Kayak's Virtual Vacations Include Food Takeout Options in Your City to Match Your Destination

Eiffel Tower by Pedro Szekely CC BY 2.0

Even though most nonessential travel is currently halted, that doesn’t mean you can’t still escape to explore a new city. Thanks to Kayak and its curated list of virtual vacations, you can travel to a handful of destinations – like Paris, Amsterdam, and California – and are given itineraries and food suggestions in each city. How does that work? Well, Kayak has partnered with OpenTable to offer takeout suggestions from restaurants in your city that match the cuisine of your destination. So if you’re touring Paris, you might order a baguette and a croque monsieur from your local French bakery.

Each virtual vacation also includes words and phrases to learn in each country’s language, a happy-hour drink to mix up, a fun playlist, and a movie or show to stream via Netflix that’s based in that city. How awesome does that sound?! If you’ve been looking for a unique way to explore somewhere new that goes beyond just looking at a YouTube video, this is your ticket to an unforgettable getaway (at home). Keep reading to see all of the cities and what they have to offer on your virtual vacations.

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