Win a $1,000 Travel Card to Banish Those Euro Blues For Good

For the past three months, we’ve been bombarded with Euro-spam on every social media platform in existence. And we’ve had enough. In fact, we say no more. 

That’s why we’ve partnered with Flight Centre to give one of you lucky ducks a $1,000 pre-loaded Travel Money Oz Currency Pass, so you can hop on a plane and get that much-deserved break you’ve been dreaming about. And if you already have a holiday planned and booked? We’re confident that one grand in spending money will come in handy when it comes to paying for nice dinners and travel experiences. 

The Flight Centre Travel Money Oz Currency Pass is a goodie because you can pre-load the card with up to 10 currencies (perfect if you’re planning a longer European trip, for example) and lock in the exchange rate at the time of transferring, so any movements in the market, while you’re on your trip, won’t touch you. 

There are a few ways you can get your hands on one of these Travel Money Oz Currency Pass cards: by ordering one in any Flight Centre store, ordering a card through Flight Centre online, visiting Travel Money Oz in-store or online, or winning the competition below. So, if you want to get your mitts on a Travel Money Oz Currency Pass pre-loaded with $1,000, simply tell us below, in 25 words or less, the first thing you’ll buy when you get on that trip.

By entering the competition you accept the Competition T&Cs and the terms of the Privacy Policies of Val Morgan & Co (Aust.) Pty Ltd and Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd and you opt-in to receive marketing and promotional materials from Val Morgan Digital and Flight Centre Travel Group.
The Promoter is collecting your personal information for the purpose of facilitating The Thrillist + Flight Centre Travel Card Promotion, including providing any prize to you. If the Promoter cannot collect your personal information, we will not be able to enter you in the Promotion or provide you with a prize. The Promoter may disclose your personal information to persons or organisations located in overseas countries, as described in the Promoter’s Privacy Policy. The Promoter may also disclose your personal information to and/or collect your personal information from its related companies and third parties who provide (or assist the Promoter to provide) products and services or facilitate this competition. The Promoter’s Privacy Policy states how you can seek to access or correct your personal information and how to make a privacy complaint.
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