Britney Spears's Father Finally Removes Himself From the Singer's Conservatorship

Britney Spears’s father Jamie Spears has agreed to step down as conservator of the star’s estate, Variety reported on Thursday. The news comes just a few days after Britney’s request to suspend her father from her conservatorship was once again denied.

On August 12, Jamie announced his decision to remove himself in response to Britney’s previous petition. According to his attorney, while there are “no actual grounds” for removal, Jamie “does not believe that a public battle with his daughter over his continuing service as her conservator would be in her best interests.” He also added that Britney’s father intends to work with the court and Britney’s new attorney to “prepare for an orderly transition to a new conservator.”

In a statement responding to Jamie’s announcement, Britney’s new attorney, Mathew Rosengart, said while they are “pleased” that Jamie and his lawyer have conceded, they are disappointed by “their ongoing shameful and reprehensible attacks” on the singer and others. “We look forward to continuing our vigorous investigation into the conduct of Mr. Spears, and others, over the past 13 years, while he reaped millions of dollars from his daughter’s estate, and I look forward to taking Mr. Spears’s sworn deposition in the near future,” the statement continued. “In the interim, rather than making false accusations and taking cheap shots at his own daughter, Mr. Spears should remain silent and step aside immediately.”

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