It only takes one episode to be completely captivated by Netflix’s Blood & Water. The series follows a 16-year-old student who transfers schools in hopes of figuring out what happened to her abducted sister, and the show takes viewers on a wild journey. As if the plot wasn’t intriguing enough, the show also includes a stellar cast of talented actors, including Ama Qamata (Puleng Khumalo), Khosi Ngema (Fikile Bhele), Dillon Windvogel (Wade Daniels), Thabang Molaba (Karabo “KB” Molapo), Natasha Thahane (Wendy Dlamini), and Arno Greeff (Chris Ackerman). If you’re like us, you immediately started following the stars on social media. Even though there is a lot of drama between their characters, they clearly get along just perfectly in real life. With season two dropping on Sept. 24, see some of the cast’s cutest moments together ahead.