music, a podcast or an audiobook and make your living area sparkle!

Reflect on the Year that Was

A great way to say goodbye to 2021 is to think back on the year you’ve had. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for, consider what lessons you’ve learned, think about the things you’d like to change next year.

Set Goals for the New Year

Looking ahead to the next year, what would you like to have accomplished by the next time NYE rolls around? If you know what you want to do but don’t have a great track record when it comes to your past new year goals, Harvard has a guide on how to make your New Year’s Resolutions stick.

Get Some Sparklers

Sure, this isn’t going to keep you entertained all night (unless you happen to have thousands of sparklers on hand???), but sparklers are fun and festive, and a cute way to ring in the new year, with or without a crowd.

Turn on the Fireworks

All the fun of the fireworks with none of the COVID anxiety? We love to see it (safely. From home.)

Happy New Year, friends!

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