The Top Acne Causes, and What to Do About Them

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The only thing more frustrating than waking up with a new pimple is having to ask yourself, “But why am I breaking out?” Not knowing where it came from makes it hard to determine the best treatment method. That’s why we’re getting to the bottom of the potential acne causes. Is it stress? A hormonal breakout? Or just irritation from testing a new product? It can be hard to get to the bottom of it, but worry no more. Clear your mind – and your skin – with this guide to the most common pimple causes.

Once you know what’s causing acne to flare up, it’s easy to come up with the right acne solutions for you. In addition to knowing the best skin-care ingredients for fighting breakouts, sometimes lifestyle changes are needed to combat spots. Reducing stress, cutting down on sugar, and getting more sleep can work wonders for some people, while others may find their pimples are actually due to an allergic reaction from their laundry detergent or even their toothpaste.

Ahead, we rounded up the most common causes of acne out there – keep scrolling to decode your breakouts.

Popular Acne Causes:

Additional reporting by Jessica Harrington

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