Abbie Chatfield and Konrad Bien-Stephens Reveal They’re in an Open Relationship

Another day, another Abbie Chatfield confession, except this time, it involves her boyfriend, Konrad Bien-Stephens, who found fame through The Bachelorette series. 

On her podcast, It’s A Lot, Abbie, alongside Konrad, confessed to being in an open relationship.

“First of all, we’re in love. Mummy and daddy aren’t breaking up … We’re just having a different structure to our relationship. So we’re open. We’re in an open relationship, which we love,” said Abbie.

Konrad confirmed the news while admitting that the entire venture was new to him, but he was open to exploring it further.

“I’ve never been in an open relationship before. But it’s something I want to explore and I want to navigate and learn,” he said on the podcast. “Someone we met on the weekend gave us some good tips. Go see a sex therapist, talk about what your boundaries are … Because it’s not like you can just go sleep with anyone.”

While the two are allowed to sleep with other people, they did say that “there are rules” to their situation, one of them being not sleeping with people they know or ex-partners.

“We can. We can still cheat,” Bien-Stephens confirmed. “So that’s the stuff I want to learn because I feel like there’s so much more to a relationship than just sex.”

While Abbie hasn’t slept with anyone else just yet, Konrad has and he said he told his girlfriend straight away.

“She was like, ‘Yeah hot, tell me all about it’,” he said, followed by Chatfield saying: “I don’t care about someone’s genitals going near someone else’s genitals, I care about the lying, I care about getting an STI. I don’t care. In fact, hate to break it to you, it’s my kink.”

The pair have been in a long-distance relationship for a few months now, with Abbie living in Sydney and Konrad in Melbourne. 

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