In case you were wondering — the Big Brother challenge in which the housemates were squished into a Mini for a five-hour “road trip to nowhere” was exactly as miserable as it looked.
“It was so bad,” Charlotte McCristal told POPSUGAR Australia after being evicted from the Big Brother house. “It was a really hot day as well. There were no air conditioners, everyone was stuck up against each other and it was so uncomfortable.
“It was actually awful — probably one of my least favourite things actually.”
The Melbournite had entered Big Brother as an intruder with her twin sister Alex and admitted that she had found her sibling’s early departure to be particularly difficult. The exit was challenging for both because it meant McCristal felt alone in the competition, but because it also meant the strategies the pair had worked on for months went out the window.
“I should have just played for myself like so many other people did.”
“Once Alex had left, I kind of I wanted to sit back and observe a little bit because Alex went in kind of all guns blazing — she wanted to cut deals with Danny straightaway.
“So once she left, that was kind of my thing. I just wanted to fly under the radar for a little bit and not put a huge target on my back and just go from there. Probably what I would have done next time is not put too much of a target on our backs and probably pretended that we weren’t going to be so close — pretended that we were competing against one another, when really we were working with each other.”
Viewers of the 2021 season of Big Brother may have picked up on the fact that loyalty is important to McCristal, with the housemate even saying during her final episode that she would rather be voted out than throw a friend under the bus. It’s a character trait she has grappled with since leaving the Big Brother house.
“I talk about this on the phone with Tilly pretty much every day,” she revealed to POPSUGAR Australia. “I’m like, ‘why did I bother having morals?’
“I should have just played for myself like so many other people did. But then I wonder if I would have got so far if I had.
“I don’t think I regret it. I was pretty loyal. I knew, for example, Mitch was going to go home and I knew Jess was going to go home. So I could’ve easily not made an enemy and put my vote on them because they were going anyway. But that’s not me — they’ve been good to me the whole time. So I’d rather go down with the ships than dog them at the last minute.
“I think I made the right decision. I don’t know.”